small group interactive workshop


Multiply Your Time.

Create More Results.

Have More Margin.

Know When to Say No.

It is possible to get way more done in way less time.

Multiplier Mentality will help you:


Create more results in less time.


Live with more freedom and less stress


Feel more empowered and less pressured

The problem is that you are overwhelmed. You constantly feel busy, never seem to get ahead and no matter how many hours you work there is always more to do.

The real issue is that you struggle with managing your time.

The reason so many people feel overwhelmed when it comes to their time is because everything you’ve ever been taught about time management is wrong.

After years of struggling with being overwhelmed ourselves, we decided to go on a full focused mission to find out how the world’s most successful and effective people think about time. What we discovered was life-altering. We found that almost everyone in the professional working world is operating on a completely outdated paradigm and set of strategies for when it comes to how they use their time – even the most successful people that you know. 

The most empowering discovery we uncovered is that there has been an emergence of a new type of thinker in the world, called a Multiplier. These are people in the top 1% of their profession, across every industry, and in every geographic market in the world. But they do not know each other and there has been no common vernacular nor any shared language for them to communicate or articulate how it is they do what they do… until now. 

Follow A Proven Process

1. Branding

Develop the mission, purpose, and business plan for your personal brand, build your body of content, and learn how to master the art of the spoken word.

2. Marketing

Create your digital infrastructure, learn how to write copy that converts, gain the knowledge, insights, tools, and templates for you to launch your website, social media content strategy, podcast, blog, funnels, courses and keynote speaking career. 

3. Selling

Master online lead generation and offline sales conversations while simultaneously learning how to manage paid traffic, launch a bestselling book and become a service first sales machine. 

4. Scaling

Learn how to build a sales team, scale your business and become an influential leader that people want to follow.

We have taken 20 years of trial and error experience, thousands of hours of researching, learning, and interviewing today’s top thought leaders, hundreds of thousands of dollars in courses, coaching, consultants, agents, and masterminds as well as working with some of the top personal brands in the world and condensed everything we have both learned and done into 4 simple phases;Branding, Marketing, Selling, Scaling to help you build and monetize your personal brand. 

Our live event series is comprised of each of these 4 phases broken down into 12 original curriculums of unique and specific content all geared to help you grow your income, scale your business and impact millions of people.

Through the course of several years of research and working with thousands of different clients, we have pulled together a system for how to multiply time that has quickly become world-renowned. This five-part framework, called The Focus Funnel, codifies how the most successful high achievers think differently about time compared to everyone else. While most people are still trying to manage their time, the key to creating exponential results, is to learn how to multiply it.

What You Will Learn

You will lay a solid foundation at Multiplier Mentality because we will help you:


Learn that while most people are operating with a consideration of only importance and urgency, you will be introduced to the new secret third factor that makes all the difference


Be trained on the human emotional side of time management – which has been virtually completely neglected by every professional in the world.


Understand what the psychological drivers and underlying emotional forces are that trap most of us into operating the way that we have always have.


Gain insight into the neuroscience of the human brain and know why everyone always feels trapped, busy, buried, and behind


Access the five permissions that Multipliers give themselves that allow them to create more time and more results than everyone else

Praise from Past Attendees

“This information caused me to completely rewire my business and my life. We all think we have 24 hours, but this program crushed that myth with the time multipliers approach. If you are a super-busy person, this is your new playbook.”

Jay Baer
New York Times Bestselling author of “Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help Not Hype

“We all have the same 24 hours in a day to make an impact, but what if you could actually create more time?  This training shows how the greatest leaders in the world have figured out how to literally multiply their time. This is a game changer.”

Jon Gordon
Bestselling author of “The Energy Bus” and “The Carpenter”

“This content will alter the way the professional world thinks about time- I’ve never seen anything like it. Useful, unique and relevant…this is an absolute must do for every leader.”

Sue Schick
CEO of United Healthacre of Pennsylvania and Delaware

Discover a Secret Six-Part Process to Help You Multiply Your Time


The History of Time Management theory will help you break free from old paradigms and learn a completely new way to prioritize


Eliminate AND the Permission to Ignore will give you the power to say no as you identify and discard the uses of your time that are insignificant


Eliminate and the Permission to Invest will make it clear what systems and tools you can implement to give you more margin and less stress


Delegate and the Permission of Imperfect will free you from the pressure of having to do everything yourself and give you a step by step application to get qualified help quickly


Procrastinate and the Permission of Incomplete will help you identify which projects and activities are holding emotional space for you and what to do with them to free up resources to focus on what matters most right now


Concentrate and the Permission to Protect will empower you to restore your focus and gain more peace of mind and control of your schedule

You will learn, do the work and get live coaching on the spot

This not a typical “take great notes and good luck” kind of workshop.

In fact, most of our attendees start implementing the strategies on the very first day!  We leverage large group teaching, small group sessions, 1:1 coaching, and insightful interventions because we know that is what you need but never knew you wanted!

We are unique in that we are a personal branding firm, but we are even more unique in that are a business strategy firm as well.

In this life altering 2-day experience, you will not only learn the unique ways that multipliers think, but you will go through a series of exercises that will help you immediately start practicing the 5 permissions to multiply your time.

Finally, most of all, you will develop crystal clear clarity and experience live coaching on finding exactly which activities in your life in business are the most likely to multiply your time and multiply your results. You will personally engage with our expert strategists, world renowned teaching team and our high-powered attendee roster. You will also be surrounded by the kind of encouraging energy it takes to make the decisions that will change the future trajectory of your entire life.

  • You will start doing the work, live in the room, of becoming a Multiplier.
  • You will immediately apply the techniques and strategies to your existing inbox, tasks, and piles of to do lists as you begin working through the real-life application of these concepts
  • You will start to become clear on what and how to put up more boundaries.
  • You will be advised and be sharing tangible best practices with other high achievers in the class on how to more effectively automate and autopilot certain routine tasks in your life.
  • You will be guided through live coaching and a step by step process for how you can more effectively delegate in both your personal and professional life.
  • You will work on building the tools that you need, right on the spot, so you can start outsourcing tasks from your life.


Finally, most of all, you will develop crystal clear clarity and experience live coaching on finding exactly which activities in your life in business are the most likely to multiply your time and multiply your results. You will personally engage with our expert strategists, world renowned teaching team and our high-powered attendee roster. You will also be surrounded by the kind of encouraging energy it takes to make the decisions that will change the future trajectory of your entire life.

Take a chance on yourself and join us at our upcoming event!

Your Event Ticket

Retail Value: $7,300

your investment $3,000

Haven't you spent far too many days feeling overwhelmed and burdened by the bottomless list of never-ending tasks that you have to do?

Aren’t you fed up and tired of feeling like no matter how hard or long you work you’re just not making significant traction?

The impact of not learning this new way of thinking means for most people, that they will continue on with life exactly how they have it right now. Which typically is being tired, overwhelmed and frustrated, living with at least a subtle sense of hopelessness, that things will never be different.  And they probably never will be different until you start thinking differently.

The next level of results always requires the next level of thinking.

This event is where we teach you the next level of thinking and it is also where you have a chance to start applying it so that you can get real time feedback on exactly how to adjust and tailor it to fit your use.

It would take years to figure out how to apply this methodology most powerfully in your own life. Or you can come knock it out in two days guided by a team of people who have studied multipliers, closely and specifically, for several years.

Investing in yourself can feel like a lot but the only thing more expensive is not getting this education at all - or trying to stumble through and figure it out all on your own.

Let’s put it  in perspective. You could spend... 

read dozens of books
dedicate thousands of hours to doing research
spend tens of thousands of dollars going through different courses and trainings

But most of them would end up teaching you yesterday’s time management strategies. And the problem is that you can’t solve today’s time management challenges with yesterday’s time management strategies.

You must do something new. You must do something different. And rather than spending all that time and money, trying to pull that information out of other places, you could come and knock it out in two days, that will change the way you think…forever.

Probably the worst thing of all is that you could do is do nothing. In that case, you would just continue living on as is and experiencing the same level of results you have now in your life. But if you’re like most people that we talk to, you know that you are capable of reaching a higher level of your potential, while operating with less stress, less worry, and less anxiety. 

Give us two days and we will strike the balance of both branding and business while ensuring you leave with key parts of the work DONE. That’s worth it. That’s long term. That’s professional development that works. We believe that we can help, and we want to make it easy for you to be a part of this experience.

Buy Now Bonuses

To help make this a total no-brainer decision we want you to feel confident that you will get all the information, guidance and tools you need to be successful. So, let’s sweeten the deal and make it easy for you to say yes. 

In addition to everything you already receive when you buy an event ticket, we have added 2 special “Buy Now" Bonuses if you buy a ticket to attend our upcoming event.

bonus #1

A full audio recording of the event so you can listen and re-listen on the go

($1,000 value)

Bonus #2:

One full year of access to our online membership program

($1,200 value)

Our Premiere membership program includes 2 live virtual training webinars every month, access to our content archive through your own learning portal and 24/7 community support and ongoing feedback and education through our private members only Facebook group.   

So, let’s recap it again ...

Retail Value: $9,500

your investment $3,000

Don't miss out. the clock is ticking to our next event ...


We acknowledge that this is an investment of both time and money to attend. Doing anything great and learning anything of retail value is going to cost you something but the cost of not learning it is far greater. Because imagine how you would feel if you had more certainty and clarity about exactly what things you should do and not spend time doing every day. Imagine the kind of results you might experience from focusing on the few things that will truly make a meaningful difference.

See what New York Times bestselling author and financial guru, Dave Ramsey had to stay about the power of our (Multiplier Mentality) methodology:

“Managing your time is a lot like managing your money. It’s not about the numbers; it’s about your behavior. The best time-management tricks in the world won’t do you much good if they don’t actually make your life better. With the Multiplier Mentality, Rory and Brand Builders add on what we’ve all heard about time management and adds the two things that have always been missing; emotion and significance.”

Dave Ramsey
Host of The Dave Ramsey Show and bestselling author of The Total Money Makeover

Frequently Asked Questions

Our live event series was built for our personal brand coaching membership program as each of our live events have capped attendance to ensure maximum benefit for each attendee.

Learn more about our personal brand coaching membership program

Our members get priority registration access as a benefit of being in our membership program. If an event does not reach maximum capacity during initial registration, we open the remaining seats to all non- members (aka the public).

Our live events are held both virtually and in-personOur live event schedule offers a variety of dates in both virtual and in-person small group forums. Pick what works for you. Our format is the same, our content is the same, and you get to pick the medium you preferCurrently, all in-person events are held in Nashville, TN.  

Yes, we do. We offer 3 different ways of getting the same information so you can decide what path is best for you. Our 1-on-1 coaching program includes access to our events, virtual learning series and a personal brand strategy coaching call every month.

Hear more about our coaching program from Investor, Real Estate Agent, Author and Speaker Keir Weimer

Learn More about Brand Coaching >>

We can help with that too. If a group setting is not for you, we offer this same curriculum as a 1-on-1 strategy session. Same content, same duration, different format. These can be structured in both virtual or in person environments and in ½ day, full day or 2 day sessions.

Learn more about Brand Strategy Sessions

Yes. These individuals could be members of your team, your spouse, business partner, marketing manager, editor, agent, etc. if they are coming with you as a part of your personal brand.

In fact, check out this video from one of our client’s key staff members to hear what they have to say about attending with you >> Media Director, Peter Frelik

It is $500 per add-on ticket. You can add up to 3 “add ons” per full priced ticket.

These are workshop style events so please do not schedule meetings or calls during these events. This is time to work on your personal brand so you also need to come with the coursework completed.

We begin at 9am CT and end at 5pm CT at both our virtual and in-person formats.

70% of our live events are “workshop” style with a 1:6 ratio of strategists to attendees to help guide you as well as give you feedback, coaching, and support throughout the event.

Our events have a 50-attendee max limit in an effort to keep things personable, intimate, and networking friendly. So, come get work done and make a new friend!

Regardless of where you are in your journey (brand new or established) we always recommend starting with our Phase 1 Branding event Finding Your Brand DNA. This is the foundation in which everything is built.

Learn more about our Brand Process >>

Typically speaking, everyone we work with starts with our Phase 1 Branding series with our Finding Your Brand DNA event being first. That is the normal first step and from there, we will be able to work with you and help guide on what additional events may be best for you.

However, if you need more input upfront please email us at [email protected] and someone from our events team will be happy to connect with you ASAP. 

That’s ok. We have plenty of options. Our live events are offered in course format. You can learn more about our Online Courses here.

And, we can also accommodate your calendar by scheduling a 1-on-1 personalized version of our live event. We use the same event curriculum but tailor this is a very intimate setting with just you, your team and our team of strategists.

If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please contact us and we will schedule a time to chat with you ASAP. 

We sure do! We host dozens of live events every year, but we also offer personal brand coaching, 1-on-1 strategy sessions, 12 different online courses, a virtual membership program as well as keynote speaking.

Learn More about Personal Brand Strategy Sessions >>

Learn More about Personal Brand Coaching >>

Learn More about Our Online Courses >>

You sure can! There are occasions where it may make more sense for an organization to host their own event to keep a consistent and congruent strategy amongst many individuals.

If this is something you are interested in learning more about, please contact us and we will schedule a time to chat with you ASAP.

Because we offer so many live event date options all tickets are non-refundable, but they are transferable to other events, other dates or even other people.

Sure! The more the merrier. But we always recommend starting with our Phase 1 Branding event Finding Your Brand DNA. You can attend as few or as many events as you like. We also offer all our live events in course format and in a 1-on-1 personalized format. You will get the most bang for your buck by being a part of our personal brand coaching program which includes access to our live events. Learn more about it here.

No, we do not. However, if you are a current client, we do offer a 20% discount on live event tickets.

Our coaching programs include live events so if you think you will attend more than 1 you should check out our on-going services. Learn more >>

You can also purchase any of our live events as a course. Learn more >>

We know what it’s like to live frustrated and overwhelmed, burnt out, busy, buried, and always behind.

We have felt the desperate hopelessness, anxiety, and stress that comes from wondering, “will I ever get ahead?” We know what it feels like to be under the pressure of trying to do everything it takes to take care of your family while still trying to be successful in your job.

We know how easy it is to fall victim to the pressure and, as a result, to stop taking care of yourself or doing the things that matter to you. We’ve also seen so many people compromise spending time with the people that they care the most about because they feel like they don’t have any other option. In general, we know all too well that there is a whole set of negative consequences that will result if you don’t learn how to properly deal and manage with all of the chaos and stress and overwhelm of keeping up with modern life.

That is why we set out on a mission to research, study, and discover how there could be a better way. And in this two-day experience, we will share that with you! We want to show you how simple it can be to change the way you think and to redefine how you spend your time.

We want to encourage and challenge and empower you by showing you that you are capable of much greater levels of performance even while exerting many fewer hours in terms of time. You just need to know how to identify the activities that will multiply your time. Spend these two days with us. Come hear these strategies, get live feedback on how you can apply them, and immediately begin working through these transformational exercises.

We believe firmly and deeply that this new way of thinking can help make a real difference in shaping the future trajectory of the rest of your life. We would love the honor of teaching it to you and walking with you and encouraging you along the way. Because one day in the future, we want to be the ones standing next to you to celebrate with you as you receive all the benefits that come from having learned how to multiply your time and multiply your results.

Choose your dates below!

Block Your Calendar

About Brand Builders Group

Brand Builders Group is a personal brand strategy firm that helps speakers, authors, influencers, and entrepreneurs clarify their positioning, expand their reach, and grow their revenue.  

Our methodologies, frameworks, and teachings are based on our personal track record of releasing New York Times bestselling books, giving viral TED talks, building 8-figure businesses, amassing millions of online followers, hosting top-ranked podcasts, and creating Hall of Fame Keynote Speakers.   

Our insights have been featured by Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, Inc, SUCCESS, CNN, and Entrepreneur Magazine.  We are uniquely positioned to support personal brands with both world-class strategy and execution ready monetization plans. 


get your free download

The Focus Funnel

Want to learn how to multiply time? One of our core beliefs is that diluted focus yields diluted results.

Get access to our proprietary framework “The Focus Funnel” (featured in the bestselling book Procrastinate on Purpose) and start learning about the things you should not be doing, what you could be automating or delegating, and ultimately how to focus on the things that ONLY you can do.

It’s not about doing less or doing more, it’s about learning how to decide what to do.


Earnings Disclaimer. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the website or in the program regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only, and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. Please note that the stated results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavor, results may vary, and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through Vaden Enterprises, LLC should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that we at Vaden Enterprises, LLC (including sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal or business life.   

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