We have a HUGE announcement Brand Builders! This is great news for you and great news for us.
The Influential Personal Brand Podcast is live and available for you right now to subscribe to and go and download. This is a big deal because now every single week we are going to be releasing one interview, along with one recap done by AJ and myself of the interview with a major influential personal brand. This is tapping our friends and our network and the people that we meet who are other influencers and thought leaders and hall of fame speakers and celebrities and media icons, etc. We’re interviewing them, getting their behind the scenes, often never told stories about how they became who they are, their secrets of influence, their secrets of how they built their platforms, built their followings, built their fan base and everything that they do.
We’ve talked to authors, speakers, and digital marketers. We also will be interviewing some tactical people, like SEO people and Facebook ad people, and those with the really specific skillsets that you’re going to need.
Of course, this is free. This is just one more thing that we are doing at Brand Builders Group to try to add value to you, to your life, to your brand, to your business – to help you build and monetize what you’re doing and to help you get your message out there. So there is no reason why you would not take advantage of this!

We’d love for you to listen to a few episodes and rate it and leave us a review, but be sure to first subscribe and take advantage of this!
Plus, we would love it if you could share, share, share, and let people know that this podcast is now out there.
We are excited to be back on the airwaves. It’s been over a year since I have personally been the host of a podcast. It’s so fun to be launching this one. Co-hosting it now with my wife and business partner and CEO of Brand Builders Group, AJ Vaden.
So go, subscribe now, and listen to these interviews. I’m telling you it is gold! We look forward to you hearing us on the podcast and hopefully getting to continue to meet all of you.
We’d love for you to listen to a few episodes and rate it and leave us a review, but be sure to first subscribe and take advantage of this!
Plus, we would love it if you could share, share, share, and let people know that this podcast is now out there.
We are excited to be back on the airwaves. It’s been over a year since I have personally been the host of a podcast. It’s so fun to be launching this one. Co-hosting it now with my wife and business partner and CEO of Brand Builders Group, AJ Vaden.
So go, subscribe now, and listen to these interviews. I’m telling you it is gold! We look forward to you hearing us on the podcast and hopefully getting to continue to meet all of you.
Happy Brand Building. That’s it for now. We’ll catch you on the podcast.