Ep 525: When Less Is More | Robin Robins Episode Recap
AJV (00:02):
I know that we’ve all bought into the idea that more is better at some point in our lives, personally or professionally, whether it’s more money more things, more accolades, more accomplishments more travels, more stuff, like more friends, more customers. Like I know for all of us that we suffer from the, I think I need more or I think I want more syndrome. At some point in our life, and maybe as you’re listening to this, you are suffering from the more syndrome right now. But this is actually a conversation about how you build more with less. And really specifically this is about how you build a better and bigger business on a smaller audience. And that’s what we wanna talk about. So there, there’s a couple of things that I wanna bring up. And a lot of this stems from an amazing conversation that I had with a phenomenal entrepreneur named Robin Robbins.
AJV (01:07):
And she’s another redhead located in Nashville, Tennessee. I was fortunate enough to be able to interview her on our podcast, the Influential Personal Brand podcast. Go listen to that episode. It is an NBA and entrepreneurial lessons. But there was something that she said in there that really got me thinking about this concept of less is more, right? Not more is more, but less is more. And she said in the interview, your company rides on the who internally and externally. And we’re gonna talk about that for just a couple of minutes. And I think this is a really important thing because I think a lot of times when we think about the who, we think about one or the other, we think about, you know, books like Start With Who, which is about like recruiting and hiring. And we think about cultural aspects of who we hire and how we build our team.
AJV (02:03):
And I think those are really important. In fact, we talked a lot about in this interview how hiring great leaders is how you grow your organization. It’s like you will only grow as fast as you grow your leaders, right? Because you, as the entrepreneur, the business owner, cannot do all the things, be all the things to all the people all the time and expect for you to grow. That’s why so many of us wonder why we started our businesses in the first place, right? Because there was this dream of time and, and margin and space and creativity and freedom. And then what actually happens is you are the person doing all the jobs and you don’t even get to do the thing that you like anymore. ’cause You started it because you were really good at this one thing, but now you’re trying to learn finance and accounting and billing and operations and customer service and all the things that you didn’t even want to do when you got into business.
AJV (02:55):
But that’s because you are not relying on the, the strength of a leader, right? And you don’t have to have tons of people in your organization to make them super, super impactful. But one of the best pieces of advice that I’ve ever got is hire great people, pay them very well, and expect a lot out of ’em, right? And I think that that’s, it’s a lot about a who, right? One great person, one a player, can do the work of three very average players. And I mean that, and I have seen that up and down and all around in my professional life. It’s like one A player literally can do the work of three C players, right? And some of that’s attitude, some of that’s experience, some of that’s determination. But a lot of it is really just work ethic. It’s like, how hard are you willing to work to figure out the thing versus relying on someone else to figure out the thing for you.
AJV (03:53):
And I think that’s a really important concept. If you’re in that position of like, Hey, I do wanna grow, I do wanna scale, then the first thing you need to do as you’re thinking about growth and scale in your business is going, do I have leaders that can help me get from where I am to where I wanna be? Because where you started won’t sustain you, right? And I think that’s a really important truth. It’s like, what got you here won’t get you there, right? That, that, that’s true, right? The, the sales, the operations, the staff that’s needed to go from zero to a million is very different than one to three, three to 10, 10 to 30, 30 to a hundred. That’s a completely different ballgame. It’s a completely different level of systems and operations, staff skills, experience, and most importantly, people, right?
AJV (04:45):
It is a different level of people. And so as we’re talking about this concept of your company rides on the who, there’s the internal components that, you know, do you have a players and are you paying them well enough that they’re not just a paycheck away? And do you expect a lot of them? Do they have growth potential? Do they like the culture? Do they like you, do you like them? Those are all things that when we talk about building an organization that hinges on great leaders and a lot of that is great leaders who can build great systems, right? It’s like you, you are the assistant until you hire the assistant to do the jobs that you’re currently doing, right? Because the thing is, is like somebody else will always be better at what you’re doing because they can be more dedicated and focused than you can as the business owner, you should be doing other things.
AJV (05:37):
And that’s getting clear on the money invested into quality people is worth it because it frees up your time to go do the next thing, whatever that may be. So there is this internal component of the who really matters. And a lot of the growth of a company is directly correlated to the quality of the leader, right? But then there’s this external component that we talked about in this interview that I thought was also really awesome, and I thought this was really important. And I’m actually looking at my notes from this, and I, I loved what she said. She said, this is Robin, Robin said this, get you get more customers when you get more specific and you can go listen to the interview. But she has built, built a multi eight figure business, I think somewhere in the 40, $45 million annual revenues, recurring revenue business.
AJV (06:32):
And what I love is that she shares this. She goes, there are very few people who can actually even buy what we offer. And I, I don’t quote me on this, go listen to the interview, but maybe 10,000. That’s it. So I think a part of it, she was like, we know anding about our customer, what they need, when they need it, what they can afford, what they’re trying to do, what size they are, how many people they have, what revenue they’re at. We know everything about them, and we have built our solution. So specifically catered to this small group of 10,000 people, she goes, we have built a, you know, $40 million business servicing a, a very even small fraction of that people, she was like, but our whole thing is we don’t have to have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of prospects to build an enormous business.
AJV (07:25):
We just need to get so clear, so specific that we are so dialed in on that niche specific audience that we can get bigger with a smaller audience, right? That’s because you can do more for that audience. It’s, versus it’s the difference between doing a little for a lot of people or doing a lot for a fewer amount of people. And in her case, it’s not super small, it’s still thousands. But I think that’s a really important concept because a, a lot of the more conversation that I hear in my world is I’m trying to get more followers, right? Specific on social media, or I’m trying to get more subscribers or I’m trying to get more leads and I’m trying to get more clients and, and people are kind of consumed with this idea of I need more. And I just wonder why, right?
AJV (08:16):
It’s like, do your current subscribers or current followers buy from you? I don’t know. Maybe they do, but I bet a lot of you get most of your business from word of mouth and referrals and your current customers. And I bet that if, if we all took a really deep hard look at who our audience is, we could all admit we don’t need millions, don’t even need hundreds of thousands, don’t even need tens of thousands. And most of us don’t even need thousands of people to go after, to build a very life sustaining, fulfilling life-giving business that’s making a positive impact on the people that you are around on your family. It, it could be generational change, and you could do that with dozens of clients. So more is not always better. Sometimes less is better. ’cause You can do more for those people when you have less clients.
AJV (09:10):
And so I just wanted to challenge everyone in this conversation of going, you can grow to a very large size business with a very small client demographic, and you’re able to do that because you know your client demographic so intimately, right? But there’s not just the external who factor. There’s the internal who factor, which is the, the cultural dynamics of you’re only gonna grow as fast as the leaders in your company, right? You and I love this whole thing, it’s like you can never, you know, grow faster than the systems that you put in place, right? And I think a lot of times when you do that is when you self implode, like when you grow faster than your systems and processes can manage, is when we see these have amazing potential companies implode right before our eyes because they couldn’t sustain the growth.
AJV (10:00):
They didn’t have the right systems, the right processes, nor the right leaders in place to do the thing. Don’t make the same mistake. Don’t don’t over romanticize growth, right? There, there is a, a power in boring organic growth, right? And nobody likes to talk about that because we wanna talk about how you went from zero to seven figures and the next six months. Like, but that’s not always good, right? Sometimes the boring organic
AJV (11:11):
More money, more followers more clients, more leads what have you just said? What can I do with less, right? What, what could I do with what I have? And instead of focusing on more people or more leads or more followers, what if you just said, no, I’m just gonna focus on serving the ones I have better. And it doesn’t have to be more or bigger. I just wanna do more and better for what I currently have. Because if we do a life changing service to the people we have, they will tell others about you, right? We talk about this all
AJV (11:52):
The time. The best form of marketing on the planet is a changed life. And that goes for clients and employees.
Ep 524: From Scrappy to Strategic: How to grow an 8 figure business with Robin Robins
AJV (00:00:02):
Hey everybody. Welcome to the influential Personal Brand podcast, AJ Vaden here. Really excited to introduce you guys to Robin Robbins. And she and I are fairly new to knowing each other, but Robin has known my husband and my co-host Roy Vaden for a very long time. And he has been singing her praises for years. And so the fact that we get to have her on this show today is really exciting. And before we formally introduce her, I want you guys to know why you should stick around today. And I think one of the things that most of our audience says at some point is, how do you go from, you know, where I am today to that dream company, whether that be a seven figure, eight figure, or nine figure entity. And I think today, the really the goal is to explore what it takes.
AJV (00:00:51):
What are the hard decisions you have to make? What are the choices you have to decide on along the way to help you go from where you are to where you wanna be on this venture, right? This ad venture of entrepreneurship. And so Robin is coming on the show today. Let me tell you just a tiny little bit about her. She is the CEO at Technology Marketing Toolkit. And what they do is develop highly effective marketing and sales strategies, very specifically to MSPs and managed service providers, if you don’t know what that term is. But I think one of the things that’s so amazing is that she has built an incredibly successful business for a very niche audience. And it’s one of the reasons that I wanted her to come on today, is talk about how do you succeed with less, right? And in this case a less
RR (00:01:52):
Thank you, aj. I appreciate you so much. I know I’ve gotta have you and Rory come speak to my audience ’cause I’ve just, you know, it’s, I just, I know. So you, the value you guys bring to people is amazing. And yeah, so I’m, I’m as much a fan of you guys as I, you know, maybe you are me. I, I appreciate that. Oh, we’re super. You guys do incredible work.
AJV (00:02:13):
And I told I told Robin before we hit record that, you know, Rory has been like, listen, y’all got to meet each other. I feel like you have the same personality, you got the same hair color. You guys have so much going on. And so I’m really excited to introduce you to the show. And, you know, one of the things, I just wanna share this quick story because I think this is a really powerful component of what a lot of people struggle with listening or not. And I asked Robin right before we hit record, Hey, I didn’t get a call to action A CTA for the show notes. Is there any sort of call to action that you want me to give? And she was bold enough to say, well, you know what? Not really. I don’t think a lot of your audience are managed service providers. And if you’re not an MSP, I don’t really want you
RR (00:03:00):
Clutter out. It sounds really hurtful when you say it that way.
AJV (00:03:03):
Clutter out my lead magnets. You know, but here’s, here’s why. I think that’s a really important story to tell. That is not what most people say. I have never once in the history of this show, which has now been running for six years with consistent two episodes every week, have anyone said, no, I don’t have a CTA for. And I think that’s significant because you have extreme clarity. Extreme clarity on who your avatar is, right? Yeah. And so let’s just start there for a second. ’cause I know most likely you didn’t start that way on day one, right? Right. And so what was the process? And you know, and this is, you know, for everyone listening, this is a conversation and entrepreneurship. But also Robin Robbins and her team who I know several people at her team really enjoy. Everyone I’ve met at her team, but they are really some of the best people in the world at doing what they do. And they do it for a whole bunch of people in a really specific and niche way. But also I think that in addition to entrepreneurship, for everyone who’s listening, it’s really clarity and courage is, I think, a part of like, the theme of this. And so how did you, over the course of what, 20 years now, determine that this micro niche audience is the one that you wanted to serve? How did that come about?
RR (00:04:23):
Yeah, I think, well, let me kind of go all the way back to how I even start in business. ’cause I always describe myself as a very unlikely, uneducated, and reluctant entrepreneur. You know, I didn’t start this going, I’m gonna build, you know, we’re, we’re probably gonna land somewhere around 44, 40 5 million this year. I never in a million years thought I’d have that going on with, you know, 130, 140. I, I lose track how many employees were, we’re hiring more. I, I walked into the lunch true store. I walked into the lunchroom, and we have two offices. And I, there was like someone standing there and I’m like, hi, who are you? Right?
RR (00:05:10):
But so
RR (00:05:52):
I’ve learned sales from, from early on. So I just started reaching out to people saying, Hey, I’m independent.
RR (00:06:44):
So I continued to look for a job. And but I started just like doing this consulting thing. And I didn’t know what it was. I just, you know, I didn’t, like, I had a website. I had to barter for a website. I didn’t have enough money to buy a website. So I bartered with, there was a web design company and I said, Hey, I’ll, they needed help, I think with like, some copywriting. And I said, Hey, I’ll, I’ll write copy if you’ll do my design, my website. So that was a barter, right? So, you know, I just started out like this. And then at that point when I said, I, I think I could do this, you know, my client base consisted of a shipping company, an MRI imaging center. I had a computer training school. I had a self test software, like a test prep software company.
RR (00:07:30):
I had, who else? Goodness. It’s like, it’s all over the map. You know, there was, oh, I had a Bijan who was a spiritual advisor, right? You know, I mean, it was like this eclectic, anybody who could fog a mirror, wave a dollar, I wanted you
RR (00:08:17):
Like for example, I tested doing digital pay per click lead generation and getting paid by the lead and, you know, across different, so that was like a specialization, not in a, not in a avatar customer, but a in a thing, right? And and then I started to test in different industries and stuff. And so one of the big breakthroughs that I had is there was a company, I had an association with company called CompTIA. And I learned strategic partnerships or JV partnerships from J Abraham. So that’s, I started reaching out to, to people who had big lists and saying, Hey, I’m really good lead generation marketing. I mean, mean, my pitch was a little better than this, but saying I’m really good. How about I do a free webinar for your audience on marketing lead generation? And CompTIA was one of the companies that said yes.
RR (00:09:03):
And I poured my heart soul into that and made it the best web. Well, it wasn’t even a webinar, it was a teleseminar. ’cause This is, you know,
AJV (00:09:56):
Prospect. Yeah,
RR (00:09:57):
Yeah, yeah. And, and stop comment commenting on my ad. ’cause You’re gonna get, you’re gonna just drive reaction to stupid people. ’cause You know what I mean?
RR (00:10:50):
I can provide a lot of engagement because people are very interested in sales and marketing. They were paying me to do this. So, so that’s how I got into this vertical. And there was a point, and that this is a true story. So I made a decision. I said, this is it. This is my industry. I’m gonna double down on it. I’m gonna go all in. And it took me, you know, that was like a, I got laid off like January of two, of two of 2002. And by the end of that year, I had incorporated technology marketing toolkit. And the reason for the name is technology marketing. I wanted that keyword at the time. Having keywords in your URL was like a big deal. And technology marketing was already taken. So I just slapped on toolkit and called it a day. So that’s the science behind the name. So anyway, so I, I, you know, I get started here and I started to fire my other customers and say, look, I’m, I can’t do this anymore. I gotta have all my effort and energy on this particular vertical.
AJV (00:11:43):
Can we pause right there for a second?
RR (00:11:45):
AJV (00:11:46):
Most people don’t do that. Yeah.
AJV (00:11:48):
At all. And I think it would be really helpful to understand, like, one, like what is it about you or the understanding, I think a lot of, you’ve already said it’s, it’s, you gotta go from scrappy to strategic. You did that pretty quickly. Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:12:21):
Yeah, I mean, it’s a mindset. So it is like, is this true story? Like I still wasn’t making a lot of money. I was still teaching fitness classes. I used to teach aerobics classes two, three times a day to pay the rent while I was trying to get the thing going. Right? Best shape of my life had shin splints that were from hell. But, you know I’m serious. It was like it, this, it was real. I mean, this is real story I’m not making up. And you know, I had, I had somebody who, you know, I talked to and they wanted to hire me as a consultant, weren’t an MSP. And I said, I’m sorry, I’m just not taking anybody who’s not an MSP at this time. And they said, oh, you are so full of it. You know? And they mailed me the check.
RR (00:12:58):
Anyway, so I, I mean, here I am, I’m barely making the rent. And I get a check. I’ll never forget, it was for $795. That’s what I was charging, like, on a monthly basis, right? And they mailed me this check, and I look at this check and I think, oh, you know, I could just go another month or whatever. And I was like, Nope. I, I put it back in the envelope, I mailed it back to the person and I said, sorry, I’m not taking you. And that’s a true story. And it wasn’t like I had a mentor or coach. I don’t know. I would, I’ve been in sales and I just know your company, the, the health, the profitability, your whole company rides on the who, who is the customer. And if you have a disease, dysfunctional, broke bad, wrong fit customer, your business can never succeed.
RR (00:13:52):
Ever. Like, ever. And so, like, you know, like I had a friend and I won’t mention the name just because I don’t wanna make, you know, it’s not a bad story, I just don’t wanna make ’em feel bad. But they were getting started in information marketing, you know, trying to be a guru and whatnot. And in this, and it was an attorney. And she comes to me and she’s like, Hey, you know, I’m selling, I’ve been selling this course for like, you know, 1995, whatever, some real cheap price, right? I’m selling this and I’m really struggling to sell. I’m trying to send people dah, dah, dah. She’s gonna, I said, stop. I said, the cheapest thing I sell is $2,000. The problem you have is you’re, you’re, you’re, you’re wearing yourself out trying to make a $20 sale to somebody who feels like $20 is a lot of money.
RR (00:14:39):
And that’s why you’re having all these other problems in your business. Like, go upstream. And, and it was like a light bulb went on because so many people teach, oh, we’ll just have the tripwire product or offer a service or whatever. And I did that too. And it, and there is a place for it. But I think at the same time, like as I’ve grown my business, you know, now today we went from selling like an info product, you know, for $500, $700 to where we sell now, two year, three year memberships. The cheapest being $24,000 total. I mean, a thousand dollars a month, that’s the cheapest all the way up, you know, to, to double that. And, and we, we sign on two year contract and we don’t do a money back guarantee. So like, that’s unheard of. But every time I have stepped up and taken a like harder stance on who I take as a customer, the more the business has grown.
RR (00:15:37):
Love that. And it’s, it’s, it doesn’t make sense lot. Like you sit there and you go, well, if you offer cheap products, you think you’d get more people. If you had a money back guarantee, you’re gonna get more customers. And you’re right. But you get the wrong ones. You get the ones who aren’t serious, the ones that are just gonna buy it. And then we used to have an, a massive, maybe you’ve seen this selling information products. We used to have a mass refund issue right after Thanksgiving because everybody would be like looking around and they’re sofa for two nickels to buy Christmas presents. And they would look on the shelf and they’d see my product there and they’d go, oh, wait a minute. That’s a money back guarantee. And they would call us and say, I want my money back. It doesn’t work. Or some of ’em were honest and just said, I need money for Christmas presents.
RR (00:16:17):
Right? Or I haven’t opened a thing, I haven’t used it, so I just wanna return it. And so those are not the people I want is customers. Yeah. So there’s, I, there’s a balance there. You know, when you’re just starting, you don’t wanna make it too difficult to be your customer, but at the same time, you don’t wanna hold onto that strategy forever. What gets you started might not sustain you. And you really gotta take a look at who is my customer? And I’m in a vertical, but I’m also just trying to get the top 15, 10% of this industry. Because I know 80% of the 80% is the Pareto principle. 80% are gonna be worthless, useless broke. I mean, if you look at the stats, only only 4% of companies, all companies in America ever break the million dollar mark. Only 4%. So that means, for the most part, 96% are worthless to you.
RR (00:17:09):
Right? I’m talking businesses, and I don’t mean worthless as human beings. I mean worthless, like from a standpoint of getting a cash check out of ’em, right? Then, only 0.4% ever get beyond the $10 million mark. And so you start to really see, you are dealing in tiny, tiny percentages. And the question is, do you want like a hundred percent of the bottom or do you want just like a 10% of the top of the cream? And so now it takes time. ’cause You gotta build a reputation. You gotta build a brand, which is what you guys teach a hundred percent. Everything you guys teach is, is spot on. I think what we’re talking about here is an emotional strength. Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:17:58):
I’m like, you gotta have a target customer profile, and you’ve got to make sure you don’t get shiny penny syndrome, where everybody comes at you like, oh, there’s a dollar over here. Oh, there’s $5 over here. Oh, there’s, because you start to water down and you’re not for somebody specifically. So I’m teaching this to an audience and this cute little couple come up, they’re a little, you know, married couple running an MSP probably under a million dollars in revenue, pretty small, nice, sweet people. And they say, Robin, you know, they come to me on break. And they’re like, intellectually, we know what you’re saying is true and right and correct, but we’re just scared because we’re trying to, you know, we’re, we’re barely making it as it is. And if we pick a particular customer, if we niche, then we’re gonna stop people from doing business with us.
RR (00:18:46):
And I said, okay, well, tell me a little bit about what’s been going on in the, in your business. It was like, this was a, in the fall of last year. And so it was like, you know, I said, tell me like this year, how many new, tell me about the lead flow. Where are you getting customers? And they kind of like, get this really sheepish look on their face and they look at each other and they go, well, we haven’t gotten any customers. And I say, well, who the hell are you trying to keep out then? Who cares? Like, you know, you can’t get worse, right? And they kind of laughed and they, and they realize, I’m like, you’ll find that you actually get more customers when you’re for somebody, specifically when I can say, here’s who my customer is, specifically from a demographic and a psychographic position.
RR (00:19:26):
I know you teach both of those things, right? So I don’t have to explain that to these people. But you know, when you really know, like one of the things that’s really important for me is I gotta have customers that have true, honest ambition. If they don’t have honest ambition to grow, to make more money, to serve more, to build enterprise value in their business, not just make more money. They are not of any use to me because I can’t scale that customer. They’re, they, I can make a quick buck on ’em, but I can’t build an asset. I can’t build enterprise value of my company if I get the wrong customer.
AJV (00:20:01):
You know? I love that. And it’s so interesting because we have this conversation often with our community as well at Brand Builders group. And I was actually on a call yesterday and I literally had this exact same conversation and I just asked this individual, who is your ideal speaking client? Like, if you were to tell me the perfect audience, who would it be? And she was like, well, women, any woman. And then she said, well, no, wait it could be women or you know what, just salespeople, anyone in sales. And then she was like, but you know, really it’s just anyone who believes in mental health. And I’m like, women in sales who believe in mental, no, no, no. Anyone like that. And I was like, so where do you find those people? And she was like, that’s just it. It’s, it’s anyone.
AJV (00:20:47):
It’s, it’s everyone. And it was like this aha moment. And I’m like, okay,
RR (00:21:25):
And you can’t. Right? I was, I’m looking right now, there’s a, there’s another little story and I wanna, ’cause I wanna get the numbers right. But yeah, so I had a client that she calls me up very, very excited runs an MSP that’s in New York City now, a couple years ago, their New York state implemented a law that’s called the SHIELD Act. And the SHIELD Act is a legal requirement for businesses to protect data that they have from cyber crime, ransomware, et cetera. So what, you know, for example, you have to have good backups. You have to have proper cybersecurity protocols in place. And she, she’s her and her husband super excited. A lot of my, a lot of my it sounds like I have all women for customers, but I really don’t. But she’s like super excited and she’s like, Robin, we gotta create a campaign.
RR (00:22:16):
And I said, okay, great. Who are we targeting? And she goes, well, all small businesses in New York City or New York State, really? I said, okay, well you are kind of right outside New York. Can you service people outside of your geographic area? Well, maybe, but not really. So maybe if we just said New York City, I said, okay, well how many small businesses are in the New York City metropolitan area? And she said, that’s why I wanted to look. I did a search in her geographic area where she was, if I just went like a 45 minute to an hour drive from her location, there were 22,000 businesses in her in that area. And I said, okay, so what’s your budget to market to these 22,000? And she says, well, we might be able to swing a thousand bucks
RR (00:23:15):
No one’s gonna know you did it. But you, if that’s all you’re spending to get to 22,000, you gotta narrow this down because you can’t boil the ocean. Yeah. You know, it’s like a term, you can’t boil the ocean. So like, we gotta have, the other part you have to think about is you, I think Seth Godin uses this term is the smallest viable audience. And what that means is, you know, what’s an audience that you could legitimately serve that are the lowest hanging fruit, the highest probability, the, the, the right fit? And it’s gonna be small. And as your business grows and you have more people who can, who can you can sell to as you have more resources and finances and stuff like that, you know, you can, you can expand that. Now, like with us, we haven’t really expanded our niche.
RR (00:24:04):
My niche is only MSPs in North America or English speaking countries like Canada, the UK and Australia. Now, do we have clients everywhere else? Yes, we do. But they find us and they buy, but we don’t pursue them. So really our list is only about, there’s only about 27,000. I think I just looked at this number. It’s like 27,000, 28,000 total in my universe. Total. That’s not a very big universe, right? And so again, people say to me, well, you know, how do you grow this business if you narrow it down so much is because you’re hyper-specific, because your services that you have price elasticity, meaning you can charge more when you specialize. It’s easier to find people, it’s easier to get referrals, it’s easier to get strategic partners. Because when you really know, here’s who my people are and where they go, you just put a hundred percent of your efforts there and you get exponential returns versus just spreading it out wide and thin and hoping you hit the right person.
AJV (00:25:02):
You know, like one of the things that you just said that I think is really valuable is, you know, your name comes up in various conversations, just anyone we’re talking about memberships, technology, recurring revenue comes up in those spaces, which is where we live. And I think one of the things that, and what enables you to do when you decide like, this is my niche audience. I don’t need tens of thousands, like 20, 27,000 is what you said, right? Most people listening to this couldn’t serve 27,000 people if they wanted to. Most couldn’t serve a thousand if they wanted to. Most people are trying to serve dozens, maybe hundreds, but definitely not even in the thousands. But we’re trying to reach millions for some reason when we’re only trying to really serve dozens or hundreds. But what I heard you saying is that when you go super niche, you start to start to know everyone in the industry, right? And it’s like, and you start to become known in the industry because it’s a smaller community, which is thus makes it easier for you to do what you do really well and become known. Sure. Was that, is that fair?
RR (00:26:08):
Yeah. No, I mean, we have so active members. So we have clients and then we have members that are members of a peer group or a membership. We’re just, just, we’ll cross the 1500 mark of, so 1,500 people who are in a membership active customers. Our, our industry has gone over under massive m and a, right? So two trends that are going on a lot of mergers and acquisitions, we lose our best customers ’cause they get bought UN unfortunately I say unfortunately for us, I mean, I’m very happy for them, but they get bought and so they go away as a customer ’cause they just sold their business, right? So m and a and then there’s been a cropping up of a lot of newbies and they fail very quickly because this industry that we’re in has gotten more difficult to be, it’s more difficult to be an MSP today than it was 10 years ago.
RR (00:26:56):
Without a doubt. It costs more money, it’s more difficult to get customers, everything else. So, you know, we have about 1500 members in peer groups, which is the largest peer group in our industry. And we also, we have about, I’d say about 6,000 active clients and that have bought a program, have come to a seminar, have, have done something like that. So that’s not a lot like you think, I mean, the core of our revenue is coming from 1500 MSPs. Then we also do sponsorship, which kind of lays on top of that. So we’ll do about 10 million of our revenue this year. Nine 10 million is gonna be in sponsorship dollars for events that we, that we run. And there’s probably a list, our core sponsors, there’s about a hundred 150 core sponsors. And then we’re always kind of you know, leveraging like always trying to find new ones.
RR (00:27:47):
But, you know, that’s not, you know, that’s not massive. That’s not a massive list. That’s not a massive number of customers. It’s about just being very strategic and smart with what you’re offering. And again, like, so if you’re a guru, so think about it this way too. You know, you’re only gonna get a very tiny percentage of an audience to buy because most people are not interested in growing, making more money. I, I mean they’re just not like the nature of what we do, which is selling advice. There’s it, you, you are wired like you, you know, AJ you, me, everybody listening, you guys are wired differently ’cause you’re on this. Just the fact that you’re listening to this tells me a lot about you. That you’re ambitious, that you wanna grow, you wanna make more money that excites you. That does not excite the majority of people.
RR (00:28:37):
I mean, like, I, I listen to my, my, my salespeople make calls. I listen to their calls and they had this guy on. He’s like, I don’t know. He is under a million dollars in revenue. He is not setting the world on fire. And we’re like, Hey, we can, we got a program that can that is, that we can guarantee we’ll help you increase your sales, your profitability, get better customers. Indoor. It’s not like guesswork. We’ve been doing this for two decades. We’ve refined it, perfected it. I mean like it works. He’s like, you know, I’m good
AJV (00:29:47):
I love that. I think this is like some of the most important strategic advice that anyone could hear at any stage of your business. Because I know everyone is tempted to this and you said it’s earlier, it’s like this is more of a, an emotional dilemma. A hundred percent that you got to battle and fight as the business owner, as the entrepreneur, or even as the salesperson, right? ’cause You can just get diluted at any level. At any stage. And that would be like, my next question for you is like, how have you kept this ability to stay so focused and so niche as you’ve grown where you’re not doing the sales calls anymore and you have all of these layers. Like how have you been able to pass this down? So the team that is now selling on behalf of the company is being just as integrous to the quality of the customer as you would be.
RR (00:30:32):
Well, you never, I mean that, see, you say it’s just as, as as it would be for me. You’re not, that’s not gonna happen. So part of the realization is, you know, when you start hiring people, now I this whole saying of, oh, I’ll hire people that are smarter than you. You know, and then just get outta, well, look, if, so there’s so, like my web designers are smarter than me when it comes to designing a website. I don’t even know how to do it. My, you know, my marketing team who runs all the, the tech that, that does the backend when we do webinars and all that, like, I don’t know how to do that. They’re smarter than me on that stuff, right? But like, you get sales and marketing people, like, it’s gonna be very, very rare. And I do have some people on my team that are as good or better than me in certain aspects of marketing, right?
RR (00:31:22):
But the vast majority are not. And that’s okay. ’cause They don’t need to be as good as you now. They have to have integrity. I mean, we have it painted on our wall. The North Star is the attraction, the development, the retention of raving fan customers, right? So that’s on our, that’s not some BS that we put on a motivational poster. We really believe it. We really, so everybody’s gotta be bought into that. They gotta be bought into excellence, no drama, hard work, teamwork, all those things. But the reality is, as you grow your business, not every single person is going to be as good as you. And if you don’t, if you can’t accept that, you’re not going to grow. Okay. So I was at a I’ll, I’ll tell you. So I was at a mastermind meeting with Joe Polish. You might, you know
AJV (00:32:10):
Yeah. Genius network.
RR (00:32:11):
Yeah. Yeah. I was actually, I get the claim to fame. I was the one who gave him the idea. I was the first member. Right? Oh,
AJV (00:32:16):
That’s awesome.
RR (00:32:17):
Yeah. So anyway, so I was, it was, I don’t know if it was like, yeah, I don’t know if he called it Genius Network at the time, whatever. I was at a meeting where Joe, you know, and he had a guy, and I don’t remember the guy’s name. All I remember is he was the, he owned about a hundred franchise restaurants in like the, a Arizona area, right? And his, he was talking about what it takes to scale and grow. And he says, you know, and I’m gonna paraphrase what he said, but he says, you know, the problem is when you have one or two restaurants or three or four or five, he said, you’re still small enough where you can, you know, run over to the, the restaurant that has a plumbing leak and you can start putting towels on the floor or the bathroom’s not cleaned.
RR (00:33:03):
You can jump in there and get it cleaned. Or you can run behind the cash register and take care of that. Or you can. And he says, and that’s what drives you nuts, is the abil. You’re still small enough where you’re trying to keep your hand in everything. He said, when you get to a hundred franchises, you can’t, you cannot do that anymore. You have to depend on people. And you start running the business by the numbers. So you go, I remember I was saying, so I’m like, okay, so we only had like one sexual harassment lawsuit, so that’s good. ’cause That’s within the range. And we only food poison like five people. And that’s good. ’cause That’s within the acceptable, now I’m serious and everybody was laughing, but to us it would be horrible. Like you, like I are you kidding? That would tear.
RR (00:33:42):
Like, I don’t want that to happen to my employees. I don’t want that to my customers. But as you scale a company, if you, the bigger you get, the harder it is to re to maintain that same level of quality and integrity. Now you fight for it. You fight for it. You have, and the key to it though, and, and I’m telling you, I’ve just, it’s the key to it is the leaders you then hire, not the employees, but the leaders. Because the leader, you are the leader of your team right now. And you are the constraint. You know, a great leader frees up capacity for their people and their department and their co or their organization to expand. And what happens is, as you grow, and this has happened to me multiple times, someone who’s really good when you’re 20 million is no longer good when you’re 40 million it or somebody good when you’re at a million is no longer a good, when you’re at 2 million, you have doubled the size of your org.
RR (00:34:36):
And what happens is we have good people, and sometimes we feel very loyal to them. But there’s a thing called the pita principle. And you, you’ve, you, your org outgrows their capacity or their pro their their pro. You try to promote ’em. But they’re, yeah, they’re, it’s beyond their skillset, right? They, you know, and, and so some people can grow with you and others can’t. Now if they’re good people, you retain them, but you put ’em in different seats if you can, right? Because great people are very hard to come by. And you want that, that loyalty is important. But I think also to grow an organization, the only way you’re going to do it is by hiring great leaders who lead your sales team, who lead your marketing efforts, who lead your operations, who lead your financial ser the financial services, the person who you know, leads hr.
RR (00:35:26):
Like, that is the only way you grow. And as you grow, unfortunately, you’re gonna have to swap out leaders because very, very, very few people can stay with you long term. Now, I have a couple like Jeff Johnson who works with me. Jeff’s president of the company. Jeff’s been with me forever. He has stepped up and scaled as we’ve grown the company. He’s matured, he’s grown. Nicole, she’s matured, she’s grown. She’s my COO. So there are, there, there are those people. So there, I’m not saying it’s impossible, but there are a lot of leaders I’ve hired that had that you just have to fire ’em because a bad leader in an organization can destroy your organization. So to grow, and this was a lesson that took me a long time to learn. ’cause I didn’t like hiring people. I don’t consider myself a great leader of people.
RR (00:36:08):
I’m a very good sales person. I’m a great copywriter. I’m a great marketer. I great at strategy, but hiring leaders and running an org is a different skill. And I’m aware of my shortcoming. So I have to hire people that are great at those things because, and then step back, not step away because I’m still very involved. I’m still watching what’s going on. I’m looking at the numbers I’m looking at. I see there’s this, oh, well you hire someone, you abdicate No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. You micromanage until they, you, you’re riding lockstep with them for months, a year before you can really start to step away. And they have earned your trust that, see, this is like, that’s another, you can’t just hire someone and look the other way and say, give ’em the two part training of good luck and hang in there.
RR (00:36:55):
It doesn’t happen. You know, because then you, next thing you know, the whole department’s blowing up and you look and you go, what the hell? We’ve drifted so far from our vision, from our core values, from our like, and now you got, now you got real collateral damage. And that’s happened to me on several occasions. So I’ve learned it. And if you’re gonna grow an org yeah, you, you, well, you have to decide that you want to grow. And then it’s about hiring those leaders on the team that will grow those divisions for you.
AJV (00:37:23):
No, I love that. You know, as you were talking, I was at, I was at a recent mastermind trading, and Craig Rochelle was one of the speakers. And you know, he’s a, he’s an author, but is, you know, he’s the lead pastor at Life Church, which is now like the largest multi-campus church in the world, I believe. And like, one of the things that he said is he said, you can have control or you can have growth, you cannot have both. Right? And it’s like, there is a part of this and it’s just what you just said, it’s like you never expect that they will do it as good as you or like you, they can be better than you in some areas and you’re better than them in some areas. But this whole idea of you’re gonna be the one doing all the interviews and all the things he is like, you can do that and not grow.
RR (00:38:07):
That’s, well, I mean, I think you can still have control. I mean that’s, I would disagree. I I know what he’s saying. His intention is if, like, if I wanna grow the sales department, I have to hire a sales leader who can recruit on, design the onboarding, do the training, do the daily coaching, do the looking at the list, do the day-to-day stuff to run that org. I cannot do that and be CEO That’s two different, it’s two more than full-time jobs. I can’t do both. So from that per that perspective, that kind of control, yes, you have to give up the work of doing these things, but you should still have some control and maintain and insights into what’s going on. You gotta maintain control from the standpoint of the strategy. Mm-Hmm. You know, ’cause someone said to me the other day, they’re like, well, are you that kind of person where you know, you, you know, you, where you, you don’t let, you don’t let anyone do anything outside of the ideas that you have.
RR (00:39:03):
And I said, well, well, no, I’m open to new ideas, but I believe in you imitate before you innovate. Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:39:45):
He was like emailing people. He is making these promises that there was no, they, they were like unethical. ’cause They’re not things that we provide and could get us in legal trouble. So it, so I, my my mistake is I let too much control Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:40:32):
You can’t do every job. I get that. But you still need to maintain an understanding because somebody in your billing department could be doing something that could be destroying relationships, putting you in legal trouble churning customers. And it’s just because you’re not, you say, well, you don’t have control. Right? But you don’t have visuals on it. So I, I just wanna be really clear. There’s, I i, I get really crazy when people are just like, well no, you just hire smarter people than you and get outta their way’s. Not exactly how, you know. Yes, but not exactly like that. Yeah.
AJV (00:41:07):
I’m laughing because I now know, right? When Rory says, oh my gosh, y’all are like the same person. I now know why
RR (00:42:04):
No, that is your job as ceo. Your job is to say, here’s who our customer is. Here’s what our services are, here’s what our brand promises, here’s what our core values are. Here’s how we’re gonna make money in this thing. Like you’ve gotta create your financial model. Here’s who we’re gonna have on the team. Here’s who we’re not gonna have on the team. And set standards and make sure those standards are met. So you think about like your children now, you know, it’s not exactly the same. ’cause Children kind of mature, you know, at, at, at an age. Employees mature faster, let’s say. But you know, like as your child grows, you wanna step back a little bit and let them learn to tire their shoes and let them learn how to cook something. Like, I’m like, I’m freaking out. Like my, the rule in my house with my girls, you know, and they’re old enough, they’re 10 and 14 is they’re not allowed to cook anything when we’re not there.
RR (00:42:54):
‘Cause Sometimes like I’ll walk the dog, like I’ll leave them for a little bit. I’ll walk the dog down the street, come back. Right? No cooking of anything if my, if I’m not here, right. You know, so you, you step back and you give them, you have to give them freedom to grow and learn, but you don’t like, like not get involved in their lives. You know? I mean that’s like, you still have to maintain control. Who are they hanging out with? What are they eating? What are they reading? What are they watching on, on digital? Like if you don’t maintain control of the, of their phones. Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:43:42):
And I can trust you to make good decisions and trust that you know what to do. It’s not to say that they won’t make mistakes, it’s just a matter of like, it’s not fair to your team to throw ’em into the wild and expect them to somehow know how to produce a result with no leadership, no training. No guidance, no resources. No, you, I mean, it’s the biggest complaint I hear. We have marketing managers that come to us in our program or salespeople and they’re like, Hey Robin, can you help me out? I don’t, what do I do? And I’m like, well, what’s your job description? Like, what were you hired to do? No idea. So how are you measured? How do you know you’re doing a good job? No idea. I’m like, well, how do you get paid? And they’re like, you know, it’s like I’m serious.
RR (00:44:25):
Like they have someone hired ’em and they put, gave ’em like a stamp of saying, okay, you’re in marketing. Here’s Robin’s program. Go implement it. And it’s just, that’s not leadership. Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:45:09):
You know, we’re like, I don’t just like, I didn’t just abdicate say, okay, have a good day, you know, figure it out. Go out. She’s my, my chief revenue officer. But so, but it’s gonna take a year for her to really, I have to be with her. ’cause I know the history. I know where the bodies are buried. I know what we’ve tried in the past that worked in, didn’t work. And so even somebody who’s a very high protein, high level person still needs this CEO leader to be there and, and walk with them. Right? And I know I can step away very quick quickly ’cause I trust her. I think she’s got high integrity, she’s got a lot of experience. She’s grown things in the past. She’s bringing ideas and strategies I haven’t thought about. But even then I don’t just go, okay, well here’s your salary and go, go get it. I still have to mean a control over what’s going on in the org.
AJV (00:45:53):
Yeah. And I think that’s really insightful of even when you make the hire doesn’t mean the other person takes over. Like, you’re gonna be with them on that journey through the process. And I, I couldn’t agree more. And I think one of the things is like, these are like true lessons and, and high level entrepreneurship. This is a difference between six figures to seven figures, seven figures to eight figures, eight figures to nine figures is understanding the balance of some of these things. Now I’ve got one last quick question for you. And then our time is almost up. You’ve been doing, you’ve been doing this 20 years, right? Almost same avatar the whole time. Super similar business model. I know it’s changed and evolved a little bit over the course of time. As you look back over the last 20 years, if there was one lesson as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, as a leader, however you wanna, you know, title that if there was one lesson that you’re like, I don’t care if these listeners take away anything else, as long as you hear this, this is what I want you to hear as we’re wrapping up,
RR (00:46:53):
No pressure. Like, you know, just take the Bible and can you boil it down to a single tweet? ’cause Yeah,
AJV (00:46:58):
That’s it. You,
RR (00:46:59):
That’s, you know, eternal salvation if you know this one lesson. Yeah.
RR (00:47:09):
You know, I, it’s, it’s so hard ’cause there’s so many things that I would say I think, you know, looking back, I, I wish I had trusted my gut more and had more confidence in what I thought was right versus being afraid or scared of what people would say. ’cause My gut has never been wrong. What that sense you get about a person or a deal or something like that. I just wish I could go back and say, trust your gut. Stand your ground. You’re, you, you know, it’s, you’re doing the right thing. And I think also in that, from that kind of a, a branch to that is there’s very, very few mistakes you can’t recover from. So even when things look absolutely like the worst you get, you make a hire that just nearly destroys your company. I had a period in my life AJ, where I it was early on I had about seven employees and in a period of under a month, or I mean under a year, sorry.
RR (00:48:16):
I had like five or six of ’em turnover. I had to fire one, I had to fire a bunch of ’em. I, and I had two. One of ’em stole my client list and went to a competitor and there was a lawsuit. And then they, they sued me for defamation, which was just frivolous. It was just kind of a bargaining chip to get me to stop chasing them. I had another employee who left and and was trashing me and like, just flat out lies on social media. And I had, another one I found was stealing money from me. I found another one that I, it just on and on like that all goes on. I had a very, a high profile client go south on me as well. Where that, again, this was very weird. Like this was a very low integrity person in what they did.
RR (00:49:02):
I’ll just leave it at that. So I have this massive turnover. I have this very high profile client going south on me. I found out I had had melanoma all in one year. All in one. I found out I had melanoma. Which, you know, and then on the end of the tail of that, after I, ’cause that was when I decided I wanted to have kids. I wasn’t sure I wanted to have kids. And I said to my husband before I went into the surgery, if I come out and I’m okay. ’cause We were, they were concerned. It had metastasized. And I said, I wanna have a family. And like literally three months afterwards, I get pregnant. I have a miscarriage. This is all happening in like a nine, 10 month period. Right. and I was, that was like the lowest of low I’ve ever been.
RR (00:49:49):
And, you know, I wish I could go back and tell myself, girl, you got this. Like, all this is bad. But in the end it’s all gonna work out, I promise you. But I couldn’t see it at the time. And, you know, I have a renewed faith in God and I wish I could go back and tell myself, he is your savior and he will, he will protect you. ’cause He was there. I just didn’t see him. Sorry, get emotional. ’cause It’s like that important. But I, I think it’s, you know, for all of you, I think there’s nothing that’s going to happen that you make a mistake. Like, I hired the wrong people. I trusted the wrong client. I made some bad decisions. That’s, that’s what it was. I mean, all that happened was my fault. I mean, I even went in tanning bed.
RR (00:50:33):
So the me melanoma, who the hell knows it was my fault, right? So it was all like things I had done. But I think just to trust your gut and know that in the end, if you just keep doing the right thing, you work hard, you take care of people, you do what’s necessary, not what’s expedient, not what’s easy, not the shortcuts. If you keep it, it, it, it will all, it will work out. And just have that confidence. ’cause You’re gonna get beat up. You’re gonna get your butt handed to you multiple times. You’re gonna make all kinds of mistakes. You’re gonna get people who, who rip you off and it’s going to anger you. And I’m telling you it’s not worth it. Like to go, I’ll show them, I’ll sue them. And then you get embroiled in it. Like I’m telling you guys, like, it’s, I think the thing for me is just keep doing what you’re doing, doing the right thing and it will work out. But trust your gut more. ’cause There was, there were signs and I just ignored those signs about the people that I had in my life at the time. And I was kind of afraid to make, make a stance or I was afraid to fire them, or I was afraid to say, no, I’m not doing that. Or I was afraid to say what need to be said. And I think going back, I should have, I should have done that more and then had just had faith in, in, in God that it, it will work out.
AJV (00:51:50):
You know what? I bet you’re not afraid to do those things anymore,
RR (00:51:54):
RR (00:52:34):
And I gotta remind myself, you know, there’s people around me that I gotta just be a little kinder with a little. And it’s, I gotta be very hyper aware of it because that’s not the mode that I’m used to. And that’s really it. Other than that, if I, if you serve people, I don’t focus on competition. I’ve got a ton of it. I’ve got people who copy me. You’re all gonna have copy. You know, it’s, it’s all gonna be okay.
RR (00:53:16):
I hope I’m probably telling you way more than you need. But, you know, one of the things I never, when I started my business, I never wanted to be an influencer. Like, I never wanted to be the one on stage the guru. Like, I, I did it because I saw it as a means to selling stuff, not as a means. Because I like to be on stage. I’m, and I mean this sincerely, if I was never on stage again, wouldn’t hurt my feelings. I don’t mind doing it. But it’s not like my favorite thing in the world, right? I just, I’m kind of neutral about it. In fact, I’d rather be behind the scenes than on stage if I had, if I had my, my preference, right? But, you know, so much of your business gets wrapped up in your ego because you go, well, hey, I don’t have a million followers on Instagram and YouTube and Facebook and all these things.
RR (00:54:02):
And we see these people who are doing amazing. I’m not taking away from ’em. I mean, they have these millions of views for a reason. They’re, they have incredible, incredible messages and stuff. And I’m not, I’m not, I don’t mean this in a jealous way. What I mean, it is, you can get caught up in that and feel like, you know, what, if I’m not relevant anymore, what am I gonna do if this thing doesn’t work out? Like, I’ve gotta be, I gotta be more popular. I gotta be get more likes. I gotta get more clicks. I gotta get more. I, if I don’t, I’m a failure. Right? And I started having those feelings quite a bit and it was, it made me nervous. ’cause I felt like the business kind of rose on that. Right? And, and again, I think my faith in God, just coming back to that is that is an earthly prize that, you know what?
RR (00:54:46):
I don’t need to get wrapped up in that. I just need to take care of people. I need to work hard. I need to do the right thing. And it’s okay if I’m not the most popular YouTuber or Facebook person or whatever, and not to get wrapped up in that too much. You know, because I, I can tell you this, I know a lot of very wealthy successful people that you all never heard of. Yeah. I mean, I know of billionaires and multimillionaires, none of you have ever heard of running an IT business, running a software company that you guys, if I said it, you would never know who the heck I’m talking about. Right? So it’s possible to run a great business without having all these fans, followers. Now I’m not, again, I’m not, please don’t misunderstand me. They’re important. Totally.
AJV (00:55:30):
I totally agree with you though. Okay. So
RR (00:55:31):
I’m just saying like for your spirit, I just don’t get too caught up where you feel like you’re failure if you’re not as popular. ’cause You look at my YouTube channel, you look at my Facebook, you’re like, I get like three people liking it. That’s it.
AJV (00:55:42):
I mean, I’m definitely not all that different. I mean, we run a personal brand strategy firm and I’m like, well, don’t go look at mine because that’s like, I’ve never had roughly more than what I have right now. It’s 10,000 followers. And like one of my personal mantras is that you do not have to have millions of followers to make millions of dollars, and you do not have to make millions of dollars to make a massive and eternal impact. Right. And it’s like a
RR (00:56:05):
Hundred percent. That’s what I’m saying, what you’re saying. Yep, a hundred percent.
AJV (00:56:07):
And you know, and I love what you said, and it’s like I’ve been reading a lot through the Old Testament right now, and we’ll kind of like, I know wrap in this, but it’s like, one of the things that I’ve been, I’ve been holding on to is like, just like gold where we are refined through the fire, right? And it’s like nobody looks back and says, oh my gosh, that success, that victory, it defined me. I learned everything I know. And I had this victorious thing that happened. It’s like nobody says that. I look back and go, like that valley, that challenge, that horrendous year, that awful relationship that, you know, that bankruptcy thing, it’s like we grow through the crap, right? Mm-Hmm.
RR (00:56:49):
Yeah. I mean, it’s the fertilizer of life. Right? Exactly. You know what I mean? You just,
AJV (00:56:53):
And knowing that it’s like, and I love what you said, it’s like, man, if you just don’t give up, you just
RR (00:56:59):
Give, just, you know, get more. I, I think it was Ed Ette said this, we just had edit what, you know, and I know he’s, he’s a client, you some stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And he said, you know, don’t get your ego wrapped up in your results. Get it wrapped up in your intention. And I love that because that’s what I’m really, you know, if your intention is to do good in the world and to help others and, you know, get wrapped up in doing that and providing real value to people. And you know, the other thing is, is learn business too, guys. You know, I, you know, the other thing is if I could go back and say to myself, you know, you can build an actual, like a company with actual enterprise value that is sellable. Not just a company that makes money.
RR (00:57:39):
‘Cause In the beginning, I’ll tell you, I wasted the first, I’d say the first 12 years I just was making money and it was more money than I ever made. And I thought, this is great, you know? And as I started to evolve and grow my business, I started to realize, hey, you know, I had to learn how to run a, a legit business, not this kind of lifestyle thing. And, and if you ever wanna run a lifestyle thing that’s, that’s up to you. I’m just saying like and then as like in my industry, ’cause mergers and acquisitions is such a big deal, I had to bring in several, what I call experts and residents on m and a and enterprise value and financials. And so I started surrounding myself with people that are not like branding and marketing, but that are like, here’s how you read a p and l.
RR (00:58:23):
AJV (00:59:06):
Ah, this is so good. I mean, I literally took three pages of notes,
AJV (00:59:48):
I think that’s so, so, so, so good. And then the third thing that I wrote down, and you said it in the very early, it’s like you gotta know from when you’re going scrappy to strategic, right? Mm-Hmm
RR (01:00:18):
Share it with your mssp if you outsource your IT support, that’s who I want. Woo. Woo. That’s
AJV (01:00:24):
Know where your audience is. That’s what you need to
RR (01:00:27):
Know here. They probably don’t even have one, so that’s fine. But
AJV (01:00:29):
Yeah. You know, I think this, it’s, so this is one of those conversations that really, it’s like this is, this is a conversation 20 years in the making. And if you guys haven’t realized like you just got a masterclass in entrepreneurship, I would encourage you to go back and listen to it. And then also stay tuned for the recap episode that I will do next. Robin, thank you so much. Everyone else, we will see you next time on the influential personal brand.
Ep 523: 3 Ways to Get Mainstream Publicity | Ryan Serhant Episode Recap
RV (00:06):
Welcome to the Influential Personal Brand podcast. This is the place where we help mission-driven messengers, just like you learn how to build and monetize your personal brand. My name is Rory Vaden, and I’m the co-founder of Brand Builders Group, a hall of fame speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. And this show is to help experts learn how to become more wealthy and well-known. I know you’re gonna love it. Thanks for being here. Let’s get started. Let’s talk about how to get attention for your book launch or your product launch, or your company launch, or whatever it is, and specifically how to get traditional media attention and how to get other people to feature you or your work. And this is sort of timely, right? Because right now I am launching we are officially launching a brand new podcast series that’s a total side project, but I have created a podcast called Eternal Life.
RV (01:08):
Seven Questions Every Intelligent Skeptic Should Ask About Jesus of Nazareth. And in this case, that’s a total side project. It’s just looking at the logical historical, archeological, practical, rational evidence for the story of Jesus of Nazareth, and how as a logical person, I’ve come to believe that. And so we have we, and it’s 15 episodes, and they’re free, which you, you can go look at it right on Apple or Spotify. Right now it’s, it’s now finally up. And that is something that I have created that is really for my two boys that in case something were to happen to me, if I, I didn’t, I was not around to explain to him how daddy has become to believe in the historical accuracy of the story of Jesus of Nazareth, right? So let’s say I wanted to launch that. Now I’m not actually launching it.
RV (02:00):
My, like, I’m not doing a traditional launch. There’s no book attached to it. There’s no revenue stream attached to it. It’s a total give back. But if I were trying to, I would go, okay, what are the things that I need to do to get attention for that podcast? And that’s what I want to talk about here. Okay? Not just, we can use that as an example, because it’s a real time thing going on in my life that I’m, you know, semi or quasi launching. So these, these principles will apply a hundred percent to you launching anything, whether it’s a book, a podcast, a company, a product, et cetera, a nonprofit, anything that you’re, when you’re trying to use traditional media to get the word out, okay? And number one is super simple. You have to connect your expertise to what is happening in the news cycle.
RV (02:55):
Connect your expertise to what is happening in the news cycle. This is the first of these three major publicity secrets. So the news, the news, you know, remember that the metaphor of news, if you don’t know this, news, NEWS originally began as an acronym, not a metaphor, excuse me, as a, as an acronym. It stands for Notable Events, weather and Sports. That’s what news stands for. Notable events, weather and sports. So still to this day, that’s what the news covers. Notable events, weather and sports specifically. If you’re not a, if you’re not, you know, talking about the weather or you’re not talking about sports, then what you’re talking about is notable events, or that’s what the news is talking about every day, right? All the major news channels are talking about notable events. What is notable? Notable is notable. It’s remarkable. It’s worth remarking about.
RV (03:50):
It’s unusual. It’s, it’s, it is unexpected. It’s different. It’s, what’s everyone’s talking about is captivating people’s attention. So the news, the news is not really interested in reporting accuracy. Unfortunately, the news makes money from attention, right? So they latch on every day, news channels, latch on to whatever the trending topics are in the world that have people’s attention, wars, diseases, economic collapses, you know celebrity stuff, like anything. That is the thing that people are talking about. They’re trying to ride the wave of attention. And so that’s what they’re doing, because the more that they do that, the more attention they hold, which means the more eyeballs they have, which means the more they can sell to their sponsors, and the, and the higher the packages, the higher the, the, the higher the impressions, the more money they can get from advertisers. And so they’re playing not a game of accuracy, right?
RV (04:51):
The news is not playing a game of accuracy. They’re playing a game of attention. Once you know this and understand this, then you go, great. If I wanna be featured in the news, I have to think of it as a highway, right? Think of it as like all of the trending topics are the interstate, and here you are, right? And just, you know, using me as an example, go, oh, Rory’s got this new podcast about eternal life. I gotta go. How do I somehow connect? I have to, I have to create an on-ramp for connecting my expertise into the flow of information and attention. This sort of attention superhigh that everybody is talking about. That’s what you have to do. You have to connect your expertise to what is happening in the news cycle. If you can do that, then they’re gonna feature you. Like when we launched our trends and personal branding, national research study which by the way, you can go download [email protected] under free training, or under brand builders group.com in our free trainings.
RV (05:54):
Those are, those are downloadable. Also AJ vaden.com, she has it on her website as well. You can download that free training. Well, the day that it came out, the day after it came out, I got a call from Good Morning America, and I was, because there was a, a notable event. There was Victoria Secrets. The company made this major announcement that they were, they were going away from supermodels as their, as their spokespeople. And they were, they had instead selected personal brands, like they were taking recognizable people. And there were, you know, people from different women from different walks of life, but it was a major strategic shift that the company announced. And they were saying, we’re, we’re banking on personal brands and we’re going away from the angels. You know, this, this women dressed in scantily clothing. So when we released a study, we, we happened to release a study right at that exact moment that was about how the trends in personal branding, national research study showed that people are more likely to trust individual faces than they are company names.
RV (07:08):
And so it fit. And so they had me comment on, on that story on Good Morning America, right? That’s an example of connecting it into the news cycle. So if you want to get on television first of all, you’re gonna have to be prepared to pitch or someone’s gonna have to pitch for you. But you have to think about, or, or the radio, right? Or, or anyone who’s, who has a big blogging platform, who’s blogging about current events, or even videos that go viral are often connected. I mean, they’re trending topics, right? So they’re often things connected to things that are happening in this. You know, the nation’s conscience, Tom, Tom Hanks used to say, if you wanna make a hit, you have to enter into the nation’s conscience. So you have to ask yourself, what is everyone talking about? And then you kind of ride that wave by just figuring out what is the connection point that on-ramp is what your pitch is to producers.
RV (07:59):
Producers are looking for interesting and new ways to cover the stories that everyone else is talking about. So if you can connect your expertise to what’s happening in the news cycle, they’re much more likely to say yes, right? They’re, the news is not that we released a new national research study. The news is not that you have a book coming out. The news is not that I’ve launched a new podcast, that’s news to me, that’s a notable event to me, but to the rest of the nation, that’s not news. And books come out, you know, hundreds of books come out every single week. That’s not a notable event in the grand scheme of things. The notable event is whatever people are talking about. And all you have to do to figure that out is turn on the news and watch it for 30, 30 seconds.
RV (08:40):
You’ll see there’s, there’s typically only a few stories that are dominating the headlines. Or pick up a newspaper scan, you know, scan the web, the, the major news outlets and see what the major headlines are. You just gotta pitch the, the producers of those networks, those channels, those outlets to say, Hey, I’m an expert on personal branding. I want to tie into this. You know, if, if, and, and if I wanted to get attention for, if I wanted to get mainstream media attention for my new podcast, I’d have to do the same thing. Now I have zero desire. That’s not a part of my strategy nor my plan to deal with that. And part of that’s because I didn’t write a book on it. And, you know, I, that’s not the goal, right? Is that it’s, it’s, it’s a resource I’ve created for people to genuinely go study in an objective way, the data and the evidence that supports the narrative of Jesus, of Nazareth as being a deity, right?
RV (09:36):
So I’m not trying to sell anything. I don’t need a bunch of urgent national attention. I’m putting it out there in the world. I’m letting people know about it, but I’m not like, you know, all in on trying to like promote this thing. So that is publicity secret number one, connect your expertise to what is happening in the news cycle. Publicity secret number two, become the media. Become the media. And, and by the way, this is a recap of the, the the interview that I did with Paige Dungan, who is, is one of our, one of our implementation partners for pr. And we talked about, you know, if you’re looking for a PR person, go listen to the episode. I shared how you can get in touch with her. And she’s one of the people that we recommend for that service. And we have a, we have an affiliate relationship with her, and, and she’s great.
RV (10:19):
I’ve known her for years, right? So we, there, we talked about, and this is true, is become the media build your own media platform. This is what we teach people how to do at Brand Builders Group. We teach you how to build your own audience. And you do that on social media, on blogging, podcasting, YouTube you know, whatever outlets you have. And you know, if you’re, if you’re a brand builder and you’re one of our members, you know that we teach something called the relationship engine. And there’s a technique as part of that called the content diamond. These are the strategies, these, these techniques that we teach that you know, what is a relationship engine? A relationship engine is a digital automated ecosystem that we build an infrastructure around whoever the messenger is that pumps their content out into the universe as fast as possible to automate trust and capture, you know, and, and engage in lead capture.
RV (11:11):
So that is how you start to become the media. You’re producing content, you’re producing videos, you’re producing audio. If it’s podcasts, you’re producing short form videos. You’re producing the written article, whether it’s on LinkedIn, pulse or Medium or Blog. If you’re following our content diamond strategy, you’re doing all of those things. And most of all, you’re then converting those, you’re using that media to draw in attention and awareness. And then you’re using lead capture conversion to build your email list, your text message, opt-ins you know, direct message automation is a big place where we’re doing a lot right now. And so then you’re building this audience, and you are the media because you’ve built your own audience. The media is anyone who’s who, anyone who creates content for an audience on a regular basis. So there’s several things about this. First of all, when I launch a new podcast, I don’t have to beg anyone for favors.
RV (12:06):
I can just go into my list and I can just write a, write a message and hit send. And boom, I can tell tens of thousands of people that I have a new podcast out. I can announce it on our own podcast, right? Which is kind of what I’m doing now. And I, and I mentioned in, in some other places to go, Hey, I’ve got a new podcast. If you wanna listen to it, go listen to it. Eternal life. Seven questions Every Intelligence Skeptic Should ask about Jesus of Nazareth. It’s my story as a skeptic going through the evidence and the history to go what ev you know, how can any of this be trusted and believed? So there’s two parts of be being the media. The first part is obviously that you’re building your own audience. And when you build your own audience, you can announce stuff to them.
RV (12:51):
And that’s why publishers and literary agents and, and speakers bureaus and, and places like that, they wanna get ahold of creators who have access to their own audience because they can teach ’em how to monetize that in, in various ways. And that’s what we teach people how to do both, how to build their audience, and then how to monetize that audience, how to add value to them in exchange for money, right? So there is obviously that part of it that you’ve built your own audience. The other part though, is that when you become the media, you understand the pressures, the desires, the demands, the challenges, the opportunities of having to create content regularly, right? There’s some beautiful parts about that. ’cause You go, man, I get to inspire people. I get to, I get to talk about the things that I think are, are, are important to me and are important to my audience.
RV (13:42):
And then there’s some challenging parts of that going like, oh my gosh, like, you know, it’s, it’s another week. I gotta produce more content. I gotta have another video. I gotta have more articles. I gotta have more insights. I, I, there’s, there’s this need, this engine, this, this engine that you have to constantly be fueling with new content. Well, when you understand that, it helps you relate to the rest of the media world in general, right? Like every day I get people sending books to my, you know, office and, and pitching me emails on, you know, sending me dms, trying to get on our podcast and all this sort of stuff, right? So I’m, I take the role of a producer and vet to go, does this person have anything worthwhile to say to you? To my audience, to our audience? Is it worth me putting them in front of you?
RV (14:30):
Are they gonna add value to the conversation? If yes, then I say yes. If no, then I say no, but it’s not so much that they’re gonna pay me and I’m just gonna put ’em in front of you. That doesn’t do me any good. I have to create content that’s useful for you, that’s relevant to the audience that we are building. And once you do that, you go, oh, that’s exactly what the, the producer on the Today Show, or Good Morning America, or Oprah or Fox or CNN or whatever the outlet is, they have to do the same thing, right? So they need, they need you as much as you need them. That’s something you gotta understand about media. They need you as much as you need them. They need someone to help them produce content that is worthwhile to be consumed by their audience, but they also need to make sure that that content is relevant to be consumed by their audience.
RV (15:21):
So they’re both desperate for you, and they also have to filter out the right person. So it’s not so much about who’s the smartest or who’s the most famous, it’s who has the most relevant bit of expertise for my specific audience at this specific moment in time in history. And that’s why someone could turn you down to be on national TV today and three months from now, everything can change in the news cycle, and you can make the same pitch and they would have you on. So when you become the media, you understand that, right? Like I’ve, I, I, I’ve watched a lot of our clients do the same thing, right? A lot of our, a lot of our clients are the biggest podcast hosts in the world, and they get on these kicks of certain things like you know, Tom, Tom, Tom and Lisa biu, so they’re clients of ours.
RV (16:07):
And Tom Tom’s a good example of this Tom’s podcast. He kind of like goes and kicks where he, you know, suddenly he wants to talk to anyone who’s talking about like, health and longevity or some, you know, anyone who’s talking about like you know, like crypto or Bitcoin or like any of you know, the metaverse kind of stuff. And, and that’s just because he’s interested in that. And so in that particular moment, somebody who would’ve said no to as a guest six months ago, he might say yes to today. So you go, well, how do I know when to pitch him? Simple? Pay attention to what he’s, what, what he’s promoting. And, and then you have to, and then you have to check all the boxes, right? So you gotta pitch him the right message at the right time for his audience, what he’s interested on, and then you gotta have the credibility point that he’s interested in.
RV (16:51):
So every different media outlet has different criteria for those. It’s not just about who’s the smartest, who’s the most famous, who went to the, you know, the most prestigious school. It’s a combination of all of those factors unique to their audience. So if they say no to you, don’t take it too personal. It just means you weren’t the right match, you weren’t the right fit for what they’re producing at this time. It doesn’t mean you should never pitch them again, but it does mean if you’re gonna pitch them again, you need to pitch a different angle to a different, a different, you know, a different hook to a different thing going on in the news cycle. And when you become the media, when you’re producing your own YouTube show, your own podcast, your own blog, your own Instagram channel, your own LinkedIn feed, and you start featuring other guests and, and filtering content.
RV (17:36):
You understand better how the media operates and what, what they’re looking for, which makes you a better guest. You also know, like, what are the things that are credible, right? Like, someone sends me an email that’s 18 paragraphs about why they’re coming to the show. It’s like, I can’t, I’m not even gonna look at it, because the idea of reading 18 paragraphs is overwhelming. So it’s just a no, right? On the other hand, if someone that I know and I trust really well sends me and says, Hey Rory, you should meet this person. I think they’d be great for your podcast. Here’s three sentences on ’em and a link to their website, and I click on it. I go, oh, website looks awesome. They look credible. They got a book, they’re credible. You know, they, they’ve got some, you know, maybe some social media following whatever.
RV (18:13):
They have these indicators that go, yeah, this person is legit great, let’s have ’em on. And it’s that simple. So the more you produce media, the more you produce content, the better you will be at understanding how to get on other media outlets. So that’s publicity, publicity secret number two. And then publicity secret number three. And this is the biggest secret of all this. One’s the magic. This one is, this is the one that, that has built my career. This is the one that if you go, how did Brand Builders Group go from zero to eight figures in five years with no investors, no debt, no bank loans, no credit cards, like how did you guys do it? It would be this one. And it is something that I call the relationship switchboard. Well, that’s the technique. Lemme tell you the principle. Here’s the, here’s the principle, and like, write this down.
RV (19:08):
Okay? Seriously, if you are driving, like pull over and write this down. If you’re running on the treadmill, stop for a second, you’re gonna wanna write this down. This is one of our flagship BBG Brand Builders Group mantras. This is one of the things if you became, if you were to become a member of ours and you were to become a paying client, which by the way, if you’re curious about that, if you go to free brand call.com slash podcast, free brand call.com/podcast, you can request a call with our team and learn more about what that would look like. Well, if you became one of our monthly paying members, you would hear us say this all the time. Ready? Write this down. Build relationships before you need them. Build relationships before you need them. Build relationships before you need them. Build relationships before you need them.
RV (19:59):
What do I mean by that? I mean, invest in helping the people that you might one day need help from long before you ever need help from them. That’s what I mean. So how have we built this company so quickly? We’ve built it through affiliates. These affiliates who have who, huge audiences. How did we get to these people? Especially, you know, when we started Brand Builders Group in 2018, we did not expect to start the company. And when we sold our last company, we sold, we lost everything that went with it. All of our social media, our podcast, our email list, our whole team, we were sitting on zero, baby Zero starting over. This was only a few years ago for us, right? How did we get back to, to where we are so quickly? We built relationships with affiliates. We built re relationships with people who have large platforms.
RV (20:49):
How did we do that? Well, we paid attention to who had something going on that they were launching, and when they had something going on that they were launching, we showed up and we offered to help for free. We said, Hey, I see that you’re launching a book, right? This is how I met Gretchen Rubin. This is, I always tell the Gretchen Rubin story because I love Gretchen, and she’s, you know, I guess I would call her a friend. Like we go back and forth a few times a year, but we’re not super close. But we’ve built a relationship. She’s been a big supporter of ours. She’s been on this podcast, she’s been on our summit. She lets us, you, you, you, you know advertise that, that she’s been a guest, things like that. And you know, how did I meet Gretchen?
RV (21:32):
I said, oh, look, Gretchen has a book launch coming out, and when she has a book launch coming out, I say, Gretchen, I have some friends who have some very large podcasts. Would you be okay if I pitched you to see if they would have you on their show? Right? Not for money for free, right? I do PR for Free Brand Builders Group. We have a full-time person on our team that does free pr. We only do free PR member to member though. We, we, we offer it as a free service for people who are active members in our program to help them get booked on the shows of our other active members. We do that for free. You can’t buy it. It’s, it’s a, it’s just a, it’s just a value add that we do. It is also my number one prospecting mechanism and tool that I do to build new relationships.
RV (22:18):
And I call it the relationship switchboard because I keep track of everyone I know who is the host of a media outlet, right? Most of them are podcasts, right? They have great podcasts. Some of them are, are huge bloggers, some of them are top talkers, some of them are are YouTubers, some of them are in national tv. But I just keep a list of everyone I know who has a large platform. And then I keep a list of everybody I know who’s like a VIP guest. And all I do, a huge part of my time is just connecting these people to one another. And so I just go, if somebody, if somebody I know is launching a new show, right? This is a good example right now. Dr. Josh Ax, who, you know, we’ve been sort of casual acquaintances over the year. We become really close in the last couple years.
RV (23:09):
We become really close friends. Part of that is because he’s launching a new podcast and he’s wanting to meet a bunch of people. And I go, dude, I got you. Like, I can get you access to like 30 major VIP people who I think would be a great fit for your show. And I’ll do it for free. Why? Because it helps Dr. Ax, it helps my other friends, and it, it helps me. I get caught in the crossfire. Now, a lot of it is it work for me? Yeah, it’s a ton of work. Do I get paid for it? No, I do not get paid for it at all. $0 zero now. But here’s another mantra I wrote about and take the stairs. And this is another life philosophy that is true. You always get paid for how hard you work sometimes. Now, oftentimes later, always.
RV (23:54):
Eventually, you always get paid for how hard you work sometimes. Now, oftentimes, later, always, eventually. That’s spending your time on what we would call in, in procrastinating on purpose. My second book on things that are significant. What are things that I can do now that create more time or money tomorrow? Well, connecting people is something I can spend time on today that multiplies my influence tomorrow because it builds my reputation with both people. And I have nothing to gain from either per se, like no specific ask nothing, no money. It may never come back to me from those specific people. I’m simply going, oh, you need guests for your show. Let me give you access to all of these VIP guests that I have that are friends of mine. Or if somebody is a guest and they have something they wanna promote and they suddenly launched like a new book, a new course, a new program, a new company, a new nonprofit, whatever.
RV (24:46):
And I go, Hey, are you looking to get the word out about that thing? Let me introduce you to 30 friends I have who all have big platforms. Now, I know for you, when you hear this concept, you might go, oh, well that’s great, Rory, because your clients are, you know, all these famous people and Amy Porterfield and Ed Millets and Louis Howes and Eric Thomas’, and yes, but they didn’t. How did they become clients? They became clients from me doing this for them, right? This is how I build relationships with people. Save the best for first, give, give, give, give without expectation of receipt. I do this for people. I’ve done this for many people who I’ve never gotten anything from return. I’ve helped some people get booked on shows, podcasts, like dozens of shows. They won’t even have me on their own show.
RV (25:36):
Am I bitter about it? Yes.
RV (26:28):
You know, if I wanted to, I’m not gonna do this ’cause I don’t wanna do a huge podcast tour for it. At least not right now to say, Hey, will you have me on your show? And they go, of course man, because I’ve been talking to ’em every week for three years, helping them get on shows and helping people get on their shows. So that’s the relationship switchboard. It doesn’t have to be media. That’s how I use it. I use it a lot for media. I also use it for speaking, right? I take all of my past speaking clients and all my friends and, you know, clients who are speakers who are in up and comers or in, in or around my fee range. And I go, Hey, you should meet this person. You should meet this person. ’cause My clients need speakers, and my speakers need clients just like my hosts need guests and my guests need hosts, and I wanna get caught in the crossfire.
RV (27:12):
So do I do it because something good will come out of it for me? Yes. But when I don’t know, I don’t keep, I don’t keep score. I, I don’t, I don’t let, it’s not about having people owe you one. It’s just about going, how can I add value to the community? How can I add value to the, the shows that I’ve been on? How can I add value to the guests who’ve been on this show? And how can I add value to the clients who’ve had me book on their stage, have me come speak on their stages, and how can I add value to my friends who are really good speakers, who I really believe in to help them get on stages? This is the answer. And I get caught in the crossfire. I’m constantly in this interchange between awesome people. And what happens is that tends to cycle up. You tend to get around better and better people and bigger and bigger and more and more influential people, more and more people of notoriety. And it’s, it’s an upward snowball, just like everything we do with the relationship engine and building your own media platform. It’s about automating trust. It’s about saving the best for first. It’s about building relationships before you need them. It’s about give, give, give, add value. And it’s trusting that you can’t outgive God.
RV (28:23):
You can’t, you can’t outgive God. You can’t outgive the universe. You can’t out give like, you know, Zig Ziglar said, help enough people get what they want and you will get what you are you want. And I have found it to be absolutely true. Now, I’m not always in a one-to-one relationship. There’s some people that I’ve helped a lot more than they’ve helped me, but then there’s other people who have helped me a lot more than I’ve helped them. But in total, I have received a massive amount of blessing far beyond the work that I have done to help others. But I’ve done a lot of work to help others. And so that blessing seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger. And even if not, you end up getting to play a role in shaping the world, right? And that’s awesome, right? I, I love, I love it when two of my friends or two of my clients get together and I go, yep, I connected them and they made magic.
RV (29:13):
They made magic happen. And I go that, that interview would’ve never happened if it weren’t for me. And I, I can take quiet credit for it ’cause it’s true. And I can be so proud that all I did was connect these two amazing humans and they made a little piece of magic for the world. And that’s how we wanna do a brand builders group. We want to shape the voices that shape the world. That’s why we’re here at Brand Builders Group, right? We’re not trying to make a, you know, bazillion dollars. We don’t care about private jets. We don’t even care about being famous and selling lots of books and speaking on stages. I mean, those are good things. We’ve done a lot of those things. We wanna make an impact. We want to shape the voices that are going to shape the future of the world.
RV (29:55):
That’s why we do this at Brand Builders Group and we wanna have a hand in it. And so that’s why we work with Mission-driven messengers. And that’s also why we turn clients away. There are some people where we go, yeah, sorry, we can’t help you ’cause we don’t believe in your message, right? No offense, we just, we don’t, we don’t, we don’t believe that that message lines up with what we think makes the world a better place. And so we’re not gonna do it. But if you are a mission-driven messenger, and you do genuinely care about making the world a better place, you should probably think about joining our community because we have big things happening, big things happening. On that note, I, it would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to two of our brand builders, group clients hit the New York Times Bestseller list.
RV (30:37):
Just recently this month we have had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 clients this month. Eight clients who have become USA Today and or Wall Street Journal bestselling authors. And we have had two clients, Nicole Walters and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, who have become New York Times bestselling authors. To this month, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon wrote this book Forever Strong. This was the number one selling book in the nation. She hit number three on the New York Times. But she was a came to one of my private brand mastery events only about six months ago. And followed our system to a t no hacks, no gimmicks, no tricks, just adding value, working her butt off following the system. And you know, her book absolutely crushed. It was the number one advice, how to book by unit sold. It was number three on the New York Times but the, the, the highest selling book in the nation last week.
RV (31:41):
So congratulations, Dr. Lyon. That’s the eighth time that a Brand Builders group has hit the New York Times in the last 12 months. So we’ve hit the USA today in the Wall Street Journal with eight different clients this month. And then we’ve had eight times that we’ve hit the New York Times in the last 12 months, two in this month alone with Nicole Walters and Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. And these are just people doing work, adding value. What are they doing? They’re, they’re, they’re, they’re building relationships before they need them. They are becoming the media. They’re building platforms, they’re creating content. They’re adding, they’re automating trust. And then when their moment comes, they connect their expertise to what is happening in the news cycle. That my friends are the three biggest secrets of publicity. And I hope that helps you if you are a Mission-driven Messenger, and I hope we get to work with you one day soon. Until then, keep coming back. We’ll catch you next time on the Influential Personal Brand Podcast.
Ep 522: How to Get Your Own TV Show with Ryan Serhant
RV (00:06):
Welcome to the Influential Personal Brand podcast. This is the place where we help mission-driven messengers, just like you learn how to build and monetize your personal brand. My name is Rory Vaden, and I’m the co-founder of Brand Builders Group, a hall of fame speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. And this show is to help experts learn how to become more wealthy and well-known. I know you’re gonna love it. Thanks for being here. Let’s get started. You are about to get backstage access to one of the biggest personal brands in the world. Not only one of the biggest personal brands, but somebody who I admire and respect for how he’s turned his personal brand into an actual scalable business with enterprise value. Something extremely rare that we see. And this is my pal a a brambles group client. Now, Ryan Serhant. And if you don’t know Ryan, you will he’s, he’s quite possibly the most famous real estate agent in the world.
RV (01:07):
So he became really popular while selling some of the \most expensive properties in Manhattan and, you know, New York and other areas, two celebrities. And he was the TV star of the two time Emmy nominated series, million Dollar Listing on Bravo. He since has had multiple TV shows, and he has another one coming out soon on Netflix. But he’s also, more importantly the CEO of Serhant, which is a tech forward real estate brokerage known for really cutting edge innovation. Extravagant listing listings, a full service media production company. And also he has basically like a whole nother half, which does digital education which is a, is a platform that has more than 14,000 members in 110 countries. And all of these things together have led to Ryan accumulating a personal brand with more than three, 4 million plus followers on social media. He’s the bestselling author of multiple books. And you know, he writes columns for Forbes and other places and has just really done a phenomenal job of turning a personal brand into a huge business. And so we invited him on the show to say, Hey, could we hear some of those secrets? So, Ryan, welcome to the show, man.
RS (02:28):
Thank you. I appreciate it. I was, was like, man, when is it? When’s the intro gonna end? We have so much to talk about
RV (02:33):
RS (02:34):
Intro, so much
RV (02:35):
Information. Well, you’ve done a lot of, you’ve done so many things like that. Doesn’t even scratch the surface of, of it. But let’s start by the most recent thing, which is what brought us together was your book brand. It like Sirhan. Tell us about brand it like Sirhan, why did you write that book? It’s the third book in a trilogy. So let’s start there and then we can kind of go backwards.
RS (02:58):
Sure. You know, the book yeah. Just came out it and thank you for all your help, by the way. Really appreciate it. It definitely stands alone, you know, for people who want to go and build a brand in 20, 24 and beyond, right? It is, it is very, very tactical. No fluff. You wanna build a brand from scratch that’s personal. So a personal brand, or you wanna build a product brand and it has everything you need to know from, you know, social channels to working with pr. It has our whole, what we call our Sir Amp brand strategy system, which I can get into. But it’s, it’s really, really great. And I, you know, I wrote it because I couldn’t, I, again, I couldn’t find something like it, you know, there’s, there’s branding books that are old, you know, that talk a lot about newspapers and radio.
RS (03:44):
But it’s just a, it’s a different world now, right? And everything moves incredibly, incredibly fast as part of a, a trilogy, right? I wrote my, my first book in 2018 called Sell It Like Sirhan. We did a TV show about it for Bravo where I was like helping people sell wine and sell body and bikini waxing memberships and all this kind of stuff,
RV (04:20):
Sell it. Do
RS (04:21):
Super exciting com. Sell it.com. That, so that’s been super exciting. So that was just, that was sales tools, right? That’s what was that book? Was the sales tool belt. Like, if you’ve never sold anything, you don’t classify yourself as a salesperson. You hate salespeople, you hate selling, whatever. If you wanna control your own life, you wanna be an entrepreneur, a gig worker, you wanted to have a side hustle. You wanna sell real estate, sell cars, sell software, whatever. Read this, it is your, it’s your Bible. And I followed that up with my second book, big Money Energy, which, which really was, Hey, okay, I gave you all the tools. But if you don’t have the confidence to use them, then it’s gonna be a great tool belt that sits in your closet. So how can you start acting and carrying yourself, like the you of the future, you know, where you want to get to two years from today.
RS (05:08):
So be that person today. And so how do you do that? And so I looked at those two books and it was the sales skills, you need the confidence to use them. But then if no one knows what you’re selling, it doesn’t matter how confident you are, it doesn’t matter how many tools you have in your Jewel belt, you’re never gonna sell anything to anybody. So how do you, how do you create awareness? How do you cut through attention? How do you, how do you really build right, a brand both for yourself or for a product. And that’s where branded like Shanz comes into play. Yep. Spent the last two years writing it and putting it together.
RV (05:43):
So one, one of the things, I mean, you’ve done masterfully is PR and specifically, I, I can, can you share with us the story of like, how did, how did you get on tv? How does it work? Like, how does it even work to get a show with Bravo or Netflix? Because you’ve done that not just once, multiple times. You got your new Netflix show coming out in June. Yeah. And like, that’s, very few people have been able to do that. So like, did you just call them or like send a submission or show up to a casting call or what?
RS (06:22):
Well, the first time I was ever on TV was on a soap opera. So I, I trained to be an actor for a long time my whole life. Like, I was terrible at sports, but I liked being on stage. And so I did theater since I was a little kid and made like little home movies and all that. I went to college, I was a double major in English literature, so writing books and and theater, right? So, so performance. And I moved to New York City in 2006 to do theater. My dream was Broadway. That was my dream to be on stage or Broadway. You know, if TV or film worked out, that would be awesome. But I didn’t wanna move to California. It was the other end of the country. I’d never even been there before. And so I was like, you know, I’ve been to New York City before. I know people in New York, I’ll go make that happen. And I promptly ran out of all my money. And because when you go to theater school, they, which
RV (07:12):
Probably took a few days, right? Like in New York, you anyone can burn through like a lot of money pretty quickly,
RS (07:17):
All of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had like, I had what I thought was like five years of savings, and I was out of it in less than two years. And I made some money along the way, like I did some regional theater and made some money. I did a soap opera called As The World Turns, which isn’t Around anymore. And Oh, nice. Yeah. Made some money from that and for a while. And then, and then it just basically was down to my last couple thousand dollars. And, you know, the classic, how am I gonna eat? How am I gonna pay rent? Do I go become a bartender, a waiter? What do I do? And a friend said, get into real estate is the same thing. You know, I was great at improv, so I would do improv classes and you know, your acting classes really are about breathing, right?
RS (07:55):
They’re about listening. They’re about, you know, morphing into this conversation and that conversation. It’s about using your voice. And selling is the same exact thing. Memorize information. You meet strangers and you play an improv game, right? And so he’s like, listen, get your real estate license. Rent Apartments. New York City is tens of thousands of rental apartments and rental agents. You can make, you can make, you know, you can make a thousand dollars a day, you can make a hundred grand a year. You know, no one knows what to do. The city is all upside down. It’s crazy. So do that. So I got my license the day Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy in 2008, and everyone gets outta the business, but I already had no money. So I was like par for the course. I just thought the business was really, really hard.
RS (08:44):
And I, I kind of, you know, it was real estate was my survi survival job. I had no intention of being a real estate agent or a broker or salesman. I had all the intention of buying time. It’s like all if I rent an apartment a month, and if I can make my rent and pay for food and incidentals, which was about $2,000 a month, I could stay in New York and not have to move home to Colorado where my parents were at the time. And so what, you’re from Colorado? I didn’t know that. I’m from Colorado. I’m from, well, I’m from Texas. I grew up outside Boston. We moved a lot as a little kid, but when I, when I graduated high school, my parents sold our house in Boston and moved to Colorado. So if I were to go home, you know, at that time, I would’ve moved home to Colorado to live with my parents.
RS (09:29):
Gotcha. And so I, you know, I did my first rental deal. It was like, huh, wow, okay, so if I just work, I can make money
RS (10:10):
And so a lot of salespeople get into sales and they, you know, 90% of them churn out because the rejection is just too hard and they just don’t wanna deal with it. For me, like my whole life had been rejection. So I was, I was kind of fine with it. I didn’t bank on anybody or anything ever. I just knew I was gonna bet on myself. ’cause That’s why I moved to New York in the first place. And so then I started doing sales, and I got my first sales commission check of like a couple thousand dollars. It was like, holy moly. And I actually liked it. I liked touching base with people. I liked seeing apartments all day. I liked running around, and I was totally fine working for free. Amazing. Because, you know, in, in, in sales, your, your success is your client’s success, right?
RS (10:48):
Amen. And so I then I built, and a little over a year later, there was a casting call that got put out for the New York version of a show called A Million Dollar Listing, which had been on the air for a couple years in Los Angeles on Bravo. And so I saw that and was like, oh, that’d be so weird,
RS (11:38):
And then a couple months later, they called me back and they were like, Hey, we’re doing a Skype interview. We wanna get to know you better. And they whittled it down to a couple hundred at that point, and then, then they whittled it down to 16 people to, to find the final agents that would be on that show. And they, they, they flew a, a whole production crew in from Los Angeles and said, we’re gonna follow all 16 of you around New York City for half a day. Show us what your day’s like. Show us how you operate, what do you do? And I made sure that that half day was the craziest half day in the history of real estate in New York City. Nice. Because I had just got into the business. I was like, a half day in my life, I’ll post some ads on the internet, I’ll get a bagel.
RS (12:19):
And so I didn’t want it to be that. And so I made sure it was, it was worth watching. And then they cast us, you know? Wow. And so out of obscurity. So then we did Million Dollar Listing. It premiered in 2012 and ran for 10 years. And from that we did spinoff shows. I did a, my wedding was a spinoff show. My, my renovation of my home was a spinoff show Sell, like Sirhan was a spinoff show. And then, you know, I saw the world change during that experience, right? Like we, when we started listing first came out like two to 3 million people would tune in live every week, right? There was no Netflix, Netflix was DVDs. There was no video, there was no Instagram in 2012, right? There was no Instagram. There was, YouTube was like reruns of Kevin Bacon’s movies and scenes, like, it was, it was just a different, different world
RS (13:06):
And then Instagram comes out, right? So social becomes a thing. The heyday of reality TV kind of really kicks off 2013 to like 2016, Netflix moves to streaming, house of Cards comes out, reality TV explodes everywhere. And people’s attention starts being grabbed, you know? And I saw that like 20 16, 17 really 17, 18, 19 ratings started going down for all TV shows because YouTube became a real thing, right? The next generation didn’t need, didn’t, they weren’t watching TV anymore. Everyone was just watching. So as you had wifi, they had all the entertainment they need. And then TikTok hit and everything really changed. So it’s like, okay, so one day cable TV isn’t gonna exist anymore. And so I need to plan for my next, my next step. I built a whole career and a whole business on the back of a reality TV show.
RS (13:56):
What’s next for me? So I started my own company in 2020 called Sirhan. We do real estate brokerage services, education services, and we have a production company. So we do media services. And I created a pitch reel, right? Where I took a couple of my camera guys and we created a reel, and I pitched it around, and we took it to Netflix, we took it to HBO Max, we took it to Peacock, we took it to Amazon Prime, we took it to Hulu. And we got offers from almost all of them. But Netflix was, was the strongest. And they already had a, a world built, right? They already had a viewership that understood reality real estate. And they had the biggest global audience. And so for my business, even though those other networks are fun, and they’re cool, like, I wanna make sure that someone in India, Japan, Brazil, you know globally would have the opportunity to come in, into contact with our brand. And so we chose Netflix. We shot it all last year, and it comes out in a couple months.
RV (14:56):
RS (14:56):
That, that’s a really long answer to your super
RV (14:58):
Simple. Yeah. That, but that, I mean, that’s, that’s so powerful. I mean, I love how God uses your, you know, backstory and pulls it all together, right? Like one, one of the things that we always say is your most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were. And like, there you are not making it as an actor, starting with real estate. And then all of a sudden with a casting call of 3000 people who is more qualified to know exactly what those people need and, and to make, you know, something worth watching. When, when you say you pitched it, okay, like in, in 2020, you say, we, we created a pitch reel, and then we took it around to Yeah. Peacock, et cetera. What does that mean exactly? Who are you taking it to? How do you take it to them? What, like, how do you find these people? I mean, I assume it’s somewhat of a referrals and prospecting game, like anything, but is it basically like, yeah. Do you hire a showrunner and they like, take your pitch deck and show it to producers? Or how does that work? The
RS (15:57):
Show, the showrunner came later once the show got picked up, because there was no show to run prior to that, that was a whole separate process. You know, I had been on TV previously. Yeah. So I had the, the, the, I was in a fortunate position where, you know, I had a great agent at UTA, you know, agents are are good people, right? They can get business done. So I had a great agent at UTA that I kind of brainstormed with for a bit. The production company that I worked with World of Wonder based in LA that did Million Dollar Listing and all my spinoff shows with me on Bravo. Were down to try something new with me. So it’s like, this is gonna be different. I’m not, I don’t wanna make million dollar listing again for the new world.
RS (16:35):
Like, I wanna do something that kind of redefines the genre a bit, and it’s gonna be weird. Maybe it won’t, maybe it won’t work. I have no idea. And they said, okay, well, so we made, we made our first reel, like on our own, so that we weren’t really spending tons of money and wasting it. And then my agent and World of Wonder, the production company, set up the meetings because that’s all they do, right? That’s what their jobs are. It’s like, if you’re like, all right, how do I go buy a house in New York? You find a good agent and you say, this is what I want. The agent has all the relationships and has doing, been doing this for 10 years, and they set up those appointments, they know exactly who to talk to, and they don’t waste any time. So we did our Zoom, or it was like our Zoom tour, right?
RS (17:11):
Where we would send our little reel over and they would watch it, and then we would, we would talk about it on those, on those pitches. Like, Hey, here’s the vision. So you just saw five minutes of kind of like a taste of what we’re looking at, which was our company in New York, our building in soho that I’m standing in right now. Kind of our crazy cast of characters and, and really helping define what the universe would look like, because I think the most successful TV shows create, create a World, right? They create a universe that really grabs the viewer, and then you have to hook and release, right? So how are you hooking people and then giving them a cliffhanger and then releasing them, and then giving them a hook, giving ’em a cliffhanger, and then releasing them. And so there’s, there’s kind of an algorithm that you look at when you’re telling story long form.
RS (17:58):
I mean, short form too, for sure, but also long form. And so then we walked the Netflix executives, the HOO Max executives, Hulu Peacock, Amazon Prime. Amazon gave us a great offer, a great one. And they were super, super bullish. And the only reason I didn’t go with Amazon, and that was a tough, I remember that, like that summer which was summer of 22, when, when we kind of got the green light. These, these things take forever, by the way. I remember like going back and forth and just saying, what do we do? Who do we go with? Like, how do I, like, it’s such a big decision. How do I choose? And the way we did it was like, all right, well why, why am I doing this? I don’t, I don’t care about being famous. I don’t care about selling toasters. Like we, our business is the most important. What’s gonna be the most entertaining? ’cause We’re gonna make the same show regardless of the network. But what’s gonna be best for business? And we just looked, we’re like, all right, so we got a client. Did you
RV (18:57):
Say you, you do want it to be most entertaining, or you’re saying you didn’t care about?
RS (19:01):
No, we want it to, we just two, you want it to be entertaining, but we know what’s gonna be entertaining. ’cause We know how to make great tv, but we also want it to be great for the business, otherwise it’s a waste of time. Right? So like, like, I don’t wanna spend all this time, all this effort, effort and go make a TV show and have it sit in a box, right? Would sure. Super entertaining in that box. Or it’s,
RV (19:18):
Or it’s a distraction that pulls you away from the business. But if you can make them aligned, all of a sudden one is like jet fuel for the other.
RS (19:25):
Yeah. So, exactly. So we really, we looked at it, and so then we, I was like, okay, well where are our clients right now coming from, you know, that are using us? You know, and they were across Asia, south America, India, different parts of Europe. Like we had a buyer in Croatia. And I just went to all of them and I said, Hey, do you watch Netflix, Amazon, or where do you see tv? Every single one of them said they had Netflix. Whoa. And it just, that was just the differentiator. I was like, I, I gotta be in front of people in Croatia, Sao Paulo, Patagonia, you know, India, et cetera. And New York is a big, it’s, it’s a very New York show. It’s gritty, you know, it’s tough. It feels very New York and, and around the world. New York’s an interesting place for people to see, like, it’s just a wild, it’s wild little island that we have here.
RV (20:18):
But you’re deliberately going after, I mean, multiple times, just this, you’ve said about the importance of the international audience. Mm-Hmm.
RS (20:40):
So New York is where we dominate in real estate. So, you know, I’m based in New York City. I live in New York. There’s enough real estate here to go around. It’s a big part of our business. But our brand has, has grown pretty globally now. And so we want to take as much advantage of it, of it as we possibly can. So sell it.com right now has, we have members in 128 countries, you know, most of which I’ve never even been to. And so if we’re gonna create a TV show and spend two years making it like it is a significant amount of work and really put the time and effort behind it, then I wanna make sure that it has the biggest opportunity possible. You know? And, and that’s why really, like what’s the best platform to be on? Like when it was cable TV only, then you’re like, you, you really run the risk of, okay, well a lot of people are gonna see it, but if it’s not any good, it’ll go off the air pretty quickly. Streaming’s actually kind of worse, because if it’s not good, that thumbnail goes away real fast, right? That algorithm just starts showing you more things to keep you in the platform. Like Netflix is just, you know, is a social media app, basically, right? They wanna keep you in there, hook you in. Don’t, don’t leave us, don’t go to Amazon. Don’t go to Hulu. Right. Stay, stay.
RV (21:57):
Yeah. It’s, but it’s amazing just to even hear your brain of how far ahead you’re thinking, like the patience it takes to pursue a TV show, knowing it could take two years to get a deal, two years to film it, then it finally gets out and at any moment they could drop you. Right? They can pull the thumbnail down. That’s super, super powerful. So, so like talk to me about, now a lot of reality TV shows, stars, we, we actually have a lot of brand builders, clients, like a fair number who were on the Bachelor or were an NFL player or like, yeah. You know, a lot of people have been on TV or they’ve had their minute of fame and then the moment the thing goes away, they struggle to monetize, they struggle to keep the momentum going. You didn’t do that. Like, you have gotten bigger and bigger. Like everything has sort of snowballed and even, even small business owners. I think that’s the thing is going, how do you turn your personal brand into a business? How do you scale it past you? What are the things that you’ve done internally? How do you think strategically about sort of scale and enterprise value and making it extend beyond the person of Ryan?
RS (23:13):
So I’m always thinking at minimum 12 months out, all the work that I’m doing today is not to the benefit of Ryan tomorrow. It’s to the benefit of Ryan in April of 2025. Like, that’s all the work we’re doing today. Like March was across our businesses. March was our biggest revenue month in company history, right? And it’s because of the work that we did a year ago, you know, and it’s really important for me always to remind our employees of that because they’re like, oh, oh, we can take time off. I’m like, well, well, no, no, because all the work you’ve done from the past year got us to today. Now imagine what could happen if we even dialed that down even further, where we’re gonna be a year from for now. So you’re always working for future. You like that is, that’s my world.
RS (24:00):
That’s the world I live in. Nothing is for me today, like I go to the gym this morning, it has no effect on my body today. Right? Am I more mentally aware? Sure. Right. But I’m doing it for my long-term health so that Ryan, next year, two years from now, Ryan, who’s 80, can look back and say, Hey, thanks
RS (24:46):
They were assistants on the business. It was like, so how do I, how do I scale sales when I’m the, when I’m, when I’m, when I’m kind of selling is myself, right? Because the apartments are there, the houses are there, but I’m really selling is using Ryan to go to those houses or to sell those houses. Totally. Like what is, what’s scalable that way? So lemme build a brand. Let me focus a lot on talking about Serhant and not just Ryan Serhant. I have a funky last name. It is check. And so not a lot of people have it so I could use it, right? Because it’s every time someone mispronounces it and says Sirhan or Ser Ann or Seacrest, it’s great. Right? It just means they’re thinking. And so, and that was a big part of creating early on, because I didn’t start, so I didn’t start Serhant until 2020, but I knew I was going to eventually, which is why I wrote sell it like Serhant in 2018.
RS (25:36):
I mean, we started writing it in 2016, so like, kind of four years ahead of time. And then with the brand, right? Our brand strategy system, that brand it, like Serhant the book really goes into is three phases. So it’s core identity, consistent content, and then amplification or, or shouting it from the mountaintop. And so I did those exercises, like what is the core identity of, of, of Sirhan in, in as much as how it’s different from Ryan, right? So like, what’s Ryan? And then what is Sirhan? Now let’s create consistent content around Sirhan being separate from Ryan. Let’s build a production arm that is just pushing out the product brand and focusing on those product successes in that kind of third period, which is the, the amplification. So let’s make sure that there are, there are publications that are just pushing the brand, and then let’s align ourselves with other successful people under the Samp brand so that they have their own personal brands, but they’re using Sirhan to power them.
RS (26:36):
That’s gonna help us over time, slowly build that brand away from just me. And the first year, it definitely didn’t work. Killed me. Second year, it definitely didn’t work. Still killed me. Third year, it was like, huh, all right, so it’s working. And we started expanding. So it was like, what is, what, what do I do in North Carolina? Like, what is sur in these different states and markets? Like, I’m not there. How does this work? And so it started working and then this year we’re really kind of off to the, off to the races. That’s kind of high level. Fifth year. Fifth year
RV (27:09):
RS (27:10):
The fifth, well, 2020, we didn’t start, we weren’t legal until like January, 2021. So all 21, 22, 23. So it took a three fiscal years. And so we’re at the beginning of 2024, so we’re like into our fourth year.
RV (27:21):
Yeah. And I would say like that, that, it’s so interesting to hear that it’s, it’s great to have that on a story because that’s what it we see for a new personal brand. Like if they don’t have a TV show or something pop, like even just a business in general, like the first two years suck. The third year you kind of start to see momentum year four and five, it starts to take off and you can see the light, and then it’s like by year 10 you’re going, I am unfairly paid. I’m getting unfair rewards for all the work as you said that you put in. Yeah. So I wanna point y’all back. So brand like Sirhan, there’s this three part system. It’s all in the book brand. It like Sirhan, so you guys can go get it. Ryan, where do you want people to go to learn? Obviously they can buy brand it like Sirhan anywhere, but like where should people go if they want to connect you with you and follow up? And
RS (28:10):
At, at Ryan Sirhan, anywhere the book is brand it like Sirhan, you can get that anywhere. Books are sold. You go to the website brand it like serhant.com to check it out for sales training, you can go to sell it.com. As of 46 minutes ago,
RV (28:32):
Really, really cool. The, the last question I have for you, man, is I, I know that there’s had to have been some, some dark nights and some heavy moments. You, you do have a lot of jobs, a lot of pressure, a lot of things weighing on you. You got family, right? You got daughter, you got married. And in those moments where inevitably you come across a little bit of feeling overwhelmed, a little bit of feeling that pressure days when things fall apart, people quit, you know, customer’s unhappy. The dream you thought was gonna happen starts to look like it’s falling apart. Like, what do you do to keep yourself going in those, those moments specifically in case someone listening right now happens to be in one of those?
RS (29:17):
So I tell myself always right? Because it nothing is bad forever. Time heals all wounds. You have great days, you have awful days. The greatest day I’ve ever had, I haven’t even lived it yet, you know, and reminding myself of that is a, is a kick in the butt to get outta bed and to actually go and do the thing. Because maybe that’s today. Like maybe today is the greatest day I’ve ever had. Like, that could be awesome on the sales side, you know, I am, I am, you know, I sell lots of things all day long. You know, the greatest deal I’ve ever done. I haven’t even done it yet. Hmm. You know, like I remember when we started the company and it was summer 2020 in New York City. Lockdown not allowed to go outside. There’s swat, there’s bodies in Central Park.
RS (30:10):
You turn on the tv, there’s a death clicker, okay? The George Floyd riots happen in June. It’s a really, really bad time for our country. It was really, really tough. Everything, all sales stopped for me. All real estate sales in New York City were dead. Every deal I had went into immediate litigation, it was the worst. I, any, any money I had that was like in the stock market, the stock market sold off 10,000 points, right? It was just brutal. And I’m like, I’m going to start my own company right now. I was also in the middle of renovating my house right at that point, which is a cash heavy operation. And I just had my first baby. So it, you know, it was a lot. And I was like, man, all I gotta do is just every day’s a new day. Like every day’s a new day.
RS (30:57):
The greatest day I’ve ever lived, I haven’t even lived it yet. The greatest deal I’ve ever done. I haven’t even done it yet. I just got, I just gotta push forward. And you know what? Everything’s gonna be okay eventually. It always is no matter what, unless we get hit by a comet and we’re the dinosaurs and it’s over forever. And then if that happens, then again, who cares? I just gotta keep it moving. And when things are bad, this is when you should build, because you can’t get these moments back. Like when things are great, of course you’re gonna start your own company like every other idiot, right? When things are bad, everyone’s so scared. So go, go do it. Go build. And so we just buckled down and I looked at it with a glass half full. It’s like, all right, so covid happened.
RS (31:38):
Everything sucks. Well, it looks like I just got the spring and summer markets for free. Like, when am I ever gonna get all this time that I don’t have to work? Like, I don’t, I’m not showing because I’m not on pod. Like I wasn’t do we know everything was shut down. Filming was shut down, everything was shut down. This is insane. Like, if I wanted to go start a business today, I’d be like, I need six months of quiet. I just gotta buckle down and just go do it. I’m never gonna get that again. So boom, glass half full. Awesome. You know, what else? Awesome. Everyone’s expectations are gonna be so low. I don’t have to go that crazy.
RS (32:27):
And they’re like, are you crazy? Are you sick? Do you have long covid? You know? And they were like, you should do a test. Are you wearing gloves right now? I’m like, no, we’re building for the future that everything’s gonna be okay. It’s like, man, if I could do one deal, if I did like a $20 million sale when we kicked off the company, that would just be like the greatest thing ever. And we started the company a couple months later, I sold a house in Palm Beach for $140 million. Whoa. And the whole world changed. The market changed overnight, right? And it’s been a rocket ship ever since. And so the greatest day you’ve ever had, you haven’t even lived it yet, you know,
RV (33:12):
Man. I love that. I love that. Well, brother, thank you for making a little bit of time for us. We’ll link to of course, book and everything. And it’s been, it’s been an honor to get to know you a little bit. I love the way that your mind works and and the heart and, and the energy. I mean, big money, energy, like, talk about the enthusiasm that you have all day, every day and you bring to so much stuff. I mean, it’s legendary. And so to have some insight into what you’re doing behind the scenes with these three books and just to get to meet you a little bit, I really, really appreciate it, brother. And we’ll be following you. Thanks ma’am. We, we wish you the best.
Ep 521: How To Be Rich | Matt Fornito Episode Recap
AJV (00:02):
Do you wanna know how to be rich? Well, I’m gonna tell you a story that I recently heard, and here’s how the story goes. Regardless to what amount of truth is to this story I think it’s a great example of something that we all need to hear and learn if you truly want to be rich. Now, I say that with bunny ear quotations because rich is a really relative term. If you live in the United States, then statistically speaking, you are already richer than most human beings on planet Earth. And if you make more than $50,000 a year, then you make more than most people worldwide. So there’s a relative term there. But if you wanna learn how to be successful, right, which I think is a part of what rich means, then this story should mean something to you. And this is a story about Warren Buffet and a conversation that he had with his pilot.
AJV (00:55):
And his pilot asked him, he said, Warren, will you teach me how to be rich? Will you teach me how to be successful like you and I think anyone in that your surroundings would’ve said, yes, teach me too. How did you do what you have done? And he said, okay, here’s what you wanna do. Get out a piece of paper and write down the 50 things that you want to accomplish. So he got out a piece of paper and he wrote down, here are 50 things that I wanna do, I wanna accomplish, right? He said, okay, now cut that down to 25. So narrow it down to what are the 25 most important things on that list. So he did. And then Warren said, okay, now cut that list down to 10. And the pilot did. He said, okay, well, I’m gonna cross this out and cross this out and cross this out.
AJV (01:46):
So he went from 50 to 25 to 10, and then Warren came back and he goes, all right, now I want you to cut that list of 10 in half. Again, I want you to narrow it down to what are the five things that are most important on that list. And the pilot at this point says, whoa, we started with 50. Now you’re all the way down to five. Like, that’s hard. These are all important, these are all significant. And then Warren said, but you asked, how do you be successful? How do you be rich? And if you’ve got more than five things that you’re chasing after that you’re doing, that you’re spending your time on, then it’s too many, right? And I, I, this is something we say at Brand Builders Group a lot, that diluted focus gets diluted results. And I think this is a great story that exemplifies what we’re talking about.
AJV (02:40):
And it’s like, you only have so much attention, right? We only have so many minutes in an hour, so many hours in a day, so many days in a year, and so many years in our life. And if we make this, you know, I hear people talk about this all the time. Here’s my bucket list item of things, right? And it’s like, then we’re kind of just like checking off whatever comes our way without a lot of intentionality. But if we want to really be quote unquote rich or really be successful, then what we need to do is have extreme focus, extreme intentionality into what are the five things, or are the three things. I’m not saying it has to be five, but what are the few things that you could go after with all of your focus, all of your might, all of your intention, all of your attention, all of your passion, all of your time, because that’s where you have success.
AJV (03:31):
You have success in the areas in which you spend the most time. You have the most expertise in the areas in which you spend the most time. You have the best relationships in the areas where you spend the most time, right? And that’s how you become rich,
AJV (04:28):
And if you think about the way you’re going about your day this doesn’t not apply to that, right? I look at my calendar right now somewhat sheepishly. I’m going, I need to take my own advice here because on any given day I might be doing 10, 12, 15 different types of tasks. And let me tell you how I end those days. I end them completely exhausted, completely overwhelmed, not enough energy to go and give my kids and my husband the love time energy that they deserve. Why? Because I’ve expended too much in too many different areas, doing too many different things. Not a an ounce to breathe and ounce to go to the bathroom without being on a phone call, eating lunch while I’m multitasking lunch sometimes, like, what is lunch? Right? That’s my chew, that’s my choosing. No one did that to me.
AJV (05:16):
I did that to myself and I did it because I had a lack of priority. But when I have priorities and I enter and I put all of my energy into those, I have better days, I have more energy left over I, I am more fulfilled and I get more done because I was able to go deeper in the areas that got the best of me. And that is true for life too, right? And it’s like, there’s just so many things that we can do, so many relationships that we can invest in so many tasks that we can complete so many, so many opportunities that we can say yes to. There is a limit.
AJV (05:56):
And, and I say there’s a limit if you wanna do them well, right? So how do you be rich? You narrow down where you’re investing your time, energy, focus, learning, expertise and you pick a few that you can be exceptional at, and that’s how you become rich.
Ep 520: Using AI to Increase Human Connection with Matt Fornito
AJV (00:02):
Hey, everybody, and welcome to the Influential Personal Brand podcast, AJ Vaden here, one of your co-hosts. And today I have a friend and a fellow BBG member that is our guest on the show today. And I’m so excited to introduce you guys to Matt Ferdo. We actually just had Matt come speak to our internal group at Brand Builders Group, all on the topic of ai, which, you know, that’s what we’re talking about today if you clicked on this episode. But before we get into this conversation of ai, I wanted to let you know why I invited Matt on the show, because we’ve had several other people in and out the last two years talking about ai. But I think one of the things that’s really interesting is, you know, Matt’s the founder of the AI Advisory Group. But one of the things that I recently learned is like, I think one of the things that our team, and I, and I had Matt on the show, because I know if our team struggles with it, and if we struggle with it, you likely struggle with it, which means your team struggle with it is they hear lots about it, they know lots about it, they test different things, but it really hasn’t become a routine way of creating efficiencies in the business, right?
AJV (01:14):
And so the conversation that I wanna have today is like, well, one, we’re gonna talk about what does the future look like with this? And not in a, a job scarcity mindset. That’s not what we’re talking about, how everyone’s jobs are being eliminated, because I don’t really believe that. But it’s more of like, Hey, how can we use these, these tools that are at our disposal to create efficiencies in the lives of our team members and our lives and daily routine tasks that seem to overwhelm us? Because if I hear one more entrepreneur tell me, there’s just not enough hours in the day, right? We, we’ve all said it. I’ve said it, I probably said it last week. And at the same token, it’s like, are we using the things all around us to help improve our schedules and daily lives? And so in having a conversation with Matt a few months ago, I was like, you know what?
AJV (02:01):
It’s time to bring this conversation back to the table, not on just what is the future gonna look like and sales and marketing, but more of like, how can we use this to better our daily lives, right? How do we become more efficient, thus more effective without having to add three, four, or five more working hours to our day every day? So if you were listening to this, that’s the conversation around AI that we’re gonna have today. Now I mentioned this earlier. Matt is the founder of the AI Advisory Group. He’s also been speaking and acting little known fact for more than three decades, 30 years. He’s also led leadership thought leadership C two o round tables different events. He’s on podcasts. He’s had new out news outlets like the CIO and CDO magazines. And I know him personally. So I know that the value that he’s gonna bring today is gonna be so helpful for anyone who is in business, no matter what your role is, entrepreneur, business owner, salesperson in marketing, operations or those, someone aspiring to do any of those things. So without further ado, Matt, welcome to the show,
MF (03:12):
And thank you so much for having me. Thank you for the, the kind words. And it was you know, an honor to have you approach me because when you actually said, you know, we would love to have you come speak internally, that’s the most important thing, right? That transformative mindset of how do we actually start moving the needle and how do we get to a place where we can create a competitive mode and be people first, AI driven to enable everyone in the organization to be more effective, more efficient, and spend more time doing the things they love.
AJV (03:42):
Yeah. And that’s really the conversation around this that I love. ’cause I, I love because I, I, you know, I’m just not one of those people who’s gonna look at anything as the, you know, glass is half empty, gloom and doom. This is gonna, you know, take over the need for humans. It’s like, nah, I don’t, I just, I just don’t believe that, right? I think that as a human species, we’re also, we’re always gonna be needed. So I think there is, if we, if we just can all agree on that for a second, then there’s a lot of power and how we can use some of these tools. So here’s my first question for you and I wanna help our audience get to know you a little bit. But before we talk about how you got into AI in the first place, what I would really love to hear from you, for everyone who’s listening, is when it comes to personal branding, right? This is a podcast all about building an influential personal brand. A lot of that is tied to, you know, the mi the mindset of entrepreneurship. But how does AI benefit you when you consider all the different things of building a personal brand and being an entrepreneur? Like, how, how does AI benefit you if you’re that person?
MF (04:47):
Well, and we, we can get into my, my backstory as to why this even came to fruition. But I think the, the reality is I wanted to create a lifestyle brand where everyone that’s a part of the team could actually have good and strong work-life balance. And that meant how do we do more with less? How do we use technology to our benefit? And so there’s me and one other person that are running the organization, and then we have former Fortune 500 CDOs on the team. And for us, it’s let’s eat our own dog food. What do we need to do? Where do we spend so much time? Where do we waste time where we could be having more efficient productivity, or we could be having more meaningful relationships? And so for, and like two examples on that of what we’ve built out.
MF (05:34):
One is a just an inbound prospecting engine. For those that reach out to me, we have an entire automation process that determines where does someone fit in the lifecycle in their maturity as well as are they an ideal customer? Because if they’re an ideal customer, then we wanna get a meeting set. And getting to that point has now all been automated, and that saves us about 30 hours per week just with that, just for one person, right? So if you have a sales team if you have a marketing team that’s highly multiplicative, and the same token in regards to me talking with a lot of boards of directors and c-suite, you need to do a lot of research to be prepared for those types of meetings, right? You can’t just wing it. And so we’ve created a, using LLMs, we’ve created a sales brief, like that goes right next to the calendar event. So we know everything that’s going on with the company in the news, based on their website the person that I’m meeting with, or the groups of people that I’m meeting with, and they’re likely pain points so that I can build a stronger, more trusting relationship faster. And I used AI to help augment doing that, but it was AI as a enablement tool, not AI as a replacement tool.
AJV (06:46):
Yeah, I, I, I love that term. It’s an enablement tool, not an a replacement tool, but those are two really good tangible things for everyone listening, if you didn’t pick up on that, is just, I mean, I’ve had these conversations with people, even in the brand builders group membership community of going, I just don’t have enough time to take all these calls myself anymore. And it’s like, well, tell me about the calls that you’re taking. It’s like every single discovery call. And what I hear you saying, it’s like, Nope, there’s opportunities for, you know, technology automation and some AI integration of, well, how do we help expedite that process so that every discovery call has actually already been qualified so that you’re actually taking the calls that you should be taking, routing the other ones in different directions. And then also research, right? The amounts of information that’s required to help keep you up to date that is exhaustive
AJV (07:41):
And so you know, just, I think those, those are really helpful tangible ways of like, in everyday interactions, both on a sales front and just like an operational front of like, man, like kind of need to be in the know to some degree of what’s happening in my space, in the market, in the economy. It’s like, to what degree everyone is different. But if you don’t wanna get consumed in the deep, dark, black hole that is news and media, then how can we use this to gimme the things I need to know that are pertinent to my role, my industry, my space without getting consumed in the masses? So I think those are two really great things right there.
MF (08:19):
Yeah. And that’s a great point, is that there’s so much noise in the industry today that people wonder where the heck do I start? And, and how do I actually create meaningful impact? And, you know, I spoke as to what we’re personally doing because we want to eat our own dog food so that we can evangelize that out as proof that you can use ai. The reality is that especially for entrepreneurs, unless you’re going for VC or PE funding, you have a lot of things on your plate. You have a lot of manual things that you do day in and day out, and it’s time consuming. My calendar’s booked in 15 minute blocks with task and I shouldn’t maybe use technology pitches. But reclaim AI is one I do use because it automates putting the task into empty slots on your calendar in regards to what needs to be done, right? But what we look to do, what was that
AJV (09:09):
Again? Say that one for so they can hear it.
MF (09:11):
Sure. It’s reclaim.ai, and so they’re a, they do task inhabit automation. So if we have a meeting set some or, or a meeting after this somebody wants to book, they can book that and the task will automatically get moved. So that way you’re not trying to figure out what to do, which takes a lot of cognitive load, right? Of trying to figure out like, what’s important, what should I focus on? What fires do I need to put out? Instead, you can go, okay, I know what’s important because I’ve already put it into my calendar and I can focus on the things that matter.
AJV (09:42):
Yeah. And I think those are like the, the subtle tools that we all should just, even if you choose not to use ’em, be aware of ’em, because right now it’s whether you’re doing it or you’re paying for someone else to do it, regardless of how that’s happening, this is an idea of something you could automate and repurpose that person’s time into something that’s more significant. Yeah. Right. Not, you know, what you said, not replace them but replace the task, right? Yep. What else could they be doing if they weren’t doing this very simple thing, right? A hundred
MF (10:14):
AJV (10:15):
How did you get into this? Right? And I know we kind of, you know, jumped right in, but I, I do think it’s important for people to understand, you know, regardless of what you may think, it’s like AI isn’t entirely brand spanking new, right? Sure. It’s been an evolution process. And so how long did you, how long ago did you start using a AI in your life? How’d you get into it? What led you to here?
MF (10:40):
Yeah, I mean, so AI started the, we’ll say the majority of models started in the 1950s, right? And there’s been two winters that were general only due to compute, and I’m nerdy now, it’s not too much, but I, I love this space. And when I was in school, took through regular elementary, middle high school, through university, and even into my PhD, I took every, like, quantitative course because math had a, a, a beauty, a pattern, right? The same way that as a musician, I could look at that. And when I was finishing my master’s about to start my PhD my advisor and I actually had we’ll say difference of opinions because I was doing a lot of work with the, the Office of International Research Education Development, working with Third World like NGOs to help third world countries be more efficient and productive.
MF (11:32):
And one of the things that we found out in doing that research was that when looking at really small villages, the entire population only trusted the village chief. And so if they didn’t actually get the buy-in those NGOs, didn’t get the buy-in from the village chief, and nobody was going to do anything that was said. And, and so looking at, like, this was called social network analysis, but looking at these types of things was really, really important to me because it’s like the internal mechanisms of our attitudes, behaviors, cognitions and values are at least supported or proxied by data. And so it means that we can use data to help enable and improve behavioral change. And there’s so many ways that we can do that. We’re talking on the organizational level, but there’s also the, the personal level. There’s also the, the coaching level, there’s the therapy level.
MF (12:22):
And so when I was in my PhD, I left after my master’s was actually recruited out as a data scientist. I think it was one of the first data science titles out there. ’cause That came into fruition in 20 10, 20 11 officially. And and so I went to now Defunct Sports Authority and basically rolled up to the CEO and CMO and and then was a data scientist for quite a few years building important models. And sometimes like that impetus of feeling or thinking you’re important ’cause you’re helping drive change wasn’t always true either. Like the CEO of Dish had me build out all of these models for this 15 do billion dollars of spend that he had. And and it was for and FCC spectrum auction. And then the day of, he told me he’s just gonna go on his gut and that that hurts, right?
MF (13:13):
To hear like, you’ve spent months and months working on this, you know, it’s good. You’re proud of your work, and it wasn’t leveraged. And that painted a picture to me that we’re seeing in industry today, that 80 to 90% of AI models never make it into production. And a lot of that had to do with the tools and technologies of the past. But as I moved further, I had a, a data science consulting firm. I was very, very fortunate that some Nvidia leaders had seen me keynote and event back in 2015. And they brought my firm on one of seven service delivery partners worldwide for them. And then after a few years of running that, where I was working a hundred, 120 hours a week and killing myself and losing friends and family I, I knew I needed to back out of that.
MF (13:57):
And fortunately, they actually asked if I would join what’s called the VAR solution Integrator space. And so for those guys, they sell hardware, they sell software, and they have like implementation and managed services. And they asked me to build an AI practice for their top partner. And I thought, this is actually great because we can look at this at a system level of like, what is going on with the organization? And instead of focusing on like one little use case, what are we actually trying to do here holistically? And then figure out what you actually need from hardware, from software and from services. And so the, the company I was at as well as the next company, we ended up being number one and number three globally in sales worldwide with Nvidia top five, with like Dell, HPE, Cisco, along with a lot of the SaaS software companies.
MF (14:40):
And because for me it was about how do we enable people to have a strategic roadmap on where they want to go and how do we help drive and implement change? Because what I was really seeing was that people are still stuck in the mindset of the past of let’s be transactional, let’s focus on one small thing and let’s focus on technology. But the reality is, the gaps today are really in regards to people and processes. If you don’t have people that trust ai, that trust data, that want to leverage it to improve their lives, they’re never going to use it. And the same thing with processes. If you’re not assessing your ecosystem and identifying where are the gaps? Where are we spending so much time today that we could potentially automate a workflow or use AI for then what are we doing? And so, you know, we did a great job at those two companies.
MF (15:33):
The sales teams were absolutely phenomenal. And I still had a, a, a small last hint of an ego and and I said, I want to have a chief data officer role. So I took a role at a Goldman Sachs back company, and after six months the CEO and I decided to part ways. And it wasn’t that like either of us was wrong or that we didn’t respect one another or trust one another. It was that they wanted to build a platform with lots of dashboards and lots of data that people could try to like decipher. And I wanted to minimize everything so that we could actually implement behavior change. Because if you have a hundred metrics, yeah, nothing’s going to change. But if you have three things that you know are your weaknesses that you focus on, you’re going to exponentially improve those and see exponential growth within your company. And so that’s what really ultimately led to me creating the AI advisory group. We have fractional Yeah, go ahead.
AJV (16:31):
Because I think that’s, that what you just said is, I think, so valuable because I think so many times people go, they hear things like, data is your, is the new competitive advantage, or, you know, there there’s so many sayings like that, and I don’t disagree with that. Like I think data is vitally important. In fact, if you looked at our dashboards you’d throw up, they’re overwhelming. We have so many. And I think that’s sometimes the challenge. It’s like to even sit and review all of the dashboards could easily take hours daily. Mm-Hmm,
MF (17:17):
Well first you have to assess where your company is and where you think the weaknesses or gaps are, right? And so like if let’s just pick the, the sales side example, the, the BDRs SDRs make phone calls for, right? And and so you could potentially measure the number of phone calls, but that’s a proxy for everything because ultimately you’re just trying to get to conversions, right? You want customers to buy. And so maybe increasing phone calls will lead to that and, and very likely it will with diminishing returns. But what if marketing could better target the ICP and drive the right customers already into that funnel? Then you’re gonna see higher conversion rates. And then if you have processes for your sales reps that are systematic, so you can identify, do some people have weaknesses in a demo or do they not ask the right question?
MF (18:10):
Then you should see higher conversions on a per person level. And so being able to just like wonder where you’re struggling or where you have inefficiencies, where the gaps are, where you think that there’s problems, you as a subject matter expert, that’s what’s really important, right? It’s kind of the same thing. Whether you heard this in high school or college or not, was that ice cream and murders are highly correlated. So if you buy ice cream, you’re more likely to murder. But that’s correlational, not causational. It’s that summertime increases the likelihood that people are outdoors and increases the heat, which increases like frustration and angst. And so people buy more ice cream in the summer but there’s also a higher propensity for murders. And so like, if you’re not a subject matter expert and you just look at data and say, oh, these things are connected, then you could really be making uninformed decisions. But if you bring subject matter experts in that really understand sales, understand marketing, understand product or operations, finance, et cetera then you can identify like, where can we use data to help identify if our perspective is correct or if we have gaps in our thinking,
AJV (19:21):
Okay, this is so good, so we’re just gonna use me as a case study, for example. ’cause I think this is a really great tangible way that I haven’t even thought of how to use AI and data. And so I’d love to hear your thoughts as, you know, as people are listening to this going, wait, what? So one of the things that I heard you say is, and I, and I agree, it’s like, you know, I come from a sales background, which is why my ears pricked up. When you use that example of, you know, I was always told from, from the very beginnings of my sales career make more, make more calls, make more calls, work the numbers, work the numbers. And it’s like, and to some degree, yeah, like, you know, the numbers work themselves out. The more calls you make, naturally more sales you make, but not necessarily in a percentage base, right?
AJV (20:08):
MF (20:47):
With sales and marketing? Yeah. Well, so I, I think that what we’re seeing today, especially around the and I guess let’s clarify real quick for the audience on ai. AI has been created as this umbrella term now, right? Generally people use it now in regards to gen ai, gener generative AI like chat, GBT but there’s also the computer vision, deep learning, like self-driving cars. There’s machine learning, like what is the value of my house based on, you know, location, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and but then there’s also even like basic things like rule base, right? Like if then statements. And and so when thinking about it for marketing, that’s been the we’ll say inflection area that people are using chat, GPT and or, or, or any of them, right? I, I, I have all of them.
MF (21:40):
And so I don’t just want say that chat, GP t’s the one because I love perplexity ai Claude’s very good emini is moving up. And so it, it doesn’t matter what flavor you choose, and you should probably play around with different ones to see what really resonates. But what’s really, really important is that and then I’ll get into your que actual question, is that the majority of material has been scraped from the web, right? And people tend to have, you know, repeat other people’s thinking. And so if you just use the base version of chat, GBT or any of the LLMs, then you’re going to get a very basic output, right? It’s not going to reflect your identity, your company’s brand identity. And so what’s really, really important is that you have to basically create an agent or a bot or an input prompt that really specifies on like who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish and how you want that done.
MF (22:36):
It’s my create framework, which we won’t go into today, and that will ultimately lead into better outputs. And so from the marketing side, we’re certainly seeing that as help me create an email campaign or help me with SEO optimization of my website. And we’re not really seeing it in regards to how do we increase more of the machine learning structure data? How do we increase conversion rates? How do we make sure we’re targeting the right ICP? So our cost per dollar cost per acquisition is much lower, right? And that’s where we need to go is augmenting the gen AI aspects of those campaigns with like feeding that language in into structured data model to say, oh, okay, when we use these terms, we get much higher conversions, right? And that’s like the nuance that we aren’t really tackling or organizations aren’t tackling today.
MF (23:28):
From the sales side, you can start rudimentarily at let’s look at all of our historic conversations, right? And say, what do I need to say next to progress this deal along? Because we want, you may not be able to read through, you know, tens, hundreds, thousands of emails and texts and brand scripts over the co over the course of a prospect, but it’s very, very easy for a large language model to do that. And so, because the, we’ll say foundationally, what you really want is to have these models help make decisions based on large chunks of data that you can’t really leverage. And so because that way you get faster time to value, you get more we’ll say a higher propensity or likelihood that you get to spend more time with that prospect, and Lord knows that you definitely increase conversion rates, the more time you actually spend talking with someone and messaging back and forth.
AJV (24:32):
Hmm. Yeah. That’s, so I think that’s so good. ’cause That’s like, yeah, it’s like, I think tons of people talk about, you know, chat GTP, chat GPT in terms of writing email copy or marketing copy or a landing page, but I haven’t heard anyone really talk about how are we using it to make sure that we increase conversion, that we’re targeting the right people in the right way, that allow us to have more targeted conversations, better conversations, longer conversations with our ideal prospect. So I think that’s really insightful for anyone who’s listening of going like, Hey, it’s one thing to generate a lot of calls or any calls. Yeah, it’s a whole nother thing to generate calls with your ideal prospect, right? And I think that’s a very big deal of, Hey, if we’re gonna be on the call, let’s make sure it’s with the right person talking about the right thing.
AJV (25:25):
So how can we be more targeted upfront? I think that’s really helpful. The other thing as you were talking made me think about is in terms of using like large chunks of data, like one of the things that we ask, you know, our, you know, sales director is, Hey, I want you auditing calls every month as spot checks. Yeah. And it’s a very time consuming, lengthy commitment, but I’m always like, where’s your report? Where’s your report? What’d you do? What’d you do? Right?
AJV (26:10):
And it’s like, I’m constantly kind of battling like, where, where are we supposed to find time to do that with everything else we’re doing? And what I also hear is like, well, there’s the potential of using, you know, recording transcripts, uploading those and using the right prompts in GPT to give initial rounds of evaluations that just shortens maybe perhaps the time in review so that there’s highlights that are pulled out so then I can spend more time in conversation training versus, versus all the time just listening. So I think about it when I used to have a team, it’s like I would spend an hour listening to the call in order to only get like 10 to 15 minutes of feedback. Whereas if I have 10 to 15 minutes of review and 45 minutes on training and feedback, how different would the outcome be?
MF (26:58):
Well, and, and when I was at revenue io was where I was the chief data officer, right? And that’s what we were doing was it had embedded sales coaching from a botter agent that says, okay, you’re monologuing too long, or you’re talking too fast. But those transcripts would also populate into the platform. And so, you know, it was really just at the time, it was the video and the transcript, right? Like Fathom has, right? But where I think we can go in the market is twofold. One is a, an individual can say, how did I do on this call? Maybe that’s according to medic or med pick framework or Challenger, whatever the heck you’re using. But is there anything I could have done better? Right? And it’s the same thing even for your, your team, right? Are they are they coaching effectively? But then you can also look long. So a, a sales coach then could like go in and see, you know, the weaknesses or strengths of that individual call, but then we could take that further and go, let’s look on a individual level across all of their calls and feed all of that in at one time and say, what patterns does this individual need work on? Right? What are, what are the problems that they consistently have because we know that’s going to move the needle if they fix those major problems.
AJV (28:14):
How would you do that?
MF (28:17):
You just feed all of the transcripts in from all of their calls
AJV (28:20):
All at the same time. Mm-Hmm.
MF (28:21):
AJV (28:22):
Say, this is why I’m just going mind blown
MF (28:25):
And mind, mind, mind you, like like chat GPT, they have something called token limits. So chat, GPT can’t do all of them, but there’s other ones that can
AJV (28:35):
Like, so what would be some, so that’s another great question is let’s talk about some of the, the tools and platforms that you have found that are highly helpful, effective and, and just user friendly, I would say. So or the novice out there, right? Who’s listening, who’s going like, okay, okay, like, maybe I could see some really good value. It’s like, and I think about the number of, you know, not to harp on this topic, sales teams that I’ve been a part of training where it’s like, part of my job was to just sit in call centers all day long doing call audits and reviews. And it’s like, I know my time could have been more efficient if there had been tools like this, you know, 10 years ago, and that was my job. But so what are some of these platforms and tools that you highly recommend?
MF (29:22):
So I guess we’ll start in a few different areas, and I might have to pull up a tab on mine, that’s the other ones that I use. So on, on that sales side, you have like revenue io, chorus.ai, and gong, and all of those are like rev ops sales type coaching, right? So if you have a team, those are all very valid, useful tools to leverage in that playground. When we talk about like task automation, we use you know, Asana as our project manager and task manager, and then we feed those into reclaim AI so that we don’t have to make decisions on what the heck we’re doing each day. It’s automatically prioritized and scheduled into our calendar. Outside of that, you know, I think there’s, there’s also like the, the we’ll say crawl, walk, run approach with technology. And so beautiful AI is a phenomenal like PowerPoint type creator.
MF (30:17):
And and so very intuitive, very easy to use. If you’re better with technology, I’d say go to Canva. If you’re very, very good with technology, then you go to like the Adobe suite, right? And so, you know, there’s, there’s more of a threshold to learn those types of things. The PowerPoint creators today are not good
MF (31:03):
And so we’re not there yet in regards to that. In regards to art creation, mid journey is probably the defacto standard. There’s also stable diffusion, and they are not good at creating like frameworks, right? And so if we’re talking about brand builders clients you’re going to have to manually create those, sorry. Canva has tons of great designs and Vato element has lots of great designs. So you can use those and then fill out your own process or framework. But in regards to automatically creating those, we’re not there yet either. But in regards to, you want, you want a picture of a, a monkey astronaut eating a banana on top of a spaceship, it can do that, right? And so if, like, if you want something like that for a blog post, it’s, it’s phenomenal, right? If you want something to really resonate visually, you can do that.
MF (31:56):
And I, I have pheno like art, I could have never created, I was a musician and a singer growing up, but you know, I could doodle but I could not go further than that. And so to see things come to life that, like you envision in your head, and maybe it’s not quite the vision you have, but like to see that come to fruition is so invigorating because the same thing with there’s there’s two music creator studios out there right now for generative music, and they’re getting better and better every single day. And like, they can’t, I can’t extract it. I don’t know if this shows up, but my like soundboard like, like I can’t extract it into Ableton, which is another not AI tool. It’s a sound mixing tool. I can’t extract it into there and have all the different instruments, right? But we’re likely going to get there in the next year. And that means that if you are a producer or want to be a musician, but maybe you can never play an instrument or you couldn’t mix now, you’ll be able to do that. And that, like, that really resonates with me that people will be able to like really help build up their own creative side as opposed to us just trying to say, rewrite this email for me.
AJV (33:07):
Yeah. You know what’s so interesting is like, I live in Nashville, Tennessee, so clearly I have at least a couple of friends that are singer songwriters. But one of my friends is a very good singer songwriter, and I was having lunch with her the other day, and she was talking about how there’s several artists now that only wanna hear songs and their voices. So she’s able to take all of her songs that she’s writing, use ai to use their voices. So when they hear the song, they’re like, this is how it would sound if I was singing it. And she goes, the effectiveness of that is mind blowingly successful when they go, man, I like the way I sound singing that
AJV (34:06):
So I thought that was like a very cool use case of something that’s not taking anything away from what she’s not replacing. It’s enabling her to enhance what she’s doing for someone else. And, and as you were talking about like mid journey and stuff, like, one of the things that we toyed around with, and this is just like a, a tangible customer service or customer experience case study for anyone who’s like, well, how do I use some of these if like, it’s not gonna do graphics for me, or it’s not gonna do PowerPoints? And it’s like, no, but so if you think about it in a customer experience environment, like one of the things that we’re trying to do is, you know, during different life moments and these could be personal professional, but you know, we help a lot of people with book launches.
AJV (34:50):
And so, you know, it’s like, well, we’ll use different AI tools of them holding their own book that hasn’t even been created yet. Yeah. You know, or like somebody’s going through a really, you know, hard personal times and we’ll put them in what they would look like as a superhero, right? With like an encouraging note and message. So upload their picture and say, turn this into a superhero. And just you, you know, those are just like little, little ways that you could use some of this in a customer experience way where it takes minutes, minutes, literally minutes, no money of going, you said you joined Brand elders group ’cause you wanted to write that book. We’re so excited to be a part of the journey, and then we include the picture of them with their book. That hasn’t even happened yet, right? So I think it’s like part of, of it, it’s gonna require all of us to use our human brain to go, how do I use this to make it work for whatever I do? And I think a lot of people struggle with a lot of what I struggle with, which is, okay, I don’t have a lot of time to go learn all of these different platforms. ’cause Already it’s like I jotted down, you listed like nine, I’m like, already, that’s like, I don’t have time to learn all those, right? And so I would be,
MF (36:03):
Which which, which we could say like a simplified way of approaching that is going to any of the chat GBT or LLMs and saying, I’m trying to use generative AI to accomplish X task. Are there any tools or name the tools that can do that? Right? And then you at least have a short list of like, what you’re trying to accomplish. Because the, the biggest issue with technology today outside of nothing talking to one another, is that people are trying to round peg square hole. Yeah. But it’s like, you should figure out what your problem is first instead of trying to find a cool tool that maybe can solve one or two of your problems. Oh.
AJV (36:33):
So that’s good. So just use these generative AI tools to figure out what generative AI tools you should use
MF (36:42):
And with what you said too, you know, thinking about I’ve known Gigi since I think oh 6, 0 7. And and, and you know, he was always so keen on wow experiences and I think he was only at a hundred countries instead of every country in the world when we first met. And, and that wow experience thing really resonated with me because I worked at Disney, I worked at Target, which emulated Disney and that aspect of caring about the customer, putting them first, but delivering something that’s a little more impactful than anyone else would do, really, really stands out. Right? And I had a a client of mine who one of their sales reps, this was 15, 20 years ago now, but he would take somebody’s LinkedIn headshot, he would send it to Japan, they would make a bobblehead, he would get it sent to the, like the CEO’s office and ask for a meeting. And he had about a 95% conversion rate in regards to getting a meeting scheduled. And it’s because nobody does that, right? They just send out these campaigns to 40,000 people and hope that they get some hits. But people are tired of that. They really want, like, I wanna feel special, I want people I work with who feel special and we treat them special.
AJV (37:59):
Hmm. Yeah. And this is a way you can do it in a really short amount of time without a lot of cost because that’s so prohibitive in some ways. But it’s like, man, you could do the similar things that really do make that impact without, you know, all the added costs with just using some creativity. The other, the other thing that I think would be, you know, really interesting, and you mentioned this earlier, and I wanna kind of come back to it. ’cause I think collectively what I, I wanna have this conversation be around is things that are universally applicable. And I think that universally everyone struggles with time management. I don’t care who you are, right? It’s like we struggle with the amount of things that we add to our plate, whether that’s our fault or whatever. I hear people say stuff like, you know, the the B word, right?
AJV (38:44):
I, I try not to say it the busy word. I think that a lot of people go, there’s just not enough hours in the day. And it’s like, well, yeah, I can see that, except for maybe you’re just doing too many tasks that you shouldn’t be doing
MF (39:39):
Ai. Yep.
AJV (39:40):
Oh, ai, right? See, that’s why I’m asking
MF (40:05):
Yeah, I mean, I, I think I almost want to take a step back, right? Because with what we do with the AI advisor group is most people go right to tactics and they don’t take a step back and start at strategy, right? And so then you’re always putting out fires, you’re always chasing shiny objects, and it becomes really problematic and it happens with executives along with everyone down the line. And so for me, just so
AJV (40:30):
You know, I completely understand because everyone comes to us and wants to build the funnel, build the website, and I’m like, you don’t even know what your business is. We, we, we can’t do that
MF (40:42):
And so coming from that perspective is like, you know, to the point of that my calendar’s fully booked with tasks this week from like 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM But if I just said and, and go back to like Pareto’s principle of the, the 20% rule leading to 80% of outputs and that’s largely due to a severe concussion I had that lasted 10 months. I could take away my task manager and just go, these are the five things that are most important. And it goes back to a story on Warren Buffett talking to his pilot, whether it’s real or false. And Pilot said, I want to be rich like you. Can you teach me how to be rich and be successful? Warren Buffett says, sure, write a list of the, the 50 things that you’re trying to accomplish. And he writes 50 things down and he goes, okay cut that down to 20 and he cuts it down to 20.
MF (41:39):
He goes, okay, cut it down to 10. And he cuts it down again. He says, okay, cut it down to five. And he goes, this is hard. Like, I don’t know what’s important. He goes, you gotta cut it down to five. And he cuts it down to five. And he says, if you focus on anything outside of this, it’s a distraction and noise. It’s not leading to the outcomes that you want. And so one of the things that I want to push or sh share with the audience is that don’t be busy for busy’s sake. Make sure you are doing things that actually move the needle that lead to the life that you want to have that lead to the company you want to have. And so these tools are going to either be an enabler of that and make sure we’re more efficient and productive, or you’re going to be an additional noise that just makes us check off more checklist, but we don’t actually drive innovation or success.
MF (42:36):
And I want to ensure that people are thinking of this in the right way because it’s not just AI and automation are great and amazing, and I, and I strongly believe it’s true, I’m already at 50 hours saved per week. Personally, we’re likely going to have 120 to 200 hours per employee saved, right? Which is a three to five x multiplier. But that means we’re doing that because we wanna focus on the things that are important. And if you’re filling your calendar with things that aren’t just to stay busy or appear busy, then you’re not approaching it the right way.
AJV (43:09):
Well, that is such a better answer than the question that I ask
MF (44:06):
And I just read a report yesterday that said 90% of all executives, not just entrepreneurs 90% of executives spend an hour or less on strategy a month. And that’s mind blowing to me, right? To not take the time to ensure that you’re going in the right direction and focusing on what’s important. It’s why so many companies struggle. Like they, they don’t do that. They don’t look at product market fit. They don’t identify an ICP, like all the things that actually matter. And brand builders covers all of it. So thank you guys on top. But if you’re not doing the basics, then you don’t know who your customer is, you don’t know their pains, needs and wants, then who are you selling to and why are you trying to create a product or service offering or someone that you’ve never even talked to or don’t understand?
AJV (44:49):
MF (45:23):
Well, and, and I think it’s a great point. I, I know I shared it with your team, but the, like PRCV of pain, repetition, cost, and value, it’s like, yes. So you need to identify what are pains, right? Not what’s interesting or cool ’cause that’s the shiny object syndrome, but what are actual pains and is it repetitive? Right? The, I mean, I talked with my COO yesterday and I’m like, oh, this kind of stinks. And he goes, oh, well we could automate that. But it’s probably gonna be really complex. And I go, yeah, let’s not, it, it takes me, it was literally in regards to actually just putting task into Asana, right? We actually built it out so you could just do it in Slack. So it’s really technically easier. I was looking for an, I was considering an easier way to do it, but I’m like, if I map out the actual task that I might need to do for the day at the end of the day or whatever I need to accomplish, it takes me maybe two to five minutes, right?
MF (46:15):
Like, we don’t need to automate that. That’s not a big pain. But if we talk about 30 to 60 minutes of researching each prospect and we look at that over the course of a year, that’s hundreds of hours saved, right? That’s, that’s meaningful. And that’s where I want people to look at, like what does it actually cost to build this? And what’s the actual value? And then you can really ascertain is this worthwhile to pursue? Is it just something that, okay, I’ll do it, whatever. It’s obnoxious. And ensuring too that we don’t end up filling that extra time with more noise and more just ask. But we focus on what’s actually meaningful, which usually means a better product, a better service, more customer engagement and interactions, more engagements with your team to build a strong culture that’s aligned. All of those things are what really create a fantastic business and everything else is noise.
AJV (47:07):
Mm. So, so good. Matt, this has been so helpful, so awesome in so many different ways. If people wanna stay in touch with you, get to know about more about you and your company, where should they go?
MF (47:19):
We can do two ways. We’ll do, my email is Matt for Nito, F-O-R-N-I-T-O, at the a i a g.com. And and otherwise if you want to reach me on LinkedIn I certainly post a ton of content on psychology, ai, business and leadership. And so feel free to connect with me on there, happy to chat with anyone.
AJV (47:41):
And we will put those as just Matt for Nito as the LinkedIn name. We’ll put that in the show notes and the fact that you gave out your email address email address, I’m flabbergasted
MF (47:56):
That we have a little bit of that
AJV (48:00):
Thank you so much. And the fact that you would even give your email addresses super kind and generous. So if you’ve got questions curious about what he does, how he integrates into companies, how he helps them streamline operations with AI and strategy email him. He just gave it to you so clearly he’s got a plan for handling all that. But then check him out on LinkedIn posting all kinds of good content. Matt, thank you so much for being on the show. Appreciate you so much. And everybody else, stay tuned for the recap episode, which will be coming up next on the influential personal brand.
MF (48:35):
Thanks, AJ
Ep 519: Our Entire Digital Marketing Strategy | Sean Cannell Episode Recap
RV (00:06):
Welcome to the Influential Personal Brand podcast. This is the place where we help mission-driven messengers, just like you learn how to build and monetize your personal brand. My name is Rory Vaden, and I’m the co-founder of Brand Builders Group, a hall of fame speaker, and New York Times bestselling author. And this show is to help experts learn how to become more wealthy and well known. I know you’re gonna love it. Thanks for being here. Let’s get started. Yeah. I can teach you my entire content marketing strategy in five minutes. So it starts really simple. My entire philosophy is teach everything you know for free in small bite-sized chunks and all random miscellaneous order. And the reason why you can do this, and people don’t believe this, and they’re scared about it, right as they go, well, Rory, why would I teach everything I know for free?
RV (01:01):
Then why would anybody pay me for something? Like if the point of my personal brand or the point of content is to get people to hire me and I just teach everything for free, then why would they do that? And the answer is because you gotta understand something is people don’t pay for information. They pay for organization and application. What they actually are hiring you to do is not to teach them the information, it’s to help them apply it to their life, to apply it to their business. So you can teach everything you know, for free. Like literally give it away. Now, we usually do it in random order because part of what people pay for is organization. That’s part of what helps them apply it to their life, is just going like, here’s everything, you know, in sequence. And that’s what they usually have to pay for.
RV (01:50):
But you can, that’s, that’s the whole strategy. Now, when you look at tactically, how does that roll out or functionally, how do you, how do you translate that into what we actually do every day? Well, when we make content, pretty much every piece of content, we just ask about the, the three Es. We call ’em the three s. And you just gotta decide which of these three E’s do you really focus on, or at least are you focusing on for like that specific piece of content. So the three E’s, super simple, entertainment, encouragement or education, entertainment, encouragement or education. So you go, is this content meant to entertain people to, you know, make them laugh, to make them, make them cry to, uh, you know, just entertain them and keep them occupied? That if you are funny or if you are very charismatic or dramatic, then maybe it is entertainment.
RV (02:48):
And maybe you’re good at that, right? And these are like all the viral videos, the pranks and the, and the sweet puppy dogs and the, you know, penguins playing with each other. Like whatever. It’s, it’s entertaining stuff. And that stuff tends to go viral, right? Or it’s really, really funny. So if you’ve got personality, then bring that into what you’re doing. For me, I tend to live in the other two E’s, which are encouragement and education. So what is encouragement? It’s, it’s exactly that. It’s, it’s, you turn on the camera, push record and encourage the people who are on the other side, right? Like, pretend, don’t, don’t think of it as like you’re looking at a camera, talking to a camera. Pretend. And think about it as if you’re talking to a person who’s on the other side of that camera and just talking to that person.
RV (03:36):
If they were discouraged, what do they need to hear, right? If they’re beat up emotionally, if they’re struggling in their mental health, if, if they’re, you know, wanting to quit, if they’re frustrated, if they’re upset, if they’re mad, if they’re sad, what would you tell them? Whatever you would say to that person, say it to the camera. And that is encouraging and that is some of the best content. And, and it’s that simple. And then the last one is probably the, the most straightforward and universally applicable to all of us, which is educate, you know, education. So teach me something. So what do you, what knowledge do you have that about something that you can teach people? Whatever that is, is what you should share. That’s why we, we say all the time, you’re most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were. Why?
RV (04:30):
Because you know exactly what that person is going through on the other end. You know exactly what they need to learn, and you have learned it. That’s how you got to where you are. So reach back and talk to them, teach them, show them the way, share, share with them everything you know, and that’s a great content marketing strategy. So in terms of the philosophy, it’s simple. I teach everything I know for free, small bite-sized chunks. In all random order. In terms of the content marketing strategy, it’s one of the three E’s. Is this entertaining? Is it encouraging or is it educational? Probably some combination of the three. And then in terms of how we like functionally produce and distribute the content, that’s a process that we use called the content diamond, which is really simple. You start with one main asset, which is typically a video, usually five to 10 minutes.
RV (05:28):
And then we’re just gonna take that main asset and we’re gonna break it apart into a bunch of mini or micro assets. And the reason we call it a diamond is ’cause we think we’re gonna, we’re gonna create a bunch of assets that are like text and imagery, and then a bunch of assets that are video and audio. So when you create the text and imagery assets, what you do is you start with the video, you get it transcribed, and there’s all these tools you can use to, to do that. You get it transcribed, and then you have someone edit the transcription of your actual words and they turn it into a full length article. They’re then gonna post that full length article on like, you know, LinkedIn pulse, their blogging platform. You can post it on medium, you can post it anywhere their other full length articles appear.
RV (06:16):
You can have you or your editor just go through and highlight like two or three catch phrases, like two of your most powerful points. We call ’em pillar points. And just highlight those and turn them into image quotes. Or you can turn it into a carousel or you can, you know, put some animation behind it, some nature and a little music. And now you have a reel. Um, you can also post those images on Pinterest. And so now you’re, you have all these image assets that are coming from the text simultaneously while that’s happening, you take the video and you are going to edit it for YouTube, right? You, you put some B roll in there, you put some royalty free music underneath, have some onscreen texts, right? Like things flying in and popping up, um, a little bit of lower thirds to introduce yourself.
RV (07:02):
Maybe you have a, a little fancy sizzle reel. You drop that in there. And now you have this nice full length edited video for YouTube. Also jump cuts right in and outside, inside back. Um, just to split up the visual appeal. Now you’ve got that video on YouTube, strip that audio, that final edited audio, strip that audio off of that, and you’re gonna post that as a short form podcast. And now you’re a podcaster and didn’t even know it, right? So now you’re podcasting. And then take that, that nice, you know, full length YouTube video and cut it down into some 62nd clips. And that’s what you’re gonna put on. You’re gonna throw it on TikTok and reels and Instagram and YouTube shorts and um, wherever else. And so those are all your video and audio assets. And then you take all your text and imagery assets that we all created from this main video.
RV (07:56):
And now we have all these mini, mini assets or these micro assets. And then you just pull them together and you throw ’em up on your blog. And if you go to rory veda blog.com, you can see we do this every single week. So the one place, if you wanna get all things Rory Vaden, and you want to get it first and you want to get it for free, and you want to get it in all formats, the video, the audio, the, the carousel post, the short, the short, you know, reels, and then the full length article text so that you can scan. And if you wanna be able to ask me questions, you drop ’em right there in the comments. You drop all of that on your blog. And then we’re just using all the mini assets to, to redirect people back to that location to where we can communicate and have that conversation. But then my blog is the home, the home base of my personal brand where I can meet people and I’m just giving away content for free, for free, for free until they trust us enough to hire me. And that’s it. That’s the, that’s the whole strategy. That’s, that’s the whole big picture. That’s all you gotta do.
Ep 518: How to Build a Huge YouTube Channel with Sean Cannell
RV (00:02):
There’s people that I learned from, and then there’s people that I do life with. And Sean Cannell is someone that is both of those. I like to think anyways this man is so brilliant and he is touched by God. And I really believe that he is somebody worth following, not only professionally but personally. And the more I’ve gotten to know him, the more that I have loved him and believed in him, and also learned from him. He is without a doubt, one of the world’s leading authorities on YouTube strategy growing with video. He is the og, like one of the OGs in this space. He’s the CEO of Think Media, the host of the Think Media podcast. His mission is to help 10,000 purpose-driven people, create a full-time living with YouTube. Right? It’s a very clear, specific niche. Sean’s YouTube channels have over two and a half million subscribers.
RV (00:55):
His videos have been viewed 150 million plus times. He has been featured in a number of places as one of the top YouTubers. He has an event this year. He, he does an event every few years he’s had Alex Hermo come, he’s had Dave Ramsey come. He is got Cody Sanchez come in this year. Like Gary Vaynerchuk, a main, this guy owns his space. It’s such a great example. And so I thought, this is crazy. We have to have him on to hear his story and also for me to get some free YouTube strategy coaching at the same time. So, Sean, welcome to the show, brother.
SC (01:32):
Rory. So grateful to be here and to be hanging out with you and your community and so grateful for you in general throughout the years, your frameworks, your knowledge, your insights have really shaped my career and been such a blessing to me. You be guesting on our podcast has been a huge blessing to our community, and so super grateful to be able to hang out with you today. Yeah.
RV (01:53):
Well, thanks brother. And I wanna, I want to hear the story of how you got started. You were, it was, this is your youth pastor and I want to just hear like, when did you get into the YouTube game? How did you get into the YouTube game? Why did you get into the YouTube game? Because I know that it was not back then what it is now and what it’s becoming.
SC (02:15):
Yeah, so for me, I actually got started in video in 2003, volunteering at my local church. And what had happened, I actually got expelled from Christian High School. I went very prodigal and partying and doing raves and rave drugs and all this stuff. And, and eventually I kind of hit rock bottom. So I went to Bible college for a year. Never would’ve thought I would wanted to do that, but I want, I knew I needed to do something different and get out of kind of a toxic friend group and a toxic cycle. Wow. Study the Bible for myself. And so when I came home, I didn’t want to get into trouble. I think about the biblical story of David being on his porch, seeing Bathsheba naked when he should have been at war. And knowing that lesson, I was like, let me just, let me just get busy and do something.
SC (03:00):
So sight unseen, my parents actually went to a new church and I had never been there, but during, before summer started, I called ahead and was like, can you see if they have an internship? And they didn’t. But they made a spot for me in the youth ministry, like, okay, somebody wants to come and work for free. And so I volunteered at a youth ministry that had like eight kids at it an hour north of Seattle. And the youth pastor handed me a video camera, Canon HV 30 with mini DV tapes. Nice. and Adobe Premier, like 1.0 on a bunch of cd r CD rom, you know, and a very slow computer old school. And so this is 2003, you know, 20 years ago that I start doing video. And of course, Roy, these videos are terrible. You know, people are, they, they wanna start creating content.
SC (03:45):
Like, what if my first videos are bad? They will be like, what if my first videos are embarrassing? That’s part of the process. Like for me, I was doing it before social platforms even existed, but I was learning discipline because I made a video announcement video every single week for the youth ministry that’s like 52 videos a year. So I was like, you have a weekly podcast, like a weekly show. Like I was doing that before social and kind of doing the repetitions. And then in 2007, so weird. ’cause Again, churches are usually 10 years behind. And not only that, we were not, we’re in a rural church, we weren’t in like a cool hip, like cutting edge. But our pastor went to a few cool conferences and he learned about Twitter, started thinking more about social media. So we actually started a mini reality show, like a behind the scenes vlog.
SC (04:34):
Again, it was just terrible. But we shot, so we started a YouTube channel in 2007 and started posting content, and not even really the sermons necessarily, because there was like a time limit and you’d have to chop them up. There was a 15 minute time limit on YouTube at the time. Mm. And we just started posting random videos. And so fast forward to today, I’ve been doing video for 20 years, YouTube for 17 years. And my journey took me on all kinds of paths of starting my own freelance business, wedding videos, hip hop music videos, videos for like the YMCA helping pastors and leaders that were authors and speakers being their channel managers, filming videos for them, helping them on social media. Eventually going to Vegas to be a director of communications, doing some paid ads, helping a pastor named Benny Perez kind of on his personal brand plus the church brand.
SC (05:25):
And so I clocked not just 10,000 hours, probably 30,000 hours Wow. In just video and everything about it and YouTube and social platforms between 2003 and about 2015 when I launched out to start our company today. So growth was pretty rapid, but it’s one of those things where like how deep the foundation is compared to once you start building the tower, how deep the roots go, and to how tall and strong the tree is. So all this leadership, teamwork lessons, mistakes I made really positioned us for the company of about 30 people, multimillion dollar budget, running big events. All of that was really in the local church and in small business over the years.
RV (06:08):
That’s awesome, man. What, what, what a ride. So like, so YouTube Secrets that’s the book that you wrote was like, again, like just one of the mainstays in that space is sold, you know, into the six figures of copies sold. Everybody wants to create, right? They wanna start, where do we start? How do we start, what do we doing wrong? What do we need to know? Like what, you know, how much does the camera matter like today? And, and actually even before that, I wanna address the, is it too late to start, right? Because you started in 2003, really like 2016, 17, got into it. And I think it’s like, I even have this fear on YouTube, right? Like, I’ve been speaking, I’ve been writing books, we’ve been building companies, but like, I still really haven’t started on YouTube. Like, I have put some stuff up there, but like, I haven’t really focused on YouTube and you know, I have to admit, like even myself, I struggle with like, eh, is it like, you know, all the, all the, you know, stars have already come and hit like, did I miss the wave?
RV (07:17):
Or like, talk to me about that.
SC (07:20):
Yeah. Well it’s not too late and I’ve got data to back it up. One Goldman Sachs research talked about the creator economy that’s bigger than YouTube, but that specifically speaks to these social platforms. And many listening to this probably wouldn’t even fit inside of the creator economy, although there’s a lot of overlap. ’cause In the creator economy, it would be the businesses like Adobe and Cap Cut providing software. And it would be creators who are kind of the new breed of self-employed entrepreneurs that make money directly off these platforms, right? What happens is business owners like yourself, small business owners, personal brands that are maybe authors and speakers, they wouldn’t really get lumped into that. But eventually they think, okay, what about, what if I start creating content, not just to promote my offers and get leads and prospects, but also to get a new revenue stream that in and of itself, building my influence could amplify what I’m already doing, but create new opportunities.
SC (08:17):
So the creator economy, that’s sort of what we’re trying to define there. And Goldman Sachs research said that in the next three years, it’s gonna double that. The total addressable market wow, is about 250 billion. And it’s gonna be a half a trillion industry by 2027. So we see number one, a massive expansion. Two, we actually see the users and consumption of YouTube continuing to go up right now. So if we look at the dictionary definition of saturation, it’s actually impossible for YouTube to be saturated so long as it’s still expanding. Now at some point in the arc of anything, there might be it flat lines plus more people keep expanding and how much content’s being created. And there’s maybe a crossover, but that has not happened. And as we see technology still go around the world, new people are still joining the internet every day.
SC (09:05):
Youtube is getting becoming more global. The internet’s becoming more global. Internet speeds are going up and adoption of the platform overall, it just continues to expand. We’re still in that right now. So it’s still a good time to ride that expansion wave. There’s also some fascinating data about baby boomers and Gen X. It’s something like 80% of baby baby boomers are watching YouTube. Wow. I think that shouldn’t that’s crazy and it shouldn’t surprise us. ’cause If you think it’s free and smart TVs are now common and affordable, so you can turn on YouTube and follow things you’re interested in and watch video podcasts or history shows or learn solve problems. And so, and then that just trickles down the, the, the core audience is gonna be that 25 to 35. But look at the numbers for baby boomers. It’s basically all generations. And again, as more people get used to the utility, even of YouTube video podcasts are there, you know, if we take a slight side quest on video podcasts, YouTube is the number one podcasting platform.
SC (10:05):
It’s bigger than Apple and Spotify. It has been more podcasts are consumed on YouTube. They just added RSS feeds. Youtube, Google Podcast is absorbed into YouTube music. And now when you do a video podcast, go YouTube music is making a play at Spotify and making a play at Apple and owned by Google, this company is not gonna slow down or not go for the absolute cutthroat attack of every other brand and platform if we think about these platform wars. But all that to say is betting on YouTube is a really good bet and it’s still a good time to get in. Let’s talk about some of the cons, Rory, from my perspective and what I’m seeing with the data is there is rising competition and there’s a lot of competition. Yeah. And competition is highest for mediocre content. And competition is highest for low effort content.
SC (11:00):
So getting into YouTube is, I would argue not for the faint of heart. We’re living in a world now where just throwing some stuff out there is not gonna bring a, a great return. There was a time where maybe some lower effort content because of supply and demand could actually be helpful. But you, you, I think you gotta take it seriously and people are upping their game. I’m not saying it’s out of reach for people just starting. I’m not saying that you need any necessarily fancy equipment, but you do need strategy, you need a plan. And it’s gonna, it’s gonna take some level of energy. And I would say it’s gonna take energy from the principal person, the key person, the idea that, Hey, can I just outsource YouTube to somebody you should hire or, or delegate or leverage ai. But it’s just gonna take, I think it’s gonna take some thought and strategy.
SC (11:57):
So it’s it’s like the biblical passage of Jesus said, Hey, count the cost before building the tower. You know, it’s like reverse engineering. And, and that would be my next thing to say to you. Say, what do you do next? I think you asked some questions. Does it appeal to you to, to have a YouTube channel? Do you wanna be Oprah? Like legitimately, like, not if you catch my meaning. Like do you wanna show, do you, do you like the idea of having actually a video podcast? Do you, not just a podcast, but being on video and interviewing people. Do you, like, would you wanna have a solo show and for the love of serving people in that format or the love of creating content, I’d say that’s a really good first foundation. Yes, there’s maybe other ambitions I’d, I would love to have a show impact people change lives.
SC (12:48):
I do actually, I do. I don’t want you to force me on video. Anybody can improve and get better on camera and whatnot. And I, if you’re afraid, I’m not saying that’s a sign you shouldn’t do it. But if you look ahead a few years and say, man, I think that’s something I would enjoy doing, and I think I would love to do that, and I want to change people in that video format, and let’s go bigger than YouTube. I, I just recently talked to Dave Ramsey about, he’s like, we’re platform agnostic. We, we just wanna change lives. We were on radio, now we’re on video, we’re happy to be there, but we’re on Rumble, we’re on YouTube, we’re on x Elon’s taking X seriously. Amazon Prime has got offerings. So I would actually just go bigger. Do you want a show? Do you want to be in the video game?
SC (13:34):
Because if you do, then there’s massive opportunity. Youtube is a foundation and a pillar. But once you create these video assets, there’s a lot of distribution opportunities. And if you would say yes then because it’s not too late, it’s not gonna be easy. But it is possible. And one of the biggest mistakes I think people make is they, they look at it as a tactic. Like, I want to get some leads, maybe some more sales. I’m on other platforms. Can I kick it to my team to chop up some stuff of me and get a little stuff? It’s not that that couldn’t produce some results. I think it’s gonna work best for the person who actually doesn’t treat it as a tactic, but in a way they treat it as a lifestyle, like content creation as a lifestyle and a habit. That’s not always easy.
SC (14:18):
I don’t always love doing it, but it’s something I enjoy. I, I, I love doing what I do. I enjoy my video podcast probably most of all. And there’s stressful weeks, but I look forward to it. And I want to change lives and I want to craft that content and I want to shoot great interviews and I want the results and the money is great too. And all that is great too. But I would do it anyways. And if, if that sparks, if you’re listening to this and that kind of gets a little fire in you, then I would say dive in because there’s massive opportunity to be seized right now. Te tell me then.
RV (14:49):
So I love that and I thi I I can, I can vouch for it doesn’t really take off as a dabbling thing. Like the, the days of dabbling on it and having it take off. I think those days are pretty well past us. Because, because because there are so many people on there that are taking it serious, right? Yes. And, and we’ve been just basically dabbling in social media in general. ’cause We’ve been building the company and now we’re starting to take like Instagram serious and we’re seeing results and, and is realizing to go, okay, like, you know, what if we took YouTube more serious? ’cause It could be the flagship and Instagram can roll, roll more out of that. So if, if I wanna step in and I go, yeah, I do wanna show, I I do wanna impact people, I’m fine with this being a part of my lifestyle.
RV (15:35):
Like I, it’s not something I just wanna like do for a season, but like I go, I think it would be fun. And, and, but knowing I have to take it serious, like I love what you said about the, you know, the competition is highest for the mediocre low effort content. So what do I need to focus on to go, all right, if you’re gonna step in and play, like if I’m gonna get on the field and really like, be in the game, what’s the, what, what is re what’s, what’s the requirement? Like what’s the price of admission to, to, what does that look like in terms of equipment? I need to have team strategy, frequency of posting, length of content, you know. Yeah. That kind of stuff.
SC (16:22):
Well, interestingly enough, I think step one is to go really deep in your content and really dial in who you are in your messaging. Let’s assume that stuff is dialed in. But that would be found like things like classic business principles, like a USP, what is your unique selling position? The powerful aspects of a personal brand are also amplifying your unique anyways. So starting to think through. So you start thinking through, is this gonna be a personal brand channel first and last name? Is this gonna be a channel that has a clear niche cooking with Karen, name plus niche? Is it gonna be kind, kind of a media company? Think media is the name of my channel. I coach a lot of real estate agents. And so sometimes it’s their brokerage. I think the personal brand is much more powerful. Or is, is it, is it living in Nashville? Nashville,
RV (17:17):
Yeah. Lack living in Nashville.
SC (17:18):
Yeah. That living in Nashville is an option or your personal name and, and then Sean Cannell, Nashville real estate tips, different things. So I think kind of getting clear and then of course getting clear on what is it you’re trying to achieve. And in some cases that that amount of clarity already is in a way all you need. Then you add a smartphone to it, a content schedule, and start creating content. Meaning if you are a local real estate agent, the amount of opportunity still in a 2024 world is, is shocking because it’s about executions. It’s not a lot of people that are either A, doing it, B doing it consistently A doing it at all, B doing it consistently. So I think there, that’s, that’s thing one, I think. Then what do you start with? I think in, you know, I think for everyone who’s listening to this that wants to get in the video game, I think you start with vertical video really, because it’s, it’s, at least if you are like, I don’t really, I’m not comfortable on camera yet.
SC (18:18):
I I don’t really know what to say yet. I think especially for educators, people that solve problems, entrepreneurs that listen to this, I would say, what are the top 10 to 20 most asked questions and should ask questions on you YouTube though. You’re saying like a vertical video on frequently asked questions? Well, yeah, and then I would, I would so let’s, again, let’s work out the real estate thing. So is now a good time to buy a house? So I’d pop in your car, I hope you already have a GPS holder on your, on your vent for your phone, a little phone holder. ’cause You know, pop your phone up there. You could buy a $20 mic off of Amazon, but even if you don’t, you can film anywhere. But your cart is such a good a, when you close the door, it makes such great audio.
SC (19:01):
If you got like a cool moon roof or something, you gotta look to it. And you sit there and you look at the camera, hit record. Is now a good time to buy a house or not? Here’s three things to consider if you’re thinking about buying a house and deliver that content. Be brief, be bright, be fun and be done. Keep it under 60 seconds. Rory. The power of this for everybody listening, ’cause I know I’m the YouTube guide, but now I’m gonna take that vertical video asset and I’m going to, on my YouTube channel, upload it as a YouTube short, but I’m also gonna upload that as an Instagram reel. Sure. I’ll probably throw it on TikTok so long as you know, until it’s fully banned. And then I’ll throw it over on, when I put it on Instagram, it’s gonna be connected to my Facebook fan page.
SC (19:43):
And, and as meta it just auto posts over there. I think cap cut is my favorite app and software. It’s very user friendly. It’s worth 10 bucks a year or whatever to pay. It has great captions. If you wanna put a little what we’re using, yeah, if you wanna put a headline on it or something that’s kind of a hook point, the white bars or whatever at the top it says is, is now a good time to buy a house in Nashville? Question mark. And then you’re delivering the content so you can spice it up a little bit and just get comfortable. You’re on break, you’re in between meetings, film that in your car, edit it on your phone, start distributing it to the platforms. The reason I, there’s multiple reasons I’d say doing that. The, the ROI that could start coming your way from all the platforms, dms, conversation, sales leads is extremely high.
SC (20:33):
Probably higher, not on YouTube at first because YouTube is a longer game and it’s a marathon and not a sprint. But one of the other reasons I want you to do this is just because of getting the reps in, of communicating. Whenever you’re inspired that you have a client conversation or a conversation that you’re like, man, that’d make a great video, film that and, and start building your content creation muscles. Because as soon as we step into horizon, horizontal, longer form content, you asked how long? Eight minutes, 10 minutes, 12 minutes. If you want a secret that is publicly observable, you can see that some of the top entertainment YouTubers like Ryan Trahan or Mr. Beast, their videos are 24 minutes. That’s not by accident. It’s because people, YouTube wants time on platform. So if a video is good and entertaining and holds attention and is longer, it will out.
SC (21:24):
24 minutes is better than 12 because it’s keeping people on the platform longer. The algorithm will push it further for that very reason. Getting stuck in that could derail listeners. ’cause We’re getting very technical now. Well then I need to force it to 24. It’s not what I’m saying. Eight’s fine. But as soon as you get into horizontal, if we, if we look at a Cody Sanchez or Alex Hermo, you gotta admit, these are some in entrepreneur space, these are people we’re competing with and they’ve got staffs teams, explosions, creative hooks, openers, B roll, and longer form if you want that real professional edge, couple thousand bucks, you know, a thousand to get a can. Some light. Yeah. 2000 to build like a nice setup. What the pros are using, they’re spending five or 6,000. And what the pros are doing in the entrepreneur space is hiring a shredder at some point.
SC (22:20):
Usually someone in person that’s a producer, shooter, editor, if their team is lean, that would mean not just a videographer, but if, if you could get it all in one. Somebody who also kind of like, is like, Hey, let’s shoot the intro again. We want to grab attention, let’s hit that hook, right? Hey, let’s make sure we get everything and has a little creative edge. And if they’re producer, shooter, editor, they’re kind of thinking concept to completion, they might also edit it, upload it. If there was a dream hire, it would be somebody that you could pay 60, 70, 80,000 a year. And over time, perhaps you know, a hundred grand, but it’d be worth it to kind of maybe one other admin person to be that generator that puts out that high qual quality content for you. So someone says, Sean, I don’t have the money.
SC (23:03):
Well then do it yourself. But then it’s the learning curve is of course you learn to edit your video shoot cameras. We have a lot, we have a whole free college called Think Media on YouTube that will train you in all of that. So you can solve the problem from either direction. And one little tip there too is you might involve someone in the vision and say, Hey, listen, I’m gonna give you half the, the channel revenue for so long as you work for me. As you help me build this and maybe cast some incentive and some vision, like that day one it’s zero and day a hundred, it’s probably still zero. But if they’re bought in, then you could grow together. And this would go all the way back to like, you wanna build a content empire, you know, you want to build you, you see the power of personal brand Elon Musk, you see the power of personal brand Warren Buffet. You see the power. And so you’re like, I wanna build Cody Sanchez. I wanna build a personal brand. And YouTube is perhaps the greatest place to do it. But those that are doing it at a high level are are putting out high quality content with, you know, thousands of dollars of year.
RV (24:02):
Yeah. They’re not doing it accidentally. And it is that way. Like it, you know, it it, it blows my mind. Like, you know, when people, people ask me all the time, can they, can I get ’em on Lewis’ show or Ed’s show? And it’s like what they’re looking at more than anything is their YouTube followers, right? Mm-Hmm
SC (25:01):
That’s just something I would pitch to the individual if you wanted to growth hack it more and get them to have buy-in. Yeah, there’s a few agencies that do channel management. There’s individuals that do channel management. You’re just wrestling with the tension. The same for paid ads. Do you bring a paid ads person in-house, a media buyer? Or do you work with an agency? Pros and cons and maybe one thing is right on one season and one or the other and you might back and forth, who knows? So generally if I would say building your own media team would be ideal but if you found the right agency that would, that would work too. What you start looking at is the, the YouTube pipeline. In fact, what is actually fascinating was Patrick Ben-David recently revealed his like, podcast workflow. I’ll come back to it when you ask the next question ’cause you’ll probably be fascinated, but, and by the way, I wanna hear that it’s like how many staff members it is?
SC (26:01):
I’ll, I’ll look it up. It’s like, it’s like 10 positions. Wow. And so what you start thinking about is you start going back to, okay somebody at the start is definitely gonna wear a lot of hats. And if it’s just you at the start, you’re wearing all the hats. And the idea of YouTube would be let’s, let’s break it down. Who’s, who’s the shooter? You set the camera up, you could just at least get the lighting right? I can, I’m in my home office, I can create content by myself. I’m the shot composition. I set the lighting up here. I’ve got, you know, these details. I think about the details and the bit, a lot of stuff that would stress people out. So I’m the shooter, I also am the researcher. So I would research not just plan out my podcast, but I’m good at research.
SC (26:45):
I’ll pull up different articles. I’m pulling that in. I’ll outline my video. I’m doing a paid brand real deal right now. So it’s a scripted video. The script is getting approved by the brand you are then the talent on camera, once it’s captured, are you then the editor, you’ve got, you edit it all together. And is it just basic editing that is becoming easier even with ai? Or is it next level editing? Then once the video is exported, you upload it and now it needs to be optimized. So you have the title. It’s many top YouTubers are famous for not just taking their thumbnails seriously, but paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for one thumbnail. You can find circles on Twitter x of full-time thumbnail designers that just get hired by top YouTubers that just create insane thumbnails. We’re talking about a very small piece of real estate, you know, like a very, but thumbnails being that serious.
SC (27:38):
So you can also do pretty good thumbnails with Canva templates, but are you gonna learn that and tweak those and get some photography done if you’re in the thumbnail? So then it’s a thumbnail. It’s writing a great title, similar to like a blog headline or an email subject headline. You want people to click, you wanna describe it. You maybe want some search based aspects to it. You want some human psychology based aspects to it. You wanna optimize the description, not so much because that’s gonna move the needle on the video itself. It’s the content itself that’s really gonna perform. But you want the call to actions to be right. If you’re driving business results, you want clickable link above the fold in the description. And then understanding how YouTube works. You maybe put in a playlist, you got an end card on the video. You, you don’t just make one video, you create a series.
SC (28:24):
So as the video ends, the way you communicate leads into other videos. And then you want a pipeline. So that, that, that somewhat simplistic overview of the steps can quickly break down into, you know, on our team we have Slack and monday.com and we do things like, we probably debate certain titles. We’ll write 10 to 20 to 30. Wow. And we debate ’em and we vote on ’em and we might switch them later. I interviewed Graham Stefan, who’s is pretty known for being a one man shop. He’s added a few people since then, but he likes to, he’s actually hired an editor and gone back to editing himself. He researches for about three hours. He writes a script for about a day. He then films it for three, four hours. He then edits him himself. He does outsource the thumbnail. He’s pre-written a few titles, and he is pulling hundreds of thousands of views. Personal finance, niche. He’s got some help selling brand deals, working with agencies. So I know you’re listening to this. Someone’s like, okay, I, I I was pumped. I did want to be Oprah, but I don’t know if I want to be like, like, so it, it’s, it gets real pretty
RV (29:33):
Fast. Oprah had a team. I mean, it’s there, there’s like, it, it’s helpful to see this because I think it’s, doing all this stuff is not wasting time. What’s wasting time is dabbling without doing this stuff, thinking it is gonna work. Mm-Hmm. And then it doesn’t. That’s what’s wasting time. Like either doing this stuff and knowing you have to do it and creating a plan and getting it done, or deciding, yeah, I’m not gonna do any of this. Both of those are good decisions. The the crappy decision, I think is like dipping your toe into it and then not really like having any sort of strategy.
SC (30:06):
If you’re in the mediocre middle, you’d be frustrated because you’re, you’re still taking time, but the results aren’t there. And then committing to it for a long enough time to get the flywheel effect going. Okay, so I found it. So here’s how to structure your podcast team from Patrick. Be David. Nine roles. According to him, executive producer oversees the entire production, sets the strategic direction of the content, and manages the budget. Podcast producer hand handles the day-to-day operations, coordinates with guests manage schedules, ensures these episode aligns with your vision. He’s sometimes having two, three people on. He just had Candace Owens and Chris Cuomo like, I think on an episode. So they have a, and that’s three a week, three episodes, like they’re pumping out shows and big numbers now, hundreds of thousands of concurrence on and when they live stream, the show number three, technical producer, audio engineer, responsible for the technical quality of the product they handle. Recording, mixing, sound editing, videographer, cinematographer captures high quality video responsible for camera operation, lighting and onset capture video editor edits the video content, integrates visuals and ensures the fi o product is polished and engaging. Copywriter and content writer develops scripts, interview questions and promotional content for each episode. Diary of a CEO split tests. A hundred thumbnails per episode. Three different phases with 25 quotes that are pulled out.
RV (31:25):
Again, they split test what? They split test how many thumbs? A
SC (31:28):
Hundred different thumbnails per episode. What? So Steve Bartlett, right? Diary of a CEO. And they have a research group that deeply gets into the psychology of not just the interview questions. They should ask a particular guest that’ll most resonate with the audience, but also how to front load those. So, ’cause YouTube, and I’ve, I know I’ve talked to Lewis, we’ve mastermind around YouTube about changing the whole front of his show compared to old school where like, welcome to the podcast, to like cutting to the chase. No fluff at the beginning, like cutting right into it at his level. You also start thinking maybe a little difference between the audio and the video, even though it’s a video podcast. But this whole copywriter content writer is a luxury, by the way, at number six here. But developing scripts, interview questions, promotional content for each episode.
SC (32:21):
Number seven, graphic designer creates visuals for the podcast, thumbnails, social media graphics. Once the episode’s out there is something about YouTube itself being where you’re gonna get the most views. ’cause The algorithm makes it take off. But then we also will do using like ManyChat, a custom vertical video. Comment the word podcast, DM people the link, get some more juice around it. That’s only on Instagram though. That’s not YouTube. That’s only on Instagram. But just thinking like the graphic designer. Really the only graphics you need is the actual thumbnail. But social media graphics might be promoting carousel post or something like carousel. There’s a community tab, which is a lot of people don’t know about on YouTube. It’s like a feed number eight distribution specialist. Digital marketing manager distributes the podcast across various platforms, handles SEO marketing strategies and audio. It’s growth. And number nine, social media coordinator engages with the audience on social platforms, promotes new episodes and builds community around the podcast.
SC (33:16):
Rory, that’s not where we’re at. That was just Pbds list that he shared with me. There’s nine staff positions, but he is an a one podcast now with hundreds of millions of views. That’s not an exaggeration. Over a hundred million views a month across the PBD podcast, the Valuetainment clips. And then you chop it up. I mean, you, you start getting to, I think it was a billion in two months ’cause TikTok clips are going viral and other clips because a video podcast can be chopped up. So that’s a lot. I I think we were already, I knocked the wind out of our listeners, including myself, and now we just, that was total knockout, you know, but this, thinking about that is what people are scaling up to. What I would say is an interesting story is, you know, you’re very familiar with Ramsey and we were just there.
SC (34:04):
SC (34:56):
Like if you had, and that this list doesn’t say you need that, you need a person who definitely can manage the three cameras. So all that to say is Kyle shoots or sets up the studio, sets up the lighting, sets up the camera, sets up the audio, sets up backup audio. ’cause We have had audio crash before and, and then kicks, uploads it online and sends it out. And I would say I’m the executive producer, I’m the podcast producer. I have an assistant to book people, but like I I also do solo rounds. So I oversee the entire production. I, you know, set the strategic direction. So all that to say is hybriding. That process is, you can start super lean and mean. You could shoot a sh a we’re on Zoom. I mean, what are we talking about? Like, we’re on Zoom. You could record this, kick this to an editor. You can start a lean process. And I think you should, I think 99% of people listening to this, putting a video podcast on YouTube and keeping it super lean at the start is smart. And then thinking about how do you scale it up? And then how do you let your team also start with the greatest level of simplicity, but then challenge yourself to get 1% better with every upload. The last thing I’ll add is I was talking to like hala to, to ha right? Who is, is yeah,
RV (36:15):
We just had her on the show a couple like fairly recently.
SC (36:18):
Yeah. And, and, and she had kind of like her video podcast on YouTube. And one of the big pivots she made was investing and having her team really chop up a powerful hook bump bubu this quote, no, no, no, this cliffhanger, a little bit of b-roll. A little bit of the stock market arrows going down. A little bit of drama. And, and that would be one of those. So even this episode recorded on Zoom recorded simply, you could just upload it. You hooked it at the beginning. If you’re as an interviewer, you could also realize I’m just starting when I start, so I need to hook it at the beginning. I’m gonna like, I’ll do that a lot of times. Like I’ll pre-write three or four bullets. And so you could keep it lean and, and do best practices and get traction. But what I would say is then over time, no reason why you can’t start doing better hooks.
SC (37:09):
And like maybe at month six month 10 little monetization coming in. How do we improve the show? Eventually you build a new house, rent a studio batch, produce four episodes in person, intermix those into things. You don’t have to go from zero to a hundred, nor do I think you would even have the, the character infrastructure, the technical infrastructure to become a diary of a CEO or PBD podcast overnight. They didn’t, they had to grow into it. But I think start simple and, and scale up as you go. And, and there’s a lot that goes into it for a world class level.
RV (37:44):
Yeah. Yeah. I mean it’s, this is, it’s it’s a lot, but it’s like, this is starting a business. It’s, it’s a show. Like, just like you start a business as a solopreneur. You’re doing the marketing, you’re doing the sales, you’re doing the delivery, you’re doing the customer service, you do the accounting, and then you hire a person to help part-time, and then you reinvest to the next person the next. It’s like, I think that’s the menta the mindset of going, like, you’re starting a show, you’re not Mm-Hmm.
SC (38:40):
Yeah. So thanks again for having me. I think I’m Sean Cannel, your Guide to Building a Profitable YouTube channel. And you can Google me anywhere. S-E-A-N-C-A-N-N-E-L-L think media. But we also do have a free class and I think we sent you a link to that you could share with people. So if you wanna look over my shoulder and spend an hour together and we can, I’ll share as much as I can here specifically around that optimization stuff, specifically around some really tactical stuff you say, I wanna get into YouTube, I’d love to know how to jumpstart simply then we had to have a free hour long masterclass that we could link to. I’d say that’s the best next step for people that are wanting to explore this. To watch.
RV (39:21):
Yeah. Why don’t we do this? So we’ll, we’ll link to [email protected] slash think media brand builders group.com/think media. And then we will make sure that that tags and re we will get that redirected over to Sean’s place where you can watch that masterclass and go just through some of the tactics. I mean the, the, the part that’s powerful here is like, like anything, excellence is never an accident, right? This isn’t an accident, but it’s doable. And I think the other part, it’s been super clarifying for me to be like, yeah, it’s not saturated. ’cause It’s still expanding. Mm-Hmm.
RV (40:16):
And that is really hitting me hard as we have this conversation to go. You would never ask that, right? It, it, and you, you would also never say like, is, are Mexican restaurants too saturated? Like, well, if I had Mexican one day, I’m gonna have it again and again and again in different, I wanna try different restaurants. Like, so I think if you’re making, if you’re making good food and you’re making good content, there’s always gonna be a market for it if you do it right. And if, you know, if you follow some simple steps, like, yeah, there’s a number of things, but they’re all fairly simple. Like, you’re gonna, you’re gonna win. So, and and Sean is one of the guys that I’m looking to, to help, help us figure out how to do that. And I think you should too. So brother, thank you for being here. Thanks for what you do and, and how you do it in the world and what you stand for. We believe in you. I’m so honored to be your buddy and yeah, keep kicking butt man.
SC (41:10):
Rory, I appreciate you so much and thank you so much for having me on the podcast.
Ep 517: 6 Traits of a Great Salesperson | Dr. Cindy Episode Recap
AJV (00:02):
All right, we’re talking about sales today, and it’s not something that I talk about a ton. But today we’re gonna talk about it. And this is a little no saver. I love talking about sales. I love sales. I love learning about sales. I love doing sales. I love being a salesperson. I think this is just something that we should all embrace a little bit more in our daily lives in and outside of work. And so I just had Dr. Cindy, who’s a bestselling author and founder of Orange Leaf Consulting, and she was on the influential personal podcast. And I thought this would be a great opportunity to talk a little bit about some of the things that we had in that interview that I kind of just pulled out as some really important things that set apart this sales mindset from, from not.
AJV (00:53):
And I think one of the things that I would love for you guys to kind of pick up on is do you even consider yourself a salesperson? And I bet most people that I engage with say no. They say, I am, you know, insert any title. I’m an author, I’m a speaker, I’m an entrepreneur, I’m a coach, I’m a consultant. I’m a dentist. I’m an attorney. I’m a CPA. But even when you’re in sales most people don’t go, Hey, I’m a salesperson. I think that’s, that’s very, very rare that we would do that. And so I wanna talk about some of the things that I think make a great salesperson, even if you don’t identify with being in sales, because the truth is, you, you are, you are in sales, surprise. You are a salesperson. And that’s in and outside of work.
AJV (01:43):
And as a parent all day long, I’m negotiating, right? It’s just, who’s the better salesperson today? Me or them in my marriage, right? I’m selling all the time. Why this place? Why that thing? You know, why this restaurant? Like, there, there’s a sale always taking place as someone who recruits interviews and hires for our company. Like the entire interview process is just them selling me and me selling them products and services, podcasts listening to content, right? I think one of the things you have to realize is like, in order to have really great content, you can be a really great salesperson. You gotta sell. Why, why this is important. What problem is this solving? Why should I keep your attention with the 99 other things going on at this exact second? Like, that’s a sale. These are all micro sales. We are salespeople by nature, innately, right?
AJV (02:33):
It’s like that, that happens from a very, very young age of learning how to ask for what you want, the persistence in doing it, not giving up. And at some point, but that deteriorates over time. But we were innately equipped with this concept of selling, right? Which is, how do you get the things that you want, right? And, and I believe a lot of that is in service of other people. But, and often, right? It’s like as, as kids, it’s, it’s in service of yourself, right? It’s like, I’m gonna ask for this toy that I saw at Target 100 times, right? There is an immense level of persistence and determination in a five-year-old that finds the ninja turtle that they must have. Where does that disappear? Along the lines, when we get into business and adulthood, right? Something happened along the lines where we no longer do those things that we used to do.
AJV (03:26):
We’ve been taught not to we’ve gotten rejected too often. We’ve lost the passion, lost the persistence. The list goes on. And this isn’t a, a psychological, a psychological video today. But I do think there’s a few things that I wanna highlight that innately, regardless of what level of sales, if you are truly a sales professional or you’re just involved in communication, IE sales that are really important for you to kind of grasp. So these are in no particular order, but just a few things. Six to be exact. Six characteristics, six traits of something that I wonder if you would identify with on this path to acknowledging that you are in sales and that you are a salesperson on a daily basis. Number one is we all have to be ready for the opportunity. I think any great sale happens at the intersection of someone who has a need and someone who can solve that need, right?
AJV (04:26):
It’s the person who has a, a need or a want and intersecting with the person who can actually give them that want or fulfill that need. So step one is we have to be ready for the opportunity. What does that mean? That means we have to be aware. That means we have to be listening, engaging, communicating, participating, right? It’s some of the best relationships that I have ever developed happened on. And these are business relationships on the bleachers of a softball field, listening to someone behind me talk about some of the struggles of their sales team. I happened to be reading a book. I turned around and just said, Hey, I, I didn’t mean to be eavesdropping, but I was reading this book. And just by being aware, he was like, oh, yeah, I’ve actually read that book. What do you think? Started a conversation.
AJV (05:20):
And I said, well, I’m actually a, a sales consultant. I heard you talking. And, and we just struck up a conversation that ended up being a multi six figure client of mine in former life, and a multi-year long contract. Not to mention just a really great friend. Some of the other best relationships I’ve developed happened at different cookouts or social events or, or sporting events or in some regards restaurants. Like literally just being aware and ready for the opportunity. That is first and foremost, which means you have to know what is the problem or the need that
AJV (05:57):
You solve, right? That that’s step one. And when you hear other people have it, it gives you the opportunity to engage. But you gotta be ready, right? You gotta be aware of the opportunity and you’ve gotta be ready to engage. Number two, we have got to have the courage to ask, right? So you’ve gotta be ready and you gotta have courage. You have to have the courage to engage. You have to have the courage to ask. And a part of that is not being afraid of being told. No, it’s not being afraid of rejection not taking it personally, but generally speaking, it’s just the courage to engage. There is so much of our business that happens behind a computer screen, like right now that when we actually have the opportunity to opportunity to engage, we don’t, ’cause we don’t know how.
AJV (06:42):
Right? And a part of it is just being like getting engaged. Dunno where it’s gonna go. But I heard something that we have in common, so I’m gonna have the courage to ask about it. Not necessarily even ask for the business, just ask about what it is. What do they do? Where are they from? Just like I did. Hey, I don’t mean to be eavesdropping, but I heard something and I’m reading this book. I’m just aware, I’m ready. And I have the courage to ask. I have the courage to be curious. I have the courage to engage at number three would be being okay with accepting a no. Right? And I think that has a lot to do with just confidence and self-esteem of going, like, they’re not saying no to me as a person. They might be saying no to the timing.
AJV (07:29):
They might be saying no to the product or service. They might be saying no to my company, but more often than not, they are not saying no to me as a a person. Why They don’t know me, right? They don’t know me as a mom, a wife AJ Vaden. They know me as the representative of, you know, brand builders group or this product or service as the salesperson, as the person on the other line. But it’s not personal. 99% of the time. 1% of the time. Maybe it is. But you gotta be okay with that. It’s 1% of the time. And you’ve gotta just be okay with accepting the no, but also using it as research. And I think that’s the real takeaway here is one of the things that makes nos more acceptable to me, that makes my ability to tolerate them better. ’cause I don’t like hearing no, just like anyone else in the world. But what makes it better for me is when I then have the ability to go, this is research, right? This is recon, right? If I got a no, I wanna understand why. And this a little bit comes back to the one before this, which is the courage to ask. So if someone’s going to say no, give you a no, then you have got to have enough resilience and enough courage to go, Hey, I understand. Can you please let me know why?
AJV (08:51):
And then pause, right? And if they go, yeah, you know, it just, it is just the wrong time. Be like, well, is it the wrong time for this particular product? Was it, is it the wrong time for this in your budget? Like, I’m not trying to sell you here. I’m just, I truly wanna understand so that I can better myself. And so often it’s amazing the gift that you’ll receive in that feedback, right? But it, it does take courage to ask for feedback. But what I know is that you’re gonna be way more equipped if you go that one step further when you get a no and considerate research to go totally understand. Thank you for giving me a clear answer. Would you please help me understand why? And then take it, receive it, and do something with it. Improve your self pre presentation and improve your questions, improve the timing.
AJV (09:46):
Whatever it is you can influence and control. But take it, receive it, and then do something with that awesome feedback. Also acknowledge when to move on. In the interview with Dr. Cindy, I talked about how early in my sales career I would, I loved hearing maybe, right? I was like, there’s hope. They might say yes. And I would fill my calendars with a whole bunch of maybes. And you know what it did? I would follow up with the same people over and over and over and over and over again and never find new ones. And I was limiting my potential. I was limiting my ability to work with other people, serve other people who really needed and wanted what I had because I felt more comfortable stalking the people that had already talked to. And you know what, most of those people never bought.
AJV (10:32):
A few of them did likely to, you know, have me stop following up. The point being is that there is a, there is a blessing in the know that allows you the ability to learn, but also the freedom to move on to find the person who really does need what you have, who really does want to work with you. And if you follow up with the same set of people all the time, you’re, you’re missing out on an enormous part of the population that could bless you and vice versa. But then also have gratitude for the yes, right? Acknowledge the no, but be so grateful for the yes. Don’t take ’em for granted. People are not numbers, they’re not quotas, they’re not revenue, they’re not profit, they’re people. So be so utterly grateful for the people that give you the opportunity to allow them to work with you and vice versa.
AJV (11:19):
It’s like, be grateful for it. And then last but definitely not least is be diligent in follow up. Be diligent in follow up with the people who seriously said, let me think about it. Send me the thing. Sometimes that’s not real. Sometimes it is. So be discerning and diligent in the follow up. But also be diligent in the follow up with the people who who said, no, not right now. ’cause It was a bad time schedule it just because they said no today doesn’t mean they’re gonna say no in the future. Be diligent
AJV (11:52):
In the follow up of the, the very high likely potentials, diligent in the nos for the timing, not right now. And be diligent for the yeses. Be diligent in your follow up for the people who did give you the yes, because you need to build relationships with them. These are your clients. It is not. Hey, wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Got the sale. Moving on. Don’t be that person. Be the person who said, I’m so grateful that you have said yes. I’m so excited that you are joining our company, product, service, whatever. And be diligent and touching base with them, staying in touch with them, building those relationships. Because y’all, that’s how business is done today. Regardless of what you hear on the internet or in videos like this, it’s like, I still believe that the majority of business is still done by word of mouth and referrals. And where do those stem from relationships, how do you build ’em? You get to know people. You stay in touch with them. You engage in relation, you engage in community. So be diligent in the follow up with the yeses just as much as with your prospects. That is what it means to be great at sales. And that is within all of us in any role that we have. So embrace that inner salesperson love the sale because we’re all making ’em all day long.
Ep 516: Why Everyone Is In Sales with Dr. Cindy
AJV (00:01):
Hey everybody, and welcome to the Influential Personal Brand podcast, AJ Vaden here. And I’m so excited to introduce you guys to a, a newer friend of mine. We got connected through a mutual friend of ours, but I’m most excited to introduce you to our guest today because we share a similar passion of sales. And what we’re gonna talk about today and why you need to stick around is why you are in sales, even if you don’t know it, and why you need to also become passionate about sales. No matter what your role is, no matter what your job is, no matter if your customer facing or internal facing, you’re a solopreneur, entrepreneur, small business owner, executive, or anything in between that I didn’t mention, having sales skills is one of the most important skill that you can have in life. And so we’re gonna talk about why that is.
AJV (00:54):
How do you develop ’em? How do you use ’em, and why these are important to you. And if none of that sounded appealing enough for you to stick around to the very end, then how about this? Knowing how to be great at sales is what makes you a great entrepreneur. It’s also what makes you a great parent. It’s what makes you a great negotiator, which if you are a parent, you know, is a very important skill set to have. So, like I said, these are life skills. And so we’re gonna jump right in. I’m gonna formally introduce you to Dr. Cindy, who is a two times bestselling author. She’s got two books on sales and we’re gonna put all of these in the show notes for you. But her first book is, every Job is a Sales Job, how To Use The Art of Selling to Win At Work.
AJV (01:38):
Her second and most recent is Sell Yourself How to Create, live and Sell a powerful personal Brand, which is part of why I wanted to have her on the show here today. She is also the CEO of Orange Leaf Consulting. She also has her doctorate in organizational communication. So this, these are, these aren’t just thoughts and ideas, like this is backed by tons of research and time and experience and expertise. And I could probably go on and on but I wanna jump in and actually do this interview. So before I get carried away with talking about you, let’s talk to you. So, Dr. Cindy, welcome to the show.
Dr. C (02:17):
Thank you so much for having me, aj. It is a pleasure to be here.
AJV (02:21):
Yes. And one of the things that I wanna do that I think is just really helpful is to help our idio, our idiots, our audience, get to know you a little bit and why sales has become such a part of your life. So like, where did that come from? How did you get into this and how did, how did you get to where you are today?
Dr. C (02:42):
Dr. C (03:30):
I just didn’t call it sales. Hmm. And I literally struck me and I went, wait a second. I have a PhD in communication, and I was never taught this, and I went to good schools. And it was like, why wasn’t this part of the curricula? And so that took me on a totally different journey. Started my company, my first company, orange Leaf Consulting, started writing books. And so, I know you guys believe in this too, is like you deliver to the person that you were like, you’re literally solving the problem that you had. So now I write books for my 20-year-old self
AJV (04:05):
Love that. So tell me what, what happened? Like, what was that kind of like revelation moment when you realized, wait, I’ve been doing this my whole life, I just never knew it was sales. Like, what was that?
Dr. C (04:19):
So I remember I was actually having to go and do what they called the pitch right at the, at the day and time. And I’m like, Ooh, pitch. It just sounds awful. Like the word sounds bad. And what I was preparing, what I was realizing is all I was doing was listing all the problems that I had come up with in the conversations with a prospective client and how I could solve them. And I went, wait a second. All I’m doing is helping them with a need that they have. Why are we even calling this a pitch? I’m not pitching them anything. I’m inviting them to this list of solutions that are literally gonna make their life and their company better. Hold on. Like, hold the phone,
Dr. C (05:10):
I was calling it negotiation. I was calling it persuasion. I was calling it convincing, I was calling it inviting. And I went, okay, I have to change the script on this. So I believe that sales is a life skill, not a business skill. And I am on a mission to help people to embrace their inner 5-year-old. As I say, you know, we’re all, we were all five. You have got littles, so you understand they’re the best salespeople on the planet. So it’s really just getting back to those innate sales skills that you already have, and then knowing how to use them to get more of what you want and help more people.
AJV (05:44):
Ugh, I love that. And you know, not to go too sidetracked for a second, but you know, I’ve been in sales my whole life. I consider myself the number one job I still have today, E even as like CEO is to sell, right? That recruiting, selling, interview, selling, retaining, selling client acquisition, selling vendor negotiations, selling contract, negotiate. Like the list goes on and on. It’s like even as a CEO, I feel like still, like the number one thing that I’m trying to hone on a constant basis is this concept of sales IE communication. But where I find it’s the most valuable at this current stage of my life is in my parenting. Like legitimately
AJV (06:42):
Like, like their, their, their per, their persistence is, it’s impressive. It’s impressive. And I tease all the time, I’m like, how can I transfer this level of persistence to like our sales team, like to our, our business development team, this, this level of, there’s no shame in how many times you ask or how repeated the ask is. And I think I, I, I love what you said, it’s like, how do we get all back to that inner 5-year-old? And as I have a 5-year-old, it’s like he knows what he wants and he knows how long it’s gonna take before I crumble, right? And it’s about 45 minutes, and I’m like, fine, you can have it, whatever’s, whatever. But it’s like there something hap along happens along the way, clearly, where we don’t do that anymore. And probably for most of us, just like you had, and I’ve even had these feelings before of like, I don’t wanna be seen as a salesperson.
AJV (07:34):
There’s this negative connotation with the word sales, with the concept of selling. And I would love to just kind of unpack that for a second of where did that come from? Where does that happen? Because I feel like most people would all agree that you did not grow up saying one day I wanna be a salesperson
Dr. C (08:15):
So I always joke with people and I say, you know, nobody dresses like a salesperson for Halloween, right?
Dr. C (09:13):
And I would argue even those people don’t wanna be those people, right?
AJV (10:40):
Yeah. So let’s talk about that for a second. What are the sales that we’re all making every day that we don’t realize are sales?
Dr. C (10:48):
So first one is, if you’ve got kids
AJV (11:55):
Oh, I love, like, even even the non-verbal exchanges. And I love that concept too, is that sales is just an exchange of trust. Right? And I, I love that concept because it really does take away some of the ickiness that we feel. And, and I know, I bet most of you listening would agree with this. It’s like when you’ve had a great sales interchange, it’s like, I love it. I love when I’m like, man, that was a great sales presentation. ’cause I feel good about it, right? I feel good about the person. I’m entrusting. I feel good about the person I’m paying. I feel good about the product or service I’m receiving. The, the entire experience was positive. And part of it is like, when it’s really good, it’s like, yeah, I want my money to go to you. That was great. And I think sometimes when I’m annoyed, it’s like I’m almost more mad that I have to give the bad sales experience.
AJV (12:49):
I have to give that person my money, even though I need the thing. I’m like, I do not want you to get paid for this. ’cause That was so bad. Like, and regardless if that’s good or bad, like a lot of my mentality is around like, I do not want to pay you it, it’s a, it’s a you thing even when I need it. Because I’m like, that was so, so bad, so bad. Yeah. And the opposite happens too, where it’s like, man, that was amazing. ’cause You know what? It just felt, it felt natural. And that’s how it, it should, right? And we have those daily exchanges every day. It’s like you know, it doesn’t matter if you’re carrying boxes or a stroller or whatever, it’s, yeah. It’s like those nonverbal exchanges happen. Those are like micro sales throughout your day. And so this whole concept of, you know, we’re selling all day long without even knowing it. How do we come more aware of these things? ’cause I know like one of the things you talk about how like sales skills are life skills, right? So it’s like, I think a part of that is the awareness that, okay, guys, we’re already in sales and our marriages and our friendships and our parenting and our jobs and our, our social interactions, like there, there’s a sale always happening. So how do we kind of reframe how we see that, become aware of it and then ultimately embrace it?
Dr. C (14:13):
So I think it’s kind of like the blue car syndrome where, you know, once you buy a blue car, you start noticing blue cars everywhere,
Dr. C (15:00):
That was a sale. They sold you on coming back and they sold you on being an advocate for them because you left feeling so good. You wanna go tell other people. So when you start to think of sales as that, you start recognizing it differently. But I do believe that it’s good to have a plan. I’m a planner, I’m a hyper planner, I’m a to-do list gal. It’s just my jam. But I think when you have a plan for the things that you want to occur, you’re gonna seek the opportunity to sell, to get closer to it. Mm-Hmm. So for example, take a personal one. You’re looking for a new sitter, okay? You’re gonna be hyper aware when you hear other parents talking about their sitters and you’re gonna jump in and have a conversation. It’s just because you had that plan in place. If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re looking for a website designer, you’re still seeking that. And then you’re gonna find an opportunity to have a sales exchange to somebody either send you a referral or you’re able to sell your way into getting that person to work with you. And by the way, even when you’re hiring a vendor, you’re selling them just as much as they’re selling you. And I think we forget that as well. So I think that once you know what you’re looking for and you have a goal and a plan in place, those sales moments start revealing themselves differently.
AJV (16:22):
So, and, and I love that. And it’s like, what would you say? Like, as I’m thinking of, you know, I’m just thinking of like the, the micro example of just the team that we have here at Brand Builders Group. We have client facing team members, we have non-client facing team members, we have a leadership team. We, we got all types, we got vendors, contractors, all the things, right? And so if I were to kind of pinpoint what are some of like the universal sales skills that every person, no matter what your role is, no matter what your job is, whatever your daily things are, like, what would you say that you’ve identified as some of like the universal sales skills that we as just humans need to develop to be better communicators?
Dr. C (17:04):
So the first one is, is your authenticity of who you are, your own personal brand, and who you are bringing yourself to the, to the world and what your superpowers are In that as well, you get to know people based on their own superpowers. You’re the person I’m gonna go to because I know you’re gonna get the job done fast. You’re the one I’m gonna go to because I know that you can take it and run with it and make it happen. You start to sell into that, right? So that’s the first one is knowing your own personal brand and being really authentic because that’s how you build trust with those around you. I, I say this all the time. Nobody does this life alone. Show me a person that did it by themselves. And I’m gonna show you 14 people that helped ’em along the way,
Dr. C (17:44):
And so it’s recognizing how you’re creating those exchanges of trust so that you can get closer to what you need in your role, whether it’s client facing or behind the scenes, whether you’re in a support position or you’re an independent contractor, it doesn’t matter. You’re selling those exchanges of trust so that you can get your project, your job done, get closer to your goals. That’s the first one. Second universal one is you have to ask
AJV (18:23):
So true.
Dr. C (18:24):
You have to know what you’re asking for and you have to be clear because if you’ve built that trust, people wanna help you. You wanna go back and reward that behavior. You want to support people, but they don’t know how to support you. So you have to invite them in
AJV (18:41):
I mean, just, I don’t wanna like derail your thought train here ’cause I wanna hear the rest, but it’s so interesting because we are in the process right now of, of building a new home and I’ve been interviewing lots of different things. And anyhow, I’ve been having this interchange back and forth via email, and I’m not exaggerating. Literally this morning I had to send an email. So like what’s the next step? Like how do
Dr. C (19:41):
Awful. And so, and so, actually, funny enough, that’s the third piece is you have to follow up. It’s on you to be the one to f So the fact that you had to follow up like that makes me so upset because it’s like you had that person right there ready and you didn’t ask and you didn’t follow up. And so the key to think about it is you as the person selling, are doing 90% of the lift. Mm-Hmm.
AJV (20:43):
Yeah. And I think that’s a, I mean, just telling people, right? It’s like asking and then telling people what to do. And that’s one of the things that I’ve always said, it’s like for most people, they just need to be told what to do, right? Click here, write this, say this. Right? It’s like, like even me sometimes I’m like, I don’t want to have to think in this process that that’s why you’re here. Right? Yeah. I don’t wanna have to go through all of that. I just want you to do it, which is why I’m gonna give you my money, right? And so if I’m often left to my own vices, I just, I I I’m gonna, I’m gonna forget, right? It’s not anything other than as soon as this interaction, this exchange is over, I’m off to my other set of 99 things that I’ve gotta do. And if I didn’t have clear instructions from you on what is the next step and when is the deadline and when I’m, you know, like all the things Mm-Hmm.
Dr. C (21:40):
AJV (21:41):
And so
Dr. C (21:41):
I think entrepreneurs, yeah. Oh, I’m sorry, say that again.
AJV (21:44):
I was like, just, just the whole idea of like, don’t forget to ask and then don’t forget to tell ’em what to do and then follow up. Yeah. I think that that’s,
Dr. C (21:53):
It’s so hard for entrepreneurs too, I think when they’re building their brand and when they’re getting themselves out there because they have this feeling that, but everybody knows what I do. Everybody knows that I wrote a book, everybody knows I wanna be a keynote speaker. Everybody knows these things. But did you make it easy for them to help, you know, if you’ve got a friend that’s, you know, part of an association and when you wanna go speak there, do they have your speaker bio? Do they know the topics? Can they literally deliver it to the education committee with an open line email that says, Hey, I’m so and so and I speak on engineering and here’s what it is. You know, make it super easy for those people around you to be able to sell for you as well. And that, that’s another piece too, where I think we have to recognize we’re not just selling ourselves, but others are selling for us and with us.
Dr. C (22:44):
And so they need to know your network needs to know what they’re supposed to be doing as well. And advocating and saying, you do a great job, or you give good service, is sort of like, yeah, you, you made it into the game,
AJV (23:20):
Yeah. And it’s, again, back to left to their own devices. It’s like, who knows what people say, right? Yeah. And it’s like, we’ve got to go, this is how you introduce me. This is, this is the story I want you to tell. And as you were talking, you got me thinking about this, this asking thing because I think as you were talking about, I had like said to you gotta ask like, you, you gotta do it. Why don’t people do that? Like what, what what have you found is the hesitation, the lack of awareness whether it be fear or just sometimes complete unawareness or lack of training. But there, there’s a huge amount of people who even self-identify a salespeople that their hardest thing is the ask.
Dr. C (24:07):
It’s so true. And I think it’s a couple of things. I think you mentioned a few of them, which is they don’t know that, you know, there’s this assumption that, but you know what I do? Of course, you know what I do. Like why wouldn’t you, you know, use my services or come to my restaurant? So that’s one. Second one is they don’t know how to ask. So that’s a lack of training. And the third one is, and we all know it, it’s the fear of no. And it’s that fear of, if you tell me no, my entire world is going to crumble aj, it’s gonna be awful and nothing’s ever gonna happen,
Dr. C (24:49):
You get to understand why it’s no. Was your pitch bad? Did you not do a good job of understanding their needs? Did you not do a good job of differentiating yourself? Were you unclear on what the path was going to be that was gonna make their life better after the sale? Were you unclear in your ask? You know, there’s a lot of things that go into that. But the key is, if you’re not focused as the salesperson on what’s on the other side of the sale, then the no feels like, oh, I’m gonna crumble. Hmm. You gotta be focused on what happens past that for them and for you. And if it’s a no, it’s a gift because you also get to decide whether you’re gonna keep chasing them or not. And I have this conversation literally at least once a week with anybody we’re coaching about stop falling in love with people’s potential
AJV (26:03):
Yeah. And so, yeah, so I wanna dive into that deeper too, because I totally agree with you. And, and as someone who has spent the last 20 years in sales in some capacity, like, one of the things that I definitely in the early days I, I loved hearing, let me think about it. Or maybe because I was like, there’s hope, there’s hope,
AJV (26:58):
I’m not exaggerating. And me and my three business partners, we divided ’em up and they gave me WX, y, and Z of the alphabet. I didn’t know any better. So we’ll just say that was a gift. The naivete was a gift of this horrible set of letters. And one of the things I just remember, it’s like about eight or nine months in, it was like, I, I’m an obsessive OCD user of color coding and outlook and purple meant follow up. And I would have all these like micro 15 minute segments of like, and I, and here’s what I started to realize. I was like, I have no time to do anything else. All I’m doing is following up. And then I would just move it three months ahead, move it three months ahead. And so finally I started realizing these maybes aren’t aren’t so good after all.
AJV (27:43):
And it was like probably like a year, year and a half into my sales career. And I was like, no, actually no really is a gift. No is a gift that allows me the permission to move on and not get caught up in this emotional thing of, man, I have been following up with you with dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. And it’s like, no, I don’t have to do that anymore. I just need to go find someone who would say yes. But I was so consumed with following up with the maybes that I was never actually doing a great job at finding the people who were a great fit. And when you realize that nos are not rejection their protection, and it’s like, hey, it’s like if you’re gonna spend all your time with people who are actually never even gonna get back to you you’re never able to actually serve the people who need what you have, who want what you have that you can build relationships with, friendships with, because you’re just stuck in this email cycle that actually is going nowhere.
AJV (28:39):
And so there is a lot of power in what you said of no being a gift, so that you can move on. And what I’d love to hear from you, and I, and I bet what a lot of people struggle with is what needs to happen in our brains for no to become a gift? ’cause There is this fear of rejection, there is this fear of no, and, and honestly for most of us, it, it’s what stops us from ever starting. And so I would love to just kind of hear your thoughts as we’re kind of like, you know, approaching almost the end of our conversation. I think this is one of the most powerful things that can really help people embrace this concept of, well, how do we overcome this fear of no.
Dr. C (29:22):
So the first thing is I really believe that a full pipeline will set you free. Hmm. So it’s about not falling in love with the 10 prospects, but falling in love with the entire yellow pages of X, Y, Z, not page 72
Dr. C (30:12):
Dr. C (31:07):
We don’t know what’s happening in their world. We don’t know why. The answer’s no unless we find out. But it’s not about you. It’s actually about them and about what’s going on with them. And so when you let that go, then it actually frees you up to go and seek the people. You can help more impactfully. Because remember, if you stay in that moment of no and push them, that becomes the icky sale. We don’t wanna be them. So that’s kind of freeing in that regard where it’s like, okay, that’s a no. Let me understand. Thank you so much for your time. Appreciate you, and you move on to somebody that you really want to help and wants your help. And I think if you reframe it that way, it’s great. And then this is something I do at my workshops where I always ask the group, I’m like, okay, who’s ever been told no in your life?
Dr. C (31:55):
And, you know, every hand goes up and I think y’all survived. Yay. You didn’t melt still here, like
AJV (32:41):
No, I love that. And I, I love what you said too, is that a full pipeline will set you free. It’s like when you have so many people to get to next, this one is not as, you know, life consuming. Right? And I think that’s a huge, and I think that’s a really important element. Like we brought earlier there’s 7 billion people on planet Earth, roughly 365 ish million people in the United States. There’s lots of people to call
AJV (33:45):
And I love what you said too about this whole idea of like, no is research. And it’s like the more nos you get, the more research you have, the more answers you have, the better you can equip yourself to cover it next time. And those are just like mindset shifts that are so powerful, no matter again, what your role is, customer service, sales, leadership, executive team, parent, whatever. Of like, yeah, like every one of those is research. So I love that. This has been so helpful. And I’ve got one last question that I wanna dive into and then I’ll let you go before we run out of time completely. You talk about this whole thing of the like unofficial sale. And I’d love for you just to kinda like, share with everyone, like, what is the unofficial sale?
Dr. C (34:31):
So the unofficial sale is the one that you’re making every single day, but you’re not even realizing you’re doing it. I call it kind of the, hey, by the way, sale. And it is that nonverbal exchange a lot of times, but it’s also the one where it’s so natural for you and it’s such an opportunity for both people to get something out of it that it just feels right. You have these all day every day where it’s, you know, you’re negotiating who’s gonna pick up the littles or who’s gonna feed the dog? Who’s gonna take the dog out? Who’s gonna do the laundry? That’s the home piece. At work. It’s the same thing. It’s the, you’re gonna make the copies and you’re actually gonna go ahead and send that email and you’re gonna do this. It’s that quick exchange where it’s just so casual. But look at it as a sales win.
Dr. C (35:17):
Because the more you start identifying those as a sales win, it builds your confidence of a sales person. I believe every job is a sales job. I believe you have to sell yourself. They’re not just the names of books like I really do believe this, but embrace your inner five-year-old and recognize that these casual sales are also your opportunity to truly sell yourself. So for example, let’s say that you’re at a community barbecue block party and somebody is talking about needing your services. If you’re not ready to bring that up in that moment and you’re not ready with what you wanna say to differentiate yourself, they cannot become an advocate for you. Mm-Hmm.
AJV (36:10):
Oh, I love that. Be ready. Never know. Be ready.
Dr. C (36:14):
AJV (36:14):
You’re gonna run into that next potential client. And I do, I believe that’s so true. It’s like inline at Starbucks grocery store, t-ball game. It’s like, be ready and be aware. And I want those kind of concepts of the unofficial sale. And this is one, I feel like this whole time I’ve been having flashbacks to like all my different sales experiences, and I love these conversations. ’cause I feel like most people who are listening would not consider themselves salespeople. And that is something that I hope as you’re listening today, you leave this going, no, I am a salesperson and I need to embrace that. I need to learn it. I need to, you know, educate myself and I need to become aware of all of these sales moments that are around me every single day. And so I thought this was an amazing conversation. I hope that people continue this conversation. So, Dr. Cindy, if people wanna connect with you, follow you buy your books, where should they go
Dr. C (37:12):
For cindy.com, D-R-C-I-N-D y.com or orange leaf consulting.com and I’m on all the social media platforms at one St. Lady of Sales, and I love to hear how people take this and do something with it. My favorite thing in the morning is when I get up and I see social media and somebody says, I heard you on this podcast, or I read this part of your book and I did this and it worked. And I love that. So I want to hear those success stories that just, it fuels the mission more of helping more and more people. And when you become a salesperson, guess what? You’re gonna help somebody else to become a salesperson too. And I think that’s the way we bring our amazing superpowers to the world, is we help elevate each other.
AJV (37:53):
Amen. I could not agree more. I’ll put all of those links in the show notes. Dr. Cindy, so amazing having you. So many golden nuggets, so thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and you guys heard it. Learn more, stay in touch with her. Go to dr cindy.com, follow her on socials, check out more and embrace that inner sales person that is already within you. We’ll see you next time on the Influential Personal Brand. Bye guys.