Ep 301: Turning Your Expertise Into a Certification Program with Lethia Owens | Recap Episode
Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, y’all AJ Vaden here. This is the recap episode of my awesome conversation with Lithia Owens who bless her heart. Never corrects me when I use my very Southern accent and say, LA you it’s Lithia Lithia tomato, tomato sweet sweetness. Never corrects me, but prop proper name introduction.
Speaker 1 (01:07):
She’s a speaker, she’s an author just a wealth of knowledge, but here’s a couple of my takeaways. Actually. I have my handy dandy and yeah, I took a lot of notes. Yeah, this is a really good episode. So here’s the first thing. Here’s my first thing about three takeaways. Number one is this concept of game changers and what is a game changer and what does it take to be one? And I loved this conversation so much. It is so close to my heart because a game changer has nothing to do about your resume and your credentials has nothing to do about what you do. It has everything to do with who you are and who you’re willing to be. And it doesn’t matter about how much money you have and how many resources or your education your socioeconomic status being a game changer has, has something or has everything to do with one question.
Speaker 1 (01:54):
And it’s the question that you ask. And the only question that you should be asking is what could be not what is not, what was, but a game changer asked the question of what could be and how could this be different? How could it be better? It’s believing deep in your core that you were meant to do something that you were put on this planet, you were put in this world to achieve something great. And that may be being the mother to a child. That’s gonna do, you know, world changing things that that could be right, being a leader of a team or a company. It could just be being that voice to someone in a moment that they were at their breaking point, right. Being a game changer says like, how could this be different? Right. It’s like, and that is, that means open your eyes and look for opportunities to be a game changer for someone else.
Speaker 1 (02:53):
And it’s not about who, it’s not about what you’re doing. It’s about who you’re being. Right. And I think about it’s I heard this on the radio the other day about this woman who had called in, I was listening to way FM here in Nashville, Tennessee. And they were talking about how, like, for some weird reason, they were in line at a red light and they could just noticeably tell that the woman who was driving in the car next to them was just distraught, hysterical was crying. And they said, for whatever reason, I just, just felt prompted to do something, say something. And so they were trying to get this woman’s attention and were like down the window, roll down the window. And they shared some words of inspiration and they exchanged numbers. And however, the rest of the story took, I, I don’t remember to be honest.
Speaker 1 (03:42):
But what I do remember is that the woman pulled over and the other person pulled along and as they were talking she had shared some very horrible news that had just happened. And later comes to find out it’s like she was contemplating suicide. And it’s like, you can be a game changer to a stranger by just taking a moment of going, I don’t know what’s going on, but like, do you wanna talk like I’m, I’m here. Game changers also is it’s building businesses, it’s leading teams, but it’s, there’s not any one definition to being a game changer, but it’s asking the question of what can I do and what could be like, how could this be different and how can I be different and how can I be better? And how can I make my situation better? And I just, I love that because it applies to everyone in every stage of life, no matter what your position is, no matter what you’re doing, it’s are you asking the question of what could be like, what could be different?
Speaker 1 (04:36):
What could be better? I love that. So that so much second thing I loved and she said that being others focused is the way to success. Right? And I think that it’s contrary, a lot of people confuse building a personal brand with somehow being self-centered or self focused or self promotional. And it’s the opposite. It’s about being others focused and others promotional and others centered. And she and I are so aligned on this. And one of the things that I’ve just come to believe it’s like your personal brand is not about you. It’s about your audience, your personal brand is that you feel called to share a message that you believe at your core is going to help someone else. Right. It’s a mission driven messenger. It’s that core belief of like,
Speaker 1 (05:37):
I’m not perfect. I’m you know, not a billionaire, right? Not a multi like million dollar or multimillion follower, social media influencer. I’m not those things. I’m a mom, I’m a wife, I’m a small business owner. And I got something to share and I feel called to share it. And just believing it’s like that, what you have to say matters. And it’s focusing on the one, not the 1 million or even the 100. And I think being others focused really helps take your eyes off the numbers and gets your eyes back on the people. And I know it’s easy to get caught up with looking at revenue numbers and profit margins and numbers of followers and subscribers. And it’s like, if you take that all away, and if you knew that you made a difference or you changed one person’s life, would it be worth it to you?
Speaker 1 (06:31):
And I bet most of you would say yes, like if something that you shared changed the trajectory of someone else’s life that is gonna have generational impact. And I bet most of us would say like at the end of my life, if I went back and I was like, I know what I did changed lives of people. We would feel good. Like we would say that was a life well lived. I doubt any of us at the end of our lives are gonna look back and say, man, I had so many social media followers
Speaker 1 (07:14):
So just focus on the one, the one person being others focused and right. Last thing I, I, that was gonna be five minutes, like where I’m at. Oh, seven minutes. Oh, alright. Last thing I’ll make this quick. As I love, this is just trying to be a legacy creator. I love that. And I love what she said. And I wrote this down. She goes, what I do today will have much more impact on my grandchildren than it will me, because I’m focused on being a legacy creator. So what are you doing today? How are you asking, like how could this be different for the generations that come after me, but how are you focused on creating a legacy that will have more impact for your children and your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren that you would even have on your own life? So it’s creating a legacy of influence and impact for generations to come. Y’all so good. So inspiring. Go check this out, come back visit, visit us again on the influential personal brand until then. We’ll see you next time.