Ep 161: Building a Trusted Personal Brand with David Horsager | Recap Episode
And we are back on the influential personal brand podcast recap edition. Today. We are breaking down the interview that we did with our good friend and struggle member, my personal mastermind, speaking mastermind member, David Horsesager talking all about the trusted leader. And here we go. AJ is with us. Why are you laughing at me? We just started struggling. It’s a verb, it’s a verb. And a noun. The struggle is our group. It’s be a Jason Dorsey and Jay Baer. I’m telling them. And it’s awesome. It’s awesome. And you can’t know because it’s confidential, what we struggle about.
Yes. Okay. My first point and, and, you know, this is very similar to several different interviews that we’ve had over the last few months, but noteworthy, nonetheless is using data, using information, using research as a competitive advantage, a core differentiator of what really sets you apart because it’s no longer I think, or this is my opinion. It’s validated, it’s nationally research. It’s proven, it’s statistical, it’s all these big fancy words to the U S census. It’s all those things. But I think it just adds a whole level of clout and credibility and insight when it’s not just your ideas, but it’s your ideas and your thoughts that are then validated in the marketplace and then to take those statistics and then to use those insights, to further the information, to further the education, to help people see the things that they can’t see that’s right in front of them.
And I think that’s a huge part of, what’s just missing with so many thought leaders today is it’s just that it’s just their thoughts. And it’s like, well, is there really any credibility or validity to what you’re saying? And this, this really creates this layer of trustworthiness hence his brand is all it really does. It really does create this enhanced echelon of credibility and makes you be like, okay, so this is statistically valid. Let me see what it says versus just another inspirational motivational leadership thought.Um and I just, I, I, I’m a data nerd. I love statistics and I love information that’s proven. So maybe that’s a huge part of why I’m, I just love that. But as data as your competitive advantage, loved it. Yeah, I think that’s
Cool. I, I noted the data point too it’s and just so you know, like this, these interviews really affect us. We, we actually just conducted a national research study based on stay tuned. But based on, you know, just some of the things that our guests are saying and kind of how we want to position our, our company and that have really had an impact. But one of the things that I loved that, that we kind of got into on that data, on the differentiation part was that that David said thanking your past clients is a point of differentiation. You know? So it’s like, there’s all of these things that you can differentiate by your, your content, your experience, the audiences you serve data, things like that. But, but even your, your client experience and as a speaker specifically, which, you know, his, his business models, mostly like speaking plus training.
And I think, I just thought it was cool to hear him kind of talk about and emphasize how far he goes to thank his past clients. And I think for all of us, whether you’re a doctor or a financial advisor or real estate agent, or, you know, an influencer of some kind, it’s so easy to make the sale and move on and never even go back and talk to your past clients, let alone stop and just say, thank you. And I really love that. And it was a good reminder. So for those of you brand builder clients that are listening, thank you for being awesome. We love you, and we appreciate you and we, we better be doing a good job of thanking you. Yeah,
That’s good. I love that. All right. So my, my second one is Abby first in the space and he talked a lot about this, and this is a very similar to another recent podcast interview that we did where I was all up on this topic. And it was so interesting that he said it to, you said, you know, 20 years ago, no one was talking about trust and leadership and trust in sales. He goes, that, wasn’t a thing is that today you hear about it all the time. But when I started in this space, it really owning the word trust. I was kind of the only one talking about it. And it goes back to again, what are you talking about? That’s truly unique and a way that no one else can compete with it. And if they do, they’re only second to you.
And I just, I, again, just kind of want to harp on that one more time. And it’s not just being first in. It’s like really using your unique perspective and your uniqueness and not looking around at what are your competitors doing and what is the market say? It’s like, who cares what your competitors are doing, what the market says, what do you say? And that’s a huge part of like how they get started in this. And he owned that space. And that has really propelled his career of just being first in the space of living into his uniqueness that no one else was talking about, but it was,
Yeah, I think you and I have, have developed a lot of clarity about the idea that we care less about what competitors are doing and all we’re all in on an individual’s uniqueness and just doing what they were designed to do. And David’s a great example of that. I think my second takeaway was really about the getting speaking gigs. I remember when we had Dave Avar and another one of our long-time mentors on, he said, you know, for those of you interested in speaking, you have to realize, speaking is not the business, getting the gig is the business. And when we got in such a great line yeah. And I’d never heard him say that before that interview, but, but when we talked here with David and it was like, okay, how do you get the gig? And he said, well, it’s a mix of three things, great content, great delivery and great marketing.
And I loved that and I was mapping it to the brand builder journey. And when we take people through captivating content that is creating great content, which is what is your unique body of work, your unique philosophies, great delivery is what we would call world-class presentation craft. And it is exclusively dedicated to the art of presentation skills and then great marketing, which is full keynote calendar, which is the, the, the, the actual business mechanics of getting the gig. But if you’re not getting more gigs it’s because one of those three things is off and probably more it’s either great content, great delivery or great marketing. And I think that applies even beyond speaking, it would be the same for like writing, right? You have to write a great book. The premise, the ideas have to be good. The writing has to be good and the marketing has to be good. Like you need all three of those. So just kind of ask yourself, which of those three are breaking down for me and which ones am I doing really well, that was, that was super practical to take away from me.
I had to contain myself so strongly not to pipe in and be like, Oh, I know what that one was. That was cultivate content.
You were going to be like, Oh, your calendar. I know it. I know it.
I love when I know the answers to questions, but yeah, it’s so true. It’s just, I think that, that’s a great point. It’s like, which one of these is your weak point
And yeah. Yeah. Just to, and just to say directly to Edify what we’re talking about once you identify which one is, is your weakness reach out to us for a call because we have separate dedicated courses and curriculum that nail each of these, these three things specifically.
Oh, okay. My next one, my last one is expand your business model off of your existing body of content. We work with so many clients at brand builders group where they think they have to have 15 different sets of curriculums in order to have different business models. And they’ve got a leadership thing and a sales thing, and a diversity thing in a, at a customer service thing. It’s like, you don’t need all those things. You can actually take one body of content and multiply it exponentially. And David talks a lot about this. And it’s a lot of what we do at brand builders group, but it’s, I think it’s just a really amazing cause like you take the same curriculum, that would be a book and a keynote, turn it into a consulting program, turn it into a training program and then turn it into a certification program.
It’s not new content. Y’all, it’s taking the same content and just creating different delivery mediums that expand your business models, expand your revenue streams. But with way less work on you trying to create brand new content and topics and curriculum that aren’t necessary. It’s like, why are you getting a book is different than a keynote, different than a half day training, different in a consulting retainer different in a certification program, but you can have all of those things, plus a course plus a podcast plus more stuff off the same body of content, the same exact curriculum that you began with. And I think that’s just really, really important for anyone who is out there going, how do I diversify my income streams? How do I grow revenues without having to start over with like a whole new topic or a whole new book? It’s like, well, you don’t, you can take the exact same content you’ve had for five, 10, 20, 50 years, and just expand the different ways that you deliver that content and grow your business. And he’s David’s business is a great example of how he’s built three very diverse revenue streams off the same car.
Yeah. That’s so that’s so good. And you think about Dave Ramsey, you know, most of it comes back to the seven baby steps, which is one book you got. I think a Verne Harnish basically has has two books that are very much in the same vein and some of the biggest personal brands in the world. It’s just taking one book and extrapolating it. It’s kind of like when we say people don’t pay for information, they pay for application, you know, organization and application help them. That’s the different business model is just applying the stuff you’ve already created. Well, related to that, you know, one of the things I really admire about David’s business mom, and he’s amazing on stage. I love the trust edge book. I think it’s, it should be mandatory reading for every high schooler. I really do. I just think it’s great.
I, I will make our kids read it. I think it’s just, it’s a great universal, you know, kind of success principles book, but the, in his business model, I love how he does the like the certifications and it’s not just a volume game of like, how can I get more and more people paying to be certified. But it’s really asking the question, how can I support people better? How can I make each person that is certified on my content, more likely to succeed? How can I make, how can I help them make more money? How can I make it easier for them? How can I make them look good? And that is something that, you know, we, we’ve never really done training per se, we’ve done training, but that we’ve always had like strategists and consultants not train the trainer model. So we’re brand builders, a little bit of a hybrid, I guess, of, of a train the trainer model.
But most of, most of what we do is one-on-one work with clients, not with corporations. So typically train the trainer is like a B2B model, but we’ve worked with coaches, strategists, people. We would even call trainers and we’ve always, you, you have to stay locked in on that question. How can we help them make more money? How can we help them succeed faster? How can we help them help the clients get faster results and not just how do we get more and more and more and more people certified. And I just, I thought that was a good reminder and he does a really great job of, of supporting his, his strategists
His trainers. So
That’s it. That’s a wrap. So go out, check out trusted leader and trust ed, your friend, David, horse soccer. Dave, we love you, man. Thanks for, thanks for showing up and thank you for being here and we’ll see you next time on the influential personal brand podcast.