Jason Frazell

personal brand strategist

Jason Frazell is a highly sought-after Growth and Leadership Coach serving high-impact individuals and teams in the technology space and a leading expert in personal branding for CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and side hustlers.

Jason is the founder of Jason Frazell Coaching, an executive and leadership coaching firm offering one-on-one coaching, group programs, and speaking and workshops. Jason is a Gallup Global Strengths Coach, specializing in using the CliftonStrengths assessment (formerly Strengthsfinder 2.0) and an Everything DiSC partner through Wiley and Sons. He is also a leader at Accomplishment Coaching, a premier International Coaching Federation coach training program where he is also an internationally accredited coach.

As a personal brand strategist with Brand Builders Group, Jason works with a variety of clients, ranging from 7 figure entrepreneurs looking to expand their empire to first-time side hustlers looking to turn their brand into their full-time gig.


Prior to moving his own side hustle to full-time, Jason was an award-winning sales professional, working at a variety of technology firms, ranging from F100 to startups at various levels of funding.

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