AJV (00:00:02):
All right, everybody. Welcome to the Influential Personal Brand podcast. This is AJ Vaden here, and y’all all right. If you follow me on social at all, then you will know that over the last year I’ve gone through a major health transformation in my life, both physically, mentally, emotional, and I talk about it a lot in the Brave Room community. And I’m so honored, and I’m also so excited to introduce you guys to Dr. Cody Goldman. Because it was his program that I went through. It was him that I worked with. That, and I say this in the humblest possible way. I have never been in a better space in my entire da adult life. I’m in the best physical shape. I am the best version of myself that I have been as a human on this earth not just my adult life.
AJV (00:01:00):
And I credit so much of that to the transformation that happened in Dr. Cody’s program. And so when I say that this is a life changing, life transforming program, I mean it, I also can tell you that and why, and this is why I’m telling you guys this before I introduce Cody. There are some things that we talk about at Brand Builders Group that resonate in some areas. And there’s just some things that are just universal truth. And one of the things that we say a lot at Brand Builders Group is that the best form of marketing in the world is a changed life, right? And the reason that I promote and refer so many people to Dr. Cody is because it changed my life. And if you guys are sitting here wondering how to get more clients and how to grow your business, I would encourage you to stop thinking about that and start thinking about how do I change the lives of the clients that I have?
AJV (00:02:01):
And really, that’s what today’s episode is gonna be about. And we’re gonna talk a lot about the physical side and the health and nutrition side but also the mechanics of how to create a program that can actually be life changing. And that is why I wanted to have Dr. Cody on, not just to talk about his content, which we will, but also talk about the actual structure of how to create a life changing program that can help you grow your business by changing lives. So, with that said, let me also professionally introduce Dr. Cody Goldman. Dr. Cody has been a dedicated healthcare professional for the last 20 years. And uniquely he has a unique avatar of empowering women, age 35 to 55, who struggle with stubborn weight loss that will not go away regardless of how many things you track. And a huge part of what he has created is a hormone reset waste weight loss program that helps women specifically change and better their lives. And so, I am formally inviting or formally introducing Cody to the show. Thank you for accepting my invitation. We’re so glad you’re here.
CG (00:03:14):
Wow, what a, I, I be honest with you, I am I have tears with that introduction because I can feel how much your life has changed. And this is, I was put in this planet to change and inspire and, and help people. So I feel I can feel a mission just hearing that from you. So thank you for those loving words.
AJV (00:03:32):
Well, enjoy those. ’cause I’m gonna use not as friendly words later, so . But this is genuinely such a treat to introduce you to the audience because I have been talking about you a ton and you and the program and, and really the, the structure of how you built this. But before we get into that, I think it’s always important to know is I imagine most of our audience this is their first time being introduced to you. And so I’d love for you just to quickly tell everyone a little bit about where you started and how you got to where you are.
CG (00:04:07):
Yeah, I’ll, I’ll do brief briefly. So I was in the military at, I joined at 17. I was still in high school back in the day you could do that. And I became a tank commander at 19. And these, we were throwing these bullets. The bullets are a hundred pounds a piece, and the bullet hole was about a foot over your head, and you could do three a minute. And over the course of time, I started having problems with my neck and shoulders and went to doctors, went to medical doctors, went through the whole gamut, got medications with, and I started questioning like, why, you know, they really didn’t have a diagnosis, but it got medications. And so it truly led me towards natural healthcare. And I finally went to a chiropractor who said, Hey man, you got a pinched nerve in your neck.
CG (00:04:47):
And I said, that’s, that can’t be true. I’ve been to a neurologist, I’ve been to a cardiologist. And he did one adjustment and I had a numb hand for about three months. I had asthma’s analogies and all kinds of stuff. In, in three seconds, the energy came back into my hand and I could have feeling again. Mm-Hmm. And at that moment, I knew it was universe. It was the God saying, listen, like this is your role in this planet, is to help other people. And so I set off to go into chiropractic school, and one of my thoughts at that time was, how many people have gone through? I’ve gone through, gone to doctors, gave me medications, and never actually found the cause of their problem. And that’s an important part of the story because that is my passion, is helping people truly understand their body, our healthcare system, our medical system, our school system does not teach you about your body.
CG (00:05:37):
And I think that’s like literally what I’m creating now is literally a school for how does our body work. So, so I had a, a healthcare center for 17 years. We saw 325 patients a week. I’ve had everything from asthmas, allergies, aids, sickle cell anemia, breast cancer, digestive cancer. I’ve seen every single one of these things heal multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia. So I won’t go into too much more of that. But, so I learned a lot in that time. And it wasn’t, most of it wasn’t from just physical treatments. I started understanding the, how the mind is wired, how your mind and body are connected. And so I sold IT office, and I, I, I opened up a, a physical product business on Amazon. And over time I wasn’t working with any people. And I got, I started getting like, really antsy. I’m like, I forgot my purpose.
CG (00:06:23):
I’m like, I’m here to work with people. I’m here to ignite and inspire people to their highest potential. That’s it. And so, interesting enough, people started calling me, my patients after I sold the office, they called me and said, Hey, remember that weight loss program you had? I had a weight loss program just because we were attracting people in the office. I was, I, that’s, that’s why we did it. And people started calling me and they said, okay, I’ll figure out how to do this. I don’t have an office anymore. So we, we just figured how to do it virtually, and it worked well. And so that literally is what happened. And with, with the Fast 40, it wasn’t something I was looking to do. Most of the businesses that I’ve created, they’ve been things that have come to me. I didn’t choose to do it. And at this stage of my life I think those, some of the best things that we, that we do, that we think we create are the things that are, are being created for us. So that, that’s, that’s how I got to this point here. So
AJV (00:07:14):
I love that. And, you know, and here’s one of the things that I would, I would say, ’cause I’ve been through the program and everything, it’s, it’s so interesting in such a awesome way to reflect back on, ’cause ’cause what you just said is like, nobody explains how the body works, or it’s like the amounts that I learned in the, the course itself of, you know, just the, even of like what my bo my body responds to, but unique things that are specific to a woman’s body. Like when you’re on your menstrual cycle, like you will never lose weight. And the amount of water that I was definitely not taking and what you think is healthy, which really isn’t healthy, and mm-hmm. like, to your point, I had gone through two years of a misdiagnosis with, you know, gallstones from being pregnant and literally misdiagnosed for two years.
AJV (00:08:06):
And then on top of that, I kept having all my labs checked and like, no, your hormones are great. And then I realized, oh, your hormones change daily as a woman. And so it’s like, unless you’re having them checked pre like every day, it’s like, how would you ever, and it was, there’s so many things that we just don’t know, right? And what I love is that, and we say this all the time at Brand Builders Group, it’s like, your content should be your conclusion, never your hypothesis. And what I love about you and your program is like, no, this started from a, a personal need to then a dedication and expertise of doing the thing, right? 300 times a week for a very long time Yeah. To get to the place of conviction, right? And I think that’s one of the most powerful things that I have seen in your program, is that you, the leader of the program, are so convicted that what the program offers works.
AJV (00:09:02):
That if it’s not working, it’s my fault. Right? . And that’s one of the things that you reminded me of all the time. Well, the program works, so you’re not doing something right. And you know what I love? I love, now, I didn’t love it then, but what I love now is the pure confidence and conviction that you have in the program, because you know that if you follow it, it works. And if it’s not working, then you’re doing something wrong. And as I think about even as brand Builders group of, like our program, I think sometimes the creators of programs or runners of memberships or coaches or consultants or whatever your business is we somehow think like, man, what am I not doing right? And, and I think maybe you haven’t time tested it enough, or you haven’t, you know, gone through it yourself enough.
AJV (00:09:54):
But it’s like when you believe in the program so much and you have time tested it so many times that you can go Uhuh, you are wrong. The program is not wrong. You are wrong. Like, it does increase the level of one accountability and expectations that you have from your clients and realizing, Hey, I can’t do this for you. You have to do it. I’m gonna give you the information. At the end of the day, you have to take it and do something with it. And it creates the partnership versus everyone who buys something and was like, oh, that didn’t work. And it’s like, oh no, it didn’t work ’cause you didn’t do it. Right? Mm-Hmm. . And I think that was a huge part of what I walked away in a business standpoint of like, d our, does our team have the level of conviction in our products and services that you do to be able to go, well, clearly you’re doing something wrong because I know it works. And if it’s not working, it’s you. Right? And I love, I love the confidence that comes in that. And so my first question for you, ’cause I could go on and on and on would be, how’d you get to that level of confidence in your own program?
CG (00:10:58):
Mm-Hmm. , beautiful question. And by the way, I do feel that with BBG I do for that I’m in the, I’m, I’m in, I’m dive, I’ve been diving in, I can tell the system works. I just, I just know it. So I’m, I’m in it and I can feel that conviction from you guys. So I love that you’re asking all your employees like, Hey, do we all have that level of conviction? We know this works after you, you’ve done it with 600 people. And I’ve been, I’ve been through multiple businesses, I’ve listened to your guys’ stuff. I’m like, they know what they’re talking about. Like, I know, you know, so how did I get that level? So there’s something that came up in, in what you were saying that I wanna bring up. Of course, repetition is the mother of skill.
CG (00:11:39):
So when you do something enough, you start building a skillset. But you know what, I noticed this probably, almost probably two years into the fast 40, I started realizing like that I knew what I was doing. I was like, oh my God, this is really good. When you’ve put your hands in enough people and watch them heal. This happened in the chiropractic office. It’s a very important thing for people to hear in terms of programs or courses or even your doctor. Without that certainty, your level of results goes down quite a bit. And so that’s why it’s an important question. When people came to my office many times they had literally untreatable diseases that weren’t gonna get better. And when you sit in front of a doctor that says, I’ve got you. I’m gonna work with you. We’ve got this. The reason I have so much certainty is because I know that it’s not me doing the healing Mm-Hmm. ,
CG (00:12:32):
Because there’s a power inside you that I know how to work with. And I’m wanna get you acquainted with the universe is inside you. I already know that your natural state is health, homeostatic health. I know your natural state is inspiration. I know your natural state is to be able to be energized and also to be able to be asleep and need to sleep. It allows yourself to go back and forth. I’m not doing a thing except tapping into the things you already have. So when you have certainty in the universe, is there anything else you need? Hmm.
AJV (00:13:05):
Yeah. I think that’s really good. And I love what you said too, and this is how I interpret it anyway. It’s like without certainty, your level of skill diminishes
CG (00:13:14):
AJV (00:13:14):
, right? And it’s like there’s a, there’s certain level of certainty that actually creates confidence in other people that, okay, well he’s, he’s so confident and clearly if I just do this, it’ll work. Right? And I think that’s really important. People need that level of confidence in what they’re buying. ’cause It’s like, I think for a lot of people to whatever business that you’re in, as you’re listening, it’s like, man, a lot of their hopes and dreams are, are within you and what they’re paying for from you. It’s like, man, I think you can help me. Like give me the confidence that you can. And so, right, I love that. And I love that reminder too, that repetition is the mother of all skill, right? And then from that, that grows also confidence and conviction and clarity and all the things. So there’s a lot of different things that I’d love to talk about today.
AJV (00:14:05):
One of them is the mechanics of how you’ve built your program. And then I actually wanna talk about the content of your program. And so I think by talking about the content, it’ll naturally, we can talk about the mechanics. And I would just be so curious to know, because I think there’s a lot of people who are, or who will be in some sort of career transition of, I had the thing, I did the thing, I was the thing, and now I’m moving into the new thing. And you did that, right? And so why fast Forward? Like, why this program? Why a course, why the coaching element? There was lots of things you could have done, and I heard you say a lot of people was coming to you, but you could have done it in a lot of different ways. Why did you decide to go this route?
CG (00:14:54):
Yeah. I have so many, so many things that come to my mind. So, okay, so I’ve done this three times when you talked about the thing where you’ve got the thing and you move to something else. So I went from a very successful, we were the top chiropractic office in Denver, sold it for the top 10% of all chiro offices. And people ask me why I sold it. I was an incredible chiropractor, not from an ego standpoint, but I was, I I literally one of the best ones. I know, I’m, I’m serious when I say that, why the hell would I sell? I’ve learned to listen to my inner guidance. There’s no other answer. There is no other thing. I heard that it was time to sell. Mm-Hmm. I resisted it for five years. Those five years were painful. When you resist what the universe is asking you to do, I thought that I got, I thought that being a chiropractor was like, like literally you have people heal from this stuff. I was like, what else could you do? And it’s like, this is my, my skillset, right? Well, I learned something really powerful. The universe gives you more than one amazing talent. ,
CG (00:15:55):
When you have completed a cycle of action, our reality is, is constructed in cycles. Everything has a beginning, a middle, and an end all. We just don’t want to acknowledge it. All relationships, beginning, middle, end, your body, beginning, middle, end, everything. If you sit in that, you can feel the beginning, middle, and end that the universe or God or whatever the life is telling you. So it told me the end. And it, it may sound crazy, but I literally listened to it. And when I, again, five years of pain of resisting it, you start going, let me figure out how to listen to life a little more. So the, I moved from, you know, chiropractic to building a product business on Amazon. And there was a beginning, middle, and end. And it was interesting because as people started calling me and saying, Hey, could you do the weight loss thing?
CG (00:16:40):
I sensed something’s beginning. Because I think the, the, the challenge is like, as a, as an entrepreneur, we think that we are cr we are, we are creating and driving and building. That’s the push. I’d rather follow the pull. Mm-Hmm. . And so I’ve learned to follow the pull in my, in my twenties I was doing the push. And you know, you start thirties and forties, follow the pull. And I, and I, I’ve, I’ve, I died, almost died to learn that lesson of how to follow the pull, the, the driven, the pushing, the accomplishing, checking boxes. Someone who had never stopped to truly feel themselves. That was me at, at age 40 and had a near death experience and realized, whoa, I wasn’t truly tapping into my feeling, into my heart and listening, not listening with my ears, but listening with my heart. And so that is really what guiding me towards when I, when you say why there, there was a calling.
CG (00:17:38):
Now I did learn in the chiropractic office that I love my freedom. So when you see 325 patients, I was only open 12 and a half hours a week, but I still had to be somewhere. So I had a thought of like, I’ve accomplished that. Could I do the same thing and, and try to have freedom? So I had this interesting, so I had money, but no freedom. Then with the Amazon business, I had I had money and freedom, and I was totally uninspired because I, because I wasn’t fulfilling my purpose. So I’ve realized the money and freedom are really kind of boring, to be honest with you, . Because if you don’t, if you have money and freedom and you don’t truly, you’re not here doing the thing you’re put on this plant to do. What’s the point? And so that’s when I could feel like, oh, the universe wanted to go through these processes.
CG (00:18:28):
And so I, I realized I gotta work with people. I love people. And I wanna say this, this is kind of a, a segue from our last question to this question. I spent 10 years teaching metaphysical seminars. There was a, a brilliant man named Dr. Thurman Fleet who connected together how the subconscious mind works in the body. And in my twenties, I was studying this. Okay. And I just wanna say this ’cause this is important. When you’re working with people, your, we talked about clarity and certainty and conviction. He taught me that the more you focus on and you can concentrate on the things that you want, the mor will amplify it. So, for example, as a doctor, most doctors are so busy, their mind is scattered with all kinds of stuff. What insurance should I bill? Is this person gonna pay blah, blah, blah, that diminishes the patient’s healing result because you’re not present in the moment.
CG (00:19:24):
So one of the things I learned was that when I say something, I’m saying with full brain power, full brain cell activation. So when I say, Diane, when I make this adjustment, your stomach is going to heal. It’s not the words, it’s the power. So 90% of communication, 90% or more of all communication is subconscious, subconscious. 10% is our words and our gestures. It’s the energy behind things. So what I realized was, and that’s why we got such great healings, I started realizing in the fast 40, now I’m not working with people in person. So now I’ve got freedom, I’ve got money, and I’ve got inspiration . That’s where I went. Right? But it was interesting, as I said these words over WhatsApp messages, I literally would start watching people heal. And I, and it just astounded me. I was like, oh my gosh, energy transcends time and space.
CG (00:20:19):
I don’t actually physically need to be with someone to help them heal. The Christian scientists have known that for a long time. They do remote healings. The Egyptians knew this. They were doing remote healings. So I’m dropping some, some heavier stuff because there’s a lot more behind just assert of what’s happening in the unconscious mind. And understand, when you activate someone’s subconscious mind, that is a direct connection to their body. So you have a direct connection to be able to access their body and their life. So when you say your stomach’s going to heal and you’re gonna notice your relationship improving, that’s what will happen in their life with that level of certainty.
AJV (00:20:56):
Hmm. That is good. You know, it’s so interesting. We’re writing our next book right now, Rory, my husband and I, and I just finished up writing our chapter on identity. And it’s so interesting to hear you say that. And it’s really resonating because one of the, you know, kind of, you know, claims that I’m making, at least for me, is that the definition of identity is simply what you choose to believe about yourself. Hmm. Right? And it’s so much about, it’s like what you think about, you bring about like all these little phrases that we’ve heard over the years. And but it, but it’s true, right? It’s like if you believe, like, not you say you believe, but if you actually believe, then there is like this, you know, spiritual thing that starts to happen where it’s like, I tell people all the time, it’s like your reticular activator kicks in, right?
AJV (00:21:49):
And it’s like the moment that, you know, I started really honing in on my health. It’s like I started noticing things that I didn’t notice before. And once I believed that this was, this was possible, it’s like I was more motivated and I was more disciplined. And, you know, I finished the program, what, in April. And this, at the time of this recording, we’re in mid-November. And it’s like, I have not gained not one pound back, not one. Wow. So cool. And so, but a lot of that was from that, that deep inner belief of like, this is my healthiest state and alcohol is not good for me. I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m saying it’s not good for me. Oils are not good for me. Not saying they’re bad, they’re just not good for me. Going to bed at 9:00 PM is good for me, right? It’s like , no, it’s like I started like saying all these different things because they’re true for me, right? And it was like, it was really believing. It’s like I am a better person when I eat healthier. I’m a better person when I get more sleep. And those are true things about me. But too, like what you’re saying, it’s like I really did, it’s like the more that I started believing, it’s like the, the more results that I started getting
CG (00:23:02):
Mm-Hmm, , that’s so
AJV (00:23:03):
Much of what you were saying. That’s so beautiful. So that, that’s a good transition to the program itself. And so I would love to talk about some of the, the phenomenons that I call them anyways, because I considered myself a fairly healthy person all my whole life, right? I’ve been a pretty healthy individual. And then I was just completely dumbfounded and played with, you know, this stubborn weight that wouldn’t leave that which was then diagnosed to a gallbladder issue that I had, had it removed. Long story short, there was lots of things in place, but I remember being on my sales call with you. I have bunny fingers with the sales call, right? Because, you know, all free calls are, you know, a sales call. And that’s okay. ’cause We do free calls too. But it was interesting ’cause I remember you said, it’s like, do you eat a lot of sugar?
AJV (00:23:51):
And I said, no, I’m not a sweets person. And you were like, let me ask that again. Do you eat a lot of sugar? And I said, no. And he, you were like, okay, let me rephrase that. You eat a lot of sugar . And I just remember being like, no, I don’t . I like, and, and I think you even said, you’re like, I want you to do me a favor after our call. I want you to go to your pantry. I want you to go to your refrigerator and I want you to look at the sugar content that’s in all the foods. Look at all the sauces, look at all the drinks, look at all the foods in your pantry, and then come back and tell me that you don’t eat a lot of sugar. And I remember doing that, and this is before I signed up for your program and paid for the program.
AJV (00:24:38):
And I remember sitting in my pantry for like an hour pulling up every single thing. And I was like, oh, what? Like, I was like, in every spice like my favorite garlic salt, I’m like, why is there sugar in garlic salt? It was in the craziest, like, what? Like what do you mean? And it was one of those convicting moments that I was like, okay, maybe I, maybe I’m missing something here. Maybe I don’t , maybe I’m not as healthy as I thought I was. Right? Which is when I then signed up for your program and realized, oh, I’ve missed a lot of things. So there, therein lies my question. What are the things for the person now there’s some people listening who just go, I know I’m not healthy. Like I know it. There’s other people who go, no, I’m not. I’m pretty healthy. Like, what, what would you say to the person, let’s just say me that’s going, no, I, you know, I’m, I’m pretty healthy, but yet I’m not in optimal shape and I’m not where I wanted to be. I’m not actually happy where I’m at and yet Mm-Hmm, , you know, that I, ’cause I know, you know, so what would you say to the person that’s going, I’m pretty healthy and you’re going well, let’s talk about that.
CG (00:25:54):
Well, okay, a few things. I’m not in the business of telling someone to do something that they don’t want to do. So I’m a big fan of letting people find their own pain. That’s what my sales calls are. So my entire process is if someone’s calling and they would lose 10, 20 pounds, they haven’t and, and they haven’t yet. What I want someone to be able to truly see is how that 10 or 20 pounds is robbing them of the things they value the most. And what’s happened in our country, over 33 33 million people are obese. Over 99 million more in the third of our country is overweight. So if we have enough people walking with a limp and you got a limp, you’re pretty normal.
CG (00:26:43):
And that’s the problem. You look around and 10, 10 pounds of weight, no big deal. My cousin’s 60 pounds of weight. My family’s from Louisiana. Louisiana is some of the best food in the planet and some of the worst food in the planet. 60 pounds of weight is healthy in Louisiana. And so, you know it, it’s very wild to look at this. It’s all comparison. Our brain has comparison. We are the fattest country on the planet. And I wanna say this in, in the most direct way to people. You should look up the life expectancy versus a per capita spent on healthcare. It will make you vomit. We have so many countries that are spending 2, 3, 4, $5,000 a year on, on healthcare for someone and their life expectancy. Sweden, Italy is over over the eighties. Our average life expectancy is in the, is low seventies.
CG (00:27:32):
And we spend over $10,000. There’s no one even close. Sweden is spends $4,000. And that is they most spent the, all the countries in the world per capita per person. We spend over $10,000 per capita on person. And we have a almost 10 year less life expectancy. Why? So, so when you look at why there’s two big things. One, our food has been riddled with preservatives and sugars. Now something just happened re recently we saw the elections and there’s, there’s a man named RFK Jr. Whether or not you like him or not is not the question. I’ve watched him for years. He’s tapped in. He is set out to hold our companies accountable. When you look at Cheerios, when you look at fruit loops, there are 13 more ingredients in our cereals than other countries allow. Those ingredients are things like dyes, actual toxic dyes made from petroleum.
CG (00:28:30):
If you go to Australia, Cheerios are dyed with beet juice and carrot juice for the color. This is the sadness of what our FDA has allowed. Your government has allowed this in your food. And I’m saying this in a way that I hope it gets whoever’s listening to this upset. So when you start understanding this, it’s not a conspiracy. It’s actually happening. Our foods are riddled with stuff. Why it’s cheaper to use dye, then use beet juice. There’s no reason other than profit. And I won’t go into too many details about this, but the FDA they’ve allowed it because the biggest lobbyist right? Can, can, and the companies have the biggest money for them to allow that to happen in your food and sugar. There’s a book called Sugar Blues that I recommend everyone read it is fantastic. But it tracks, it’s very interesting ’cause it tracks the rise and fall of almost every major civilization since like the 16 hundreds.
CG (00:29:23):
The countries that owned sugar became wealthy. They became wealthy, but their people were eating it. So in 100 to 300 years, another country took them over. ’cause They’re a two week to fight. This has happened for thousands of years. This is nothing new. This is what’s happening with America right now. So, so I love to empower people, number one about what’s put what they’re putting in their food. And you know, like you did in, in my program, we eat real food. So many weight loss programs are using powders and pills. Nutrition doesn’t come from a bottle. It’s never come from a bottle. Nutrients don’t come from a bottle, comes from the food that God put in the earth. So that’s number one. And number two is because of the excess sugars. One of the things that’s important to understand is a process called du lipogenesis.
CG (00:30:11):
Your body will convert. It’s magical. You gotta listen to this. You body takes sugar and it converts it into fat on you. Why is that magical fat is the most amazing fuel source for the human being. You are a genius. When you burn fat, you are a rockstar marathon runner. When you burn fat, you’re an amazing bodybuilder. You’re an amazing mother. When you burn fat, fat has nine calories per gram where a protein and carbohydrate has four. So fat is literally jet fuel. Okay? But so your body geniusly takes sugar in and it converts it to fat. Why? It’s because it goes, Hey, I’d rather lay down fat because you’re gonna have a better fuel source for, for you it’s doing it out of love. But when you have too much sugar coming in than you start loading up the fat, okay? So that, it’s almost as if you put a low octane fuel in your car and your car could change it to a higher octane fuel.
CG (00:31:03):
That’d be magical. That’s what your body’s doing. So when you start seeing how much sugar is being put in, yes we are, we’re we’re generating more fat, we’re becoming bigger. But why is that an issue? Why not just be fat? Why not just, just like you said, just 10 pounds, 10 pounds, no big deal. It has been proven that if you reduce your weight just by five to 10%, five to 10% of your fat, you decrease your risk of disease by 50%. And the true reason is when you are not utilizing fat, there’s a, there’s hormones in your body that use fat. When you load your body full of sugar, your hormones go, Hey, let’s start using this thing. It stops using fat. That’s the moment where disease process sets in. Your joints become arthritic, your mind becomes slow. Digestive issues, a chronic diseases, cancers matter of fact, can many cancers use sugar to metastasize to get bigger inside your body? So those are the main reasons I’ve seen and that’s truly what the fast 40 targets is clearing those up. Not just clearing ’em up, but getting people educated so they understand what’s happening with both our nutrition in our, in our, in our environment.
AJV (00:32:14):
Yeah. And that, that was truly like to what you said, and I think a lot of people hear that a lot about the sugars and don’t do anything about it. ’cause I don’t think you understand for the most part that it’s in everything. Like I, I was thinking about, I don’t, I don’t really eat sweetss. Like I don’t, and then I realized, oh my gosh, I eat sugar all day. What is happening? ? And there’s some of that. But what I was more blown away with is the oils. And as I have talked about this program ad nauseum to all my friends and anyone who will listen that has also been like, what do you mean? You mean olive oil? You mean like good oils? And I’m like, I mean all oils, body lotions, facial lotions, body gels food oils in your foods. And out of everything that I’ve noticed since the program, ’cause I have an insanely low tolerance to anything that has oil in it. At home we cook with water. But if I go out somewhere within five minutes of putting something in my body, even if I requested, Hey, please just steam this, I don’t want it. I know within an instant. So I feel like there’s a lot of the sugar conversation, regardless of people are buying into it or not. I had never in my life heard this oil component. Yeah. So talk, wanna talk about that.
CG (00:33:39):
Yeah, that’d be good. Yeah. This is by the way, the, the, the, it’s fun. What’s fun for me is I’ve always been the guy, especially as a chiropractor, that I, I literally am doing something completely different than what mainstream media and medical system tells you. That’s why I get such good results. And to fast forward is no different. I’m willing to be the guy that’s like, listen, what you’ve been told is completely false. I’m okay. I’m okay telling you that. And that’s why we have such great results. So the truth is so the fat reserves, you have different types of fat reserves. You have, you have structural fat, which is a necessary fat inside your cells and tissues. You have normal fat. Normal fat is a res, is a reserve that you need. And then you have abnormal fat. Abnormal fat is when you’ve tapped out your normal reserves and your body goes, okay, well I gotta put this somewhere.
CG (00:34:28):
Where does it put it? Your belly, your thighs, your legs, your hips, your butt, all these different areas. And the reason it does it is because of survival. And there’s so many things behind this. But when, when during our hormone reset number one, understand that your hypothalamus, the part of the brain that is very, very primitive is naturally used to looking for fat. It already knows I’m gonna do great with that. Okay? And so over time, like I said, your body becomes efficient in what you give it. So you give it the sugar, it starts switching over sugar. So what we do during our 40 day reset is we remove all oils and fats because listen to it this way. Your brain and body have no reason to use its own fat reserves if you put fat in your mouth. And it’s very confusing to people because they’re still thinking, well, aren’t fats good?
CG (00:35:20):
Yes. But you already have 20 pounds of good fat on you. It’s not about fats being good and bad. I want to get your body to use the good fat on you. It’s the best fat. So that’s why people feel so amazing is your body made this fat Mm-Hmm, , why not use that fat? So once you remove those and you’ve seen this, the fat just slides off. And once someone gets to their healthy fat percentage, then we sparingly put fats in. And it’s, and the reason why this is good, you, you know, I’m glad you really got to that point of seeing that is I saw the same thing. We, we are, we have a whole program after the fast forwarding, now that I’m because of BBG I’m creating, I wouldn’t have figured this out without BBG. And part of what it does is we are actually tracking people’s actual calories and proteins and fats and we have an app we use that people load their foods in every time we go out to eat.
CG (00:36:09):
What you said is exactly it. My mom and I went out to eat, we loaded our food and our fat content was just, it was skyrocketed. And I’m like, oh my God. It’s because when you go to a restaurant, you’re gonna get a fatty burger because if they don’t put a fatty burger in there, you’re gonna complain. ’cause It doesn’t taste good. Mm-Hmm. , most people would eat that. Then there’s bacon, all kinds of stuff. So fat was designed to be, to be utilized very sparingly because it is jet fuel. You don’t need as much of it. You do need certain amounts each day. And you’re a very high energy woman. I attract very powerful, I have entrepreneurs and all kinds of stuff. I work well with powerful people. So we, I want them burning fat, but the brain loves to burn fat, but we just don’t need as much as we’ve been using.
CG (00:36:52):
And, and that was a shocker to me. So none of the stuff I’ve really, you’ve, you’ve seen, I figured this out on my own. It wasn’t that I learned it in the, in school. It was like me and Tubi going, oh my God, look at my body. I used to be, I used to have extra fat on my body. I couldn’t get it off. I was a bodybuilder. And I literally went through and figured this process out and I was like, oh my God, this is so different. I had the same cognitions you did about sugar. I was eating sandwiches, the white bread was sugar . Like I’d go to restaurants, it was full of sugar. Right? So all these things I figured out over time and experimented on my own body and then experimented with my family Mm-Hmm. and then experimented with, I had thousands of patients experiment with to figure these things out.
AJV (00:37:33):
Yeah. And I love that because I think one of the things that is so helpful not just with like the, the health components of this, but you know, it’s, it’s also understanding the, the choices that we make, right? And it’s like, it’s one thing, right? And I think that’s one of like the, the ahas that I love in any program. It’s like, it’s one thing if I’m making choices out of ignorance, right? And, but it’s another, if I’m going, Hey, I know if I do this, this is gonna happen and then if I do this, then this will happen. And I think that’s, that’s a huge part of the success of any program, is giving people the information, the awareness and the cognition to be able to make good choices, right? And that’s part of what I loved about this program is like even if I choose not to like, you know, follow it very strictly in a day, it’s like I also understand the consequences of my choices.
AJV (00:38:34):
And what I also love is I also now know how to reset. I didn’t know how to reset before. And so I’d love for you to talk about that next. And then I have two other things and then I wanna talk about the mechanics of your program. Yeah. Because go on and on. Yeah. But like, just as a quick example, it’s like I know that if I choose to go out to eat, and I think a part of this is I still weigh myself every single day. Not because I’m obsessed about my weight. I’m not, I am truly monitoring how my body reacts to the food that I put in it. Good or bad. This is not a weight obsession. And people go get rid of the scales. No, don’t do that. It’s like, it’s like, it’s like me trying to run analytics on my funnels with no data.
CG (00:39:17):
Bingo. Like
AJV (00:39:18):
What? No, I have to have data. I have to know what works and what doesn’t. I have to be able to monitor that, the output. So I know the input. And that is like, so back to what I was gonna say is the thing that’s amazing is I literally know if I choose to, you know, splurge, which looks different for me now, but if I do, then I know the very next day, here are the three things that I need to do and I will completely reset and I will be fine. Mm-Hmm. , I never knew that before. Part of it I wasn’t monitoring it, but then I’m like, oh man, I no, I don’t know what to do. And so what would you say to the person who’s the, the yo-yo dieter, right? Like, they’re the person who gets on it and all of a sudden fall off the wagon and it’s just this constant yo-yo like what, what are the benefits of your program that teach you how to reset in a way that in my, you know, 41 years had never learned before?
CG (00:40:17):
Well first of all, yo-yo dieting is damaging your health. That’s the first thing. Yo-Yo diet is absolutely damaging. Matter of fact, you look at people who are yo-yo dieting, they end up fatter in the long run. Hmm. Every time you reduce your calories and, and deprive yourself of what you need, you will temporarily lose weight. Both muscle, water and fat. And those aren’t the type you wanna lose fat, you don’t wanna lose muscle. But that’s what happens with calorie deprivation diets. That’s Jenny Craig, that’s Weight Watchers, that’s paleo keto, that’s all of them. So we don’t create calorie deprivation, we create caloric balance. That’s a very specific thing. That’s one of our, one of our pillars in bbg, right? Is we, we literally cr create caloric balance and reset your metabolism. The yo-yo dieting is a screwing your metabolism and making you malnourished. And what happens is you’ll lose weight the moment you put food back in because your brain and body love you, it will lay down more fat.
CG (00:41:10):
Why? Because there’s a 25,000 plus year old mechanism that says, this person’s starving, we must add fat for the next time they starve themselves. Mm-Hmm. So that’s a big clue if someone hears that. Okay. So, so that’s the first thing. The other thing is that you said something, it’s funny ’cause ro I hear Rory in a lot of the videos say the thing that I’ve been saying in a different way. But it’s about pain. It’s about you get two types of pain in this world. Some, some of my patients think I’m a positive person. And I keep kinda reminding people that I’m not positive. I’m an equilibrium. Positive thinking is. Absolute. The most sad people on the planet, the ones that are striving for happiness, the most sick people in the planet are the ones that are striving for health.
CG (00:41:59):
Why? Because we live in a world of polarity. We have two types of pain in this world. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. And so what I’ve noticed, I’m kind of going back to what you were saying here, is you either decide the discipline of weighing yourself, of looking at the scale. I wanna just mention this. So many women have been told you shouldn’t weigh yourself because you can create some emotional obsession. Absolute. All you’re doing is avoiding pain. There’s nothing else. There’s no other thing. Now I, the primitive brain is wired to avoid pain. So just check this out. We have primitive brain centers, the amygdala and hippocampus, and then you have advanced brain centers. Okay? Your primitive brain, when you are avoiding pain, you are in your animalistic brain center. When you weigh yourself and you face the pain, you are in the advanced frontal lobe.
CG (00:42:51):
So understand this in the, in the, in the animalistic, avoid pain, chase pleasure. You are gonna go back and forth. Yo-Yo diet. You are gonna go back and forth in your relationship. You’re gonna be on a, on a, on a massive pendulum swing of incredibly happy and incredibly sad. That’s what the majority of our, our reality and most of our people are going through. So you have the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. You can decide to avoid the scale each day, and you’ll pay the price of regret, which is sitting in a hospital bed with a, you know, a heart attack trying to get your heart worked, done. That’s a bigger pain. So one of the things that, you know, you’ve seen this is I really push people to actually feel pain. The emotional pain specifically it, you cannot avoid the little pains.
CG (00:43:36):
And I, I thought the same thing when you were talking about that. It was like, that’s like saying I should just stop checking my bank account or checking my analytics. You cannot manage what you don’t measure. So people are worried about creating some kind of emotional trauma to themselves. I would rather you learn to sit in your pain because I know the pathway to your most greatest change is through your pain. If you think about the things that have probably with you two aj, the things that have truly been the most amazing things in our lives, it’s when the hits the fan and you deal with pain, it’s not been from being coddled and supported. Right? So, so anyway that’s a few things about that of, of why, you know, the, the, the whole up and down, the yo-yo dieting, most of it is just truly voting pain.
CG (00:44:20):
So difference of, with us, we create caloric balance. I don’t want you hungry in this program. I don’t want you starving. I already know it’s not gonna work. It hasn’t worked for most people. For third of our country is fat. If dieting was gonna work, it would’ve already worked, right? Secondly, we actually reset your hormones. So we reset your hormones away from sugar and we switch to flip the switch back to fat. That does not happen with any program. And literally there’s not one program, including the recent injections that are completely damaging people’s gallbladder and intestines called ozempic and wegovy. There’s 50 to 60 lawsuits per day for these injections. It doesn’t reset your hormones. It actually screws your hormones up. And, and I’m very passionate just about the hormone reset for both men and women, of course work with both, but men seem to not take care of the health as much as women do.
CG (00:45:11):
So a focus for women. But o one of the things that I think is powerful is if you go into menopause, if you’re 35 to 55, you start having menopausal changes and you are a sugar burner. You’re in for a hellish like condition and hellish like symptoms. If you go through menopause as a fat burner, here’s my experience with thousands of people. Dr. Goldman, this isn’t so bad, right? The medical community would like you to think that you need to load yourself full of chemicals because you’re now 40. That is where I’m standing up for women and for people. Your body has everything it needs. If you get to reset it and put the right fuels in, you’ll create health. And your second half will be healthier than your first half.
AJV (00:46:01):
Well, I mean y’all, I I don’t get affiliate fees for Dr. Cody. I wish he did send me affiliate fees. I do not get them. I am not like . I am not exaggerating. I’m 41, right? And I have so many friends who have chalked up to, well this is just life post 40. This is just life post babies. And I’m literally sitting here going, I’m in the best physical shape of my adult life, better than I was in college. I look better than I did on my wedding day. Like this is the best physical shape that I have been in in my adult life. And most certainly the healthiest. This isn’t just about physical appearance. It’s like I went and had an executive physical a few weeks ago and my doctor was like, well you do not have the labs of a 41-year-old. And I was like, I didn’t think I could, I didn’t think I would ,
AJV (00:46:56):
But it’s like, I’m not tooting Dr. Cody’s horn. It’s like this has been a life transformative change where I feel like so many of us have ignored the pain ’cause we didn’t wanna see it or we’ve been told you don’t need to. But at the same time, we’re being shoved a bunch of powders and pills and programs that ultimately don’t work. I was never hungry and I’m never hungry. People look at the amount of food I eat and they’re like, there’s no way you’re gonna eat all that. And I’m like, I’m gonna eat all you some more. Like I eat so much food, it’s admirable. And it’s all because it’s like my body has reset. It has reset. And I cannot say enough about this program and the way that it has changed my physical and mental health over the last years.
AJV (00:47:44):
But I do wanna talk about two things in transition before I run outta time because you’ve talked about this a lot. The last five minutes is women and specifically women, 35 to 55. And I think a lot of people struggle with, you know, breaking through what we call she hands wall. They struggle with really dialing it in because their audience is too broad. And I feel like you, even though you’ve said, Hey, we can work with men too, but but I love that you, you have actually really defined a very niche audience that you can just crush with. And because of that, it makes it easy for people like me to go, oh, I know who I refer you to. Anyone who talks about hormones, menopause, post children can’t lose this weight. And I’m like, I know someone, I know someone , right?
AJV (00:48:32):
And, and it’s because it’s so clear, right? And so I just wanna recap this. This is even in Dr. Cody’s bio, y’all. So when you’re thinking about how clear should you be, this was in his intro that I said, Hey, send me the bio that you want me to read about you. This is what it says. Dr. Goldman empowers women age 35 to 55 who struggle with stubborn weight that won’t budge despite diet or exercise. Right? And it’s like you have found like the, the demographic and psychographic elements of these are women in this age range who struggle with this, right? And we talk a lot about this at brand builders. I help who do what? I help women age 35 to 55 lose weight that won’t go away. And so how did you pick that audience? And that’s, I wanna talk about that and then I wanna talk about how you decided some of, some of the accountability measures of your program. Yeah.
CG (00:49:28):
Yeah. I can’t wait to chat about that . Okay. So I, yeah, just to, just to really toot bbgs horn like I had done, I, I’ve been in, this is my third business, I actual business. I’m lean hobby and I had done all kinds of finding your avatar stuff before you guys. So I was like, I already knew this, but you guys have truly helped me dial it in. I’ve loved your process. You, you helped me truly dial it in. In the chiropractic office, what I saw was I had mostly women patients. And I, I thought it was ’cause maybe I’m a good looking guy or something. I, I started my bi, my, my, my, my chiropractor office. I was 24 when I built that office. I was, I was young so I was, you know, but I had mostly women. I thought, what the hell’s going on?
CG (00:50:06):
I’m like, okay. But over time what I realized was, this is what I realized. And, and I’m a man so I know this. I can say this, women take action on their health long before men do. So I realized if I could get the women in my office, I eventually would get the man. ’cause I wanna work with men too, but I didn’t have to focus on them. ’cause The men follow the women. Doesn’t, doesn’t that work everywhere? Yes. That’s what, that’s what the bars do. The bars say listen, it’s, it’s happy hour women, women come in free ’cause they know the men are gonna come in. Right? So I’m just using maybe the, maybe it’s the bar strategy. Sure. But that’s what I figured out. And so truly that’s, that’s just what came through is like, my God, I love working with women ’cause they take care of themselves in general.
CG (00:50:46):
Women will tap into feel pain longer before men do. And I’m a man that I feel more feelings than most women. I feel people when I talk to ’em that just start, that happened to me. Just, just whatever it is, whatever my makeup is. So men truly sometimes don’t even understand what I’m even saying. But women understand when I say, would you stop for a second and just drop it and feel what your body’s telling you right now? Like, women can hear that, right? And eventually there maybe, maybe we’ll have a big advancement. Evolution and men will, we will, we’ll follow our women and we’ll catch up to you guys. Right? So that’s truly why I ended up working with that, that, that set of you know of people. And, and I love the age range because it’s, it is the age range that our healthcare system in to, in my, to me, has disempowered.
CG (00:51:36):
The and, and by the way, this has been happening from the time you’re born, our healthcare system. This happened in, in back in the 1930s and forties. They realized that they can teach people that your body doesn’t have what it needs to be healthy. You can become a customer of a lifelong medicine system. I’m not against medicines. Thank God we have emergency care. Freaking love it. Amazing. But emergency care started lapsing over into healthcare, and that’s where we went wrong. And so my message that I’ve known the universe has showed me is the universe is inside you. It’s called innate intelligence. You have everything you need. The universe didn’t build you, or God didn’t make you to turn 40 and forget what chemicals to make. What kind of story are we trying to, like, what the, you know, I’m not gonna curse here as much, but, so anyway, I love empowering and, and disempowering those old beliefs and putting new ones in.
CG (00:52:35):
And you’re such a good model of that. As I get 41, that’s what I experienced. I’m 46. I have more energy now than 26. My, a lot of my people around me are 46. They look like they’re 66. It’s like sad. I want to lo, I want people to truly be healthy. And I’m a very spiritual person. I found that the number one thing to lead people to God is create a healthy body. Mm. When you are sick, you’re not seeking spirituality. When you’re sick, you’re barely, you’re seeking survival. So there’s a much deeper meaning behind, for me, for health. It’s truly getting you connected with your source. This is our ultimate gift from the universe. Mm-Hmm. . When you see it like that, my God, you’re circulating 60,000 miles of arteries and veins. You have no idea how that works. You’re, you put food in your mouth and it turns it into your body. You have over 200 pharmacies inside that make not bioidentical. They make identical chemicals for your body. Why would you need to go to Walgreens? You got 220 Walgreens inside your body. I won’t go on. But the things pretty freaking amazing.
AJV (00:53:44):
I mean, I would let you go on and on and on. This would easily be a three hour episode for me because I think it’s fascinating and I think it’s true. And I think it’s, there has been a disempowering amount of ignorance that we have allowed. And that can’t blame just the government. We have allowed it. And there needs to be more voices who go uhuh. Right? And part of why I wanted to have you on the show is because I believe in the program so much. And also because the dead gum thing works, right? And so I want to help share this. Now, I believe that a huge part of the why the program works is the mechanics of the accountability and the touch points, right? Because there’s a course component which is very informative. And I will tell you, it’s the only course that I’ve ever completed.
AJV (00:54:30):
I am not a course learner. I’m an in-person learner. I’m tactical hands-on, gotta shut it down. It took a lot of self discipline to get through this course. It is not my jam. It’s not how I learned. It’s not how I function, but I did it. It’s probably the only one I’ve ever finished. But that is not what now the information was transformative and just going like, how am I this old and never knew this, but what really moved the needle is your ability to stalk me every day, , or six weeks. And this is a part where I will talk about how Cody is so annoying. , he is so annoying in the best way possible. It’s the most annoyingly helpful program on the planet. But every day, and I have brought this up to countless people who are in the coaching or membership space, I was just literally came off the heels of a female entrepreneur mastermind that I’m a part of, 10 of us who are all in, you know, this different kind of chorus, membership coaching world and space. And they were like, what do you mean every day? How does he do that? And I’m like, I know he does it on WhatsApp. I can tell some of them are more general. I can tell some are more personal. But I was like, I’m having him on my podcast. I’m gonna ask him. So how are you pulling this off? Daily accountability. Daily.
CG (00:55:56):
Yeah. I’ve had many versions of trying you know, of trying to figure out how to do this. Just FYI, I’d landed on this, right? I figured it out. But, so I tried in my chiropractic office when we did the, was this weight loss program. I met with people once a week and we, we measured them. But what I found was seven days was way too long. In seven days, you could have completely screwed it up. So I was like, well, how do I do this daily? I am someone that freedom is just as important to me as money. ’cause I’ve experienced money without freedom and it sucks. It, it’s not worth it. So how do I make money? How do I have freedom and be inspired in helping people? That was the blend of all this. Mm-Hmm. . So it just happened to be that someone was a FA friend of mine introduced me to an app called Voxer.