There isn’t even some offer for you to pull out your credit card and buy something after the last video. This is simply an inspiring and educational free training for you to get exposed to the principles and practices of Brand Builders Group so that we can help you build modern day influence and income.
As a world-renowned speaker, his TEDx talk has been viewed nearly 3 million times, he is a 2x World Champion of Public Speaking Finalist and he was recently named as one of the top 100 leadership speakers in the world by Inc Magazine.
He is also the Co-Founder of Brand Builders Group where he teaches people to build their influence, their reputation and their personal brand.
Brand Builders Group is a personal brand strategy firm that helps speakers, authors, influencers, and entrepreneurs clarify their positioning, expand their reach, and grow their revenue.
Our methodologies, frameworks, and teachings are based on our personal track record of releasing New York Times bestselling books, giving viral TED talks, building 8-figure businesses, amassing millions of online followers, hosting top-ranked podcasts, and creating Hall of Fame Keynote Speakers.
Our insights have been featured by Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, Inc, SUCCESS, CNN, and Entrepreneur Magazine. We are uniquely positioned to support personal brands with both world-class strategy and execution ready monetization plans.