Ep 81: What Its Takes to Make It On Television with Kristin Giese | Recap Episode

RV: (00:00) Hey, welcome to the influential personal brand recap edition. It’s your favorite married couple and personal brand strategy, Rory and AJ Vaden. Probably the only, well, I guess there’s not that many married couples that do anyways. So we’re highlighting the interview that just with Kristin Giese, which you know, shared a lot of back story about how we found her through a cold call. And we just want to give you our top three and three, the first one we both shared. So babe, I’ll let you kick off. What was your first big takeaway from Kristin? AJV: (00:34) Yeah, and it was a takeaway and an aha moment and. I’m not sure I’d ever want to be on TV at the same time, but just the importance of it’s kind of almost like entertainment over information. And I think she talked a lot about, so I don’t think RV: (00:52) The topic of the interview was how to get booked on TV if you haven’t listened to the interview. AJV: (00:59) But I think to me that the part that really stood out was it’s not really about the information as much as what do you do with the information to entertain the people who are watching. And that’s where I naturally have a conflict because it’s like, I don’t want to create drama when there doesn’t need to be so much of TV today and not saying it’s good nor bad. I’m just saying it is what it is. RV: (01:27) That’s what I heard. I heard you saying it was bad, but we’ll leave that to you. AJV: (01:32) But I, I just think that, you know, that it’s really interesting. It’s about emotion and the entertainment value of, Oh, the shock. And I can’t believe they said that or, you know, can’t believe this happened. And I’ve heard that and tie what I want in my life. So that was kind of like a really good, clear real. RV: (01:48) Yeah. And you probably don’t know unless you’ve listened to every single episode is Aja doesn’t watch crime movies. She doesn’t watch anything sad, anything with whore, anything with drama, pretty much she watches romantic comedies and animated feature films. AJV: (02:05) And I don’t even watch those are my kids really. It’s just romcoms, that’s it. If it’s not, I’m not into it. I don’t want to be scared, sad, and angry or cry. Yeah. So I think that part was just really interesting is that you’ve got to bring a lot of entertainment value to even media interviews and getting pitched. And you’ve just gotta be an entertainment value to it. So almost more important than the information in of itself. It’s how you’re delivering it. And I think that’s really important. RV: (02:36) Yeah. And, and so that was my first big takeaway. I wrote down entertainment, not enlightenment. I didn’t process it in, in such like a negative way, but more of a, of a, of an insightful going, if you want to be in TV, you gotta realize that you’re in entertainment, not enlightenment, which if you’re building a personal brand, a lot of times it’s like, you know, the essence was information marketing, not, not for everyone. That’s that’s information marketing and personal branding are not the same thing. Information marketing is a subset of some personal brands, but if you’re an author with the video course, it tends to be more about like teaching. And like you’re saying information and TV is, it’s not the goal. Isn’t to be high minded people don’t watch TV, they watch TV for an escape. They watch it to laugh. They watch it to be engaged and entertained, not necessarily to learn. RV: (03:35) And so per se, you know, there’s some, there’s some caveats to it, but yeah, anyways, so that’s that, that’s it. So that was the first one. That was for me, for me too. So that was the big one. All right. So my second one, which is kind of connected, but I actually really loved this concept. She used this phrase a couple times heightened authenticity, and I wrote it down. You should write it down because whether you’re trying to be a reality TV star, or you’re just trying to host an interesting podcast or be an author or have great videos or just, yeah, just be a great writer. It’s heightened authenticity. It’s it’s it’s. And this is an interesting balance between being real, not being fake, but creating kind of that entertainment value in. And, and it’s like in speaking, I was always told that speakers have a license to embellish. RV: (04:33) You don’t have a license to make up, but you have a license to embellish to accentuate the salient emotions of a story or of a bit. And I think that’s really important, especially if you’re on TV, but look, if you’re on YouTube, you’re on TV. You know, if you’re going to have a podcast you’re, you’re on the, you know, you’re on the radio or whatever, it’s, it’s, you’re a host. People are looking for that. And specifically, you know, what do you do with that practically? I think she said, don’t tell me who you are, make me feel who you are, make sure your delivery creates emotions, which we talk a lot about at our world-class keynote craft events, sort of the magic of how to do that. And it was just a great reminder and I had never heard that term heightened authenticity. Yeah. AJV: (05:20) Oh really? That’s really good. My second one is something she said towards the very end. But I thought, wow, that’s probably, probably, we need to like push that up to the front as a good reminder to everyone who is trying to get pitched for a media interview or even a podcast interview TV show, whatever it is, talk, show whatever. But it’s like social media is today’s resume. You don’t need to tell me all the things you talk about. I can go and find them myself and it better match up. And probably this was strike two against me because if you went to my social feeds, AKI would learn about me is I know how to make really cute kids. RV: (05:59) And she’s not hireable for that in case you’re wondering that’s, that’s not an available service, AJV: (06:05) But you know, it’s, again, it’s one of those things where, you know, how many of us have some sort of pitch deck or there’s a media kit, a speaker kit, whatever kit. And it talks about, well, here are my talking points and here’s what you did, the dah dah dah. Then you go to your social media and none of that is represented there. And she’s like, social media is your resume. It’s not about what you’ve done. It’s, you know, what are you doing? And is it current tense and two, how many people are you doing it for? And I thought that was a really good aha reminder. Cause I know so many people who are like putting together pitch decks and writing these long emails and got this kit. And it’s like, really well, they need to do is go to your social. RV: (06:45) I kind of do that. Yeah. AJV: (06:46) So is that representative of who you are, what you talk about, what your brand is about. And I would say for a lot of people, it’s probably not including myself, RV: (06:56) But you’re also clarifying, you’re not trying to sell a TV show and you’re not trying to get booked on media. So that’s okay. AJV: (07:02) No, but maybe my brand shouldn’t be more with my passion and interests, which are children. So that, you know, again, this is all those things I’m like, do you align with actually what you’re passionate about putting out there into the world? Are you putting anything out there? All those things I thought were really an aha moment. She shed something really quick. But if you take a moment to let that sink in, it’s like, Oh, let’s take a look at that. Let’s realign some things and make sure that they all match. RV: (07:32) Yeah, love that. So my third one was a simple, a simple thing. She actually didn’t say this, but it reminded me of something that I have held as a philosophy in my life for a long time that I need to be reminded of, which is that everybody is a somebody somewhere. Hmm. Everybody is a somebody somewhere. And I must’ve had that first. That thought when I was probably, or my early twenties, was that everyone that you sit next to on a plane, there are somebody somewhere. They can get you the hookup somewhere, right. Even if it’s just a place to stay at their house, when you traveled to their city or they work at some type of job where they hire speakers or they know someone who’s a podcast host or they’re friends with a big social media influencer, or they are a TV producer or they’re the assistant to a producer or, you know, they can get you free passes to the waterpark. RV: (08:28) Like every single person you meet, everybody is a somebody somewhere. And to Christine’s point, you know, because she’s not a personality, like she’s not trying to get on shows. She’s not her feed is her career kids. And if you just looked at social media, you might not realize that, Hey, by the way, this woman has booked dozens of people for Oprah. So she might someone you want to know, you want to be nice too. And the truth is everybody has connections and, and, and things that you could benefit from. So if you’re a jerk and can’t be nice to people for the sake of being nice, just remember everybody is a somebody somewhere. So that’s a reason to be nice to everybody also. AJV: (09:15) Yeah. I think that also is indicative too, of people’s like relying too much on their social feeds because you forget to realize like, these people probably do have professional lives and they have this and they have that. And without doing the necessary research, which I, I find that people don’t do today, there’s so much, they’re not sharing it’s, you’re not really sure how to connect with a great example of that. But I think all of those things really do. I think tee up something that she didn’t say so clearly here, but it’s do your research. Mike, you want to get on a certain show. What types of people do they interview? What types of content is really popular? Who is the audience? Who is that do the necessary research instead of copying and pasting the same email. And you’re saying, you know, attachment and send, all right, you’ve got to do the necessary research to see where you fit and how do you fit. And who’s the right person and what have they done. And that all takes time, time and effort. RV: (10:12) Well, and your, your, your third takeaway was started related to that general. Oh, okay. Well allow me to interrupt your transition. AJV: (10:20) So my third takeaway is it’s making it not about you, but what are you doing for the audience, right? It’s not just, Hey, I’ve got this great insight or this great perspective, or I’ve got this great plan or whatever you have. It’s what are you doing for the audience with that? So how are you making this relevant to the people who are listening or watching that they can then take it and apply it to their life, to their business, to their home and do something with it. So what are you doing for the audience? And one of the things that I think is really important for our audience is your audience in this respect are the people who are booking people that is your audience. So what are you doing for them? What did they want? And are you doing it for that audience? In addition to the actual audience that you would be doing an interview for, or podcast for, or TV show for a it’s two fold, and you’ve got kind of a primary audience, which is a person getting you on the show and then the secondary audience, which is the people who would be watching it. And that goes for podcast and all. So that was my last one. RV: (11:28) Yeah. So there you go. I mean, quick takeaways, powerful interview. If you’ve ever thought about pitching your own TV show, or getting just booked on a talk show or being a talk show, host an absolute must listen to Kristin Giese. As always, thanks for being here, we’re breaking it down. We’re trying to make it practical. We want to help you build and monetize your personal brand so that you can make more impact, make more income and just make a big difference in the world. We’ll catch you next time. Bye. Bye.