Grow Your Revenue. Gain World-Renowned Influence. Make Massive Impact

Join Brand Builders Group’s All-Access Premier Group Coaching Program to get live monthly coaching from Rory Vaden and a detailed roadmap to build the business and life you’ve always dreamed of.
Rory’s insights have been featured in:

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Instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars like these people did to learn from Rory Vaden and his team, you can get the same insights and training for as low as $299 per month!



(you save $598)

Total Retail Value of Annual Plan is


Join The Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden for $3,000/year (2 months free)



12-month commitment

Total Retail Value of Monthly Plan is


Join The Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden for $299/month (12-month commitment)

There’s never been an easier time in history to change the world and make millions of dollars than right now, but distraction and overwhelm are also at an all-time high.

If you’re like most of the people who make it to this page, you’re likely either an expert, an entrepreneur or an executive who is excellent at what you do – but you may not be making the full income or impact that you know you’re capable of.

And you're probably feeling spread thin, overwhelmed, and questioning whether you’re spending your time on the right things.

We know because that is exactly who we work with and it’s exactly who we’ve helped push to the next level – high capacity entrepreneurs and experts who just aren’t yet experiencing results at the level they deserve.

Your potential is too important to let overwhelm steal it

We know what it's like. We know what its like to constantly feel busy, buried, and behind. It can be so frustrating to feel like you’re working nonstop but not yet earning the kind of real money you know you are capable of.

 Sadly, the current reality of many genuinely talented and skilled people is that they’re working incredibly hard but only getting mediocre results. They continue to be overlooked by potential clients and opportunities.

 It can be discouraging seeing other people in the world gain the kind of influence and notoriety that you want to have yourself.

 It’s not that you’re interested in being rich and famous. But you do want to make a big difference in the world. You do want to make the world a better place. You want to have more money for yourself and your family but also so that you can give and invest in causes you care about. Mostly, it’s just that you feel called to share your gifts with more people.

 And you know that you have to become more well-known for that to happen but you just can’t possibly imagine fitting anything more into your already jam-packed schedule.

 At times it can even feel hopeless because you’re trying to become more successful and more influential but at the same time you’re desperately trying to balance a personal life of family, friends, fitness and probably even Faith.

 It just starts to feel like there is no way to achieve bigger results in all of these different areas of your life when you don’t have a single spare second to breathe, let alone add anything to your calendar.

How could it even be possible to make more impact and earn more money when I don’t have one spare second in my calendar?

Simple. Here is the turning point realization…

It’s not about doing more. It’s about doing less. But it’s about doing the right things.

After building 4 different multi-million dollar businesses from scratch, one 8-figure business, and coaching more than 5000 individuals from around the globe, we’ve discovered a profound commonality in the world’s ultra-performers. They have the discipline to (invest the time and money to learn and then) do the few high-impact activities that actually create massive exponential results.

But most people don’t because you’ve been told a lie over and over again. The lie is that you have to work harder to get what you want. But working more at doing things the way you’re doing them now is not going to create different results for you. Doing what you’ve always done will keep getting you what you’ve always gotten.


We’re not saying that you don’t have to work hard. You do have to work hard to get the kind of results we’ve helped people achieve. But working harder is not the answer by itself. Working hard is simply the price of admission.


The key is that you have to work hard at doing the few significant tasks that create truly exponential results. You have to be able to avoid the massive distraction and chaos that is likely to come upon you because of the insane amount of information overload in the world. 

Instead, you have to know the secrets that the highest performing entrepreneurs in the world know and then you have to do only those things.


So, your biggest problem is not that you’re not working hard enough. 

Your biggest problem is that you don’t yet know what the right things are to be spending your time on.


You don’t yet know the secrets of the ultra-performers. You don’t know what it is that the mega multi-millionaires do. You don’t yet know the strategies that the global influencers know. You don’t yet know the business shifts that the world’s most successful entrepreneurs have made. You don’t yet know what the highest earning revenue producers know.


And you’re probably working so hard doing so many different things, that you’re not able to find and focus on the few critical things that you really need to be doing if you want to move your life and business forward.


You can’t just work hard at doing a lot of things. You have to have the discipline to do the right things. And you also have to do them in the right order.

But many many people are wasting time doing the wrong things. And even more people are wasting time doing the right things but in the wrong sequence.


Hard work is not the core problem. Discipline is. Knowledge is. Access is.

You need to discover what and how to do the things that create exponential long-term results in your life. You need to know how to get bigger results faster!

That’s why we’ve dedicated our entire life to creating…

A systematic step-by-step process you can follow to create explosive results and finally achieve your full potential.

It’s called the 4 Levels of Influence. Influence is the art and science of moving yourself and others to action. Once you know the psychology of how to get yourself and others to take action, you can truly achieve just about anything in your life!

But to create exponential results in your business and life, you have to first master all 4 Levels of Influence. Our life-changing curriculum includes 14 training courses to help you master all 4 Levels.

You can choose your own adventure by selecting the courses that are most immediately relevant to you based on the 4 Levels of Influence™.

Or you can take the comprehensive path through our entire proprietary methodology by starting at the beginning and immediately building towards Level 4 Influence which is Personal Branding. You’ll learn every skillset you need to master all 4 Levels of Influence by following our signature Brand Builder Journey™.

Brand Builders Group helps you grow your revenue, gain world-renowned influence and make massive impact by giving you access to

Now, let’s talk about our personal brand process.

foundation phase:

Personal Development

Conquering Impossible Goals will take you through a proven step-by-step plan for reverse engineering the life you’ve always dreamed of into becoming a virtually guaranteed reality. Destroying limiting beliefs, clarifying your life’s purpose, and creating a detailed schedule of exactly how to spend your time are just a few of the life-altering take-aways from this program.
Multiplier Mentality is where you will learn the secret of literally creating more time. Discover paradigm-breaking insights that will help you think like the richest and most successful people in the world. You’ll finally unlock the tactical strategies to free yourself from the stress and overwhelm of being busy and you will instead have powerful certainty about what to prioritize to create exponential growth in your business and more peace in your life.

Phase One:


Finding Your Brand DNA is the heart of your personal brand. You’ll clearly define the problem you solve, what makes you unique, what audience you want to serve, and how you’ll profit from your uniqueness.
Captivating Content will teach you the step-by-step process for creating truly distinctive thought leadership that grows your brand.
World Class Presentation Craft will majorly uplevel how you communicate your message, whether you’re presenting on stage, on camera, or in person.

Phase two:


Building Your Revenue Engine is about building a perpetually growing, digital ecosystem around your personal brand that serves your audience 24 hours a day.
High Traffic Strategies will teach you how to build a paid media strategy that drives new leads to your business every single day.
Podcast Power covers the nitty gritty of building, launching, growing, and monetizing a podcast, including episode engagement, strategic partnerships, and advertising revenue.

Phase three:


Pressure Free Persuasion is like a sales MBA, but better. You’ll master the art of the offline sale so you can take all the pressure out of sales conversations. For good.
Bestseller Launch Plan is a tested launch system that includes strategy, promotion, sales, and marketing. You’ll build a comprehensive plan for successfully launching anything – a book, new service, course, you name it.
Full Keynote Calendar shows you how to turn your speaking passion into a thriving speaking business. This is the business of speaking.

Phase four:


Scale Your Sales will teach you how to build a comprehensive sales system that sets your business up for predictable and unlimited revenue.
Influential Leader translates the most advanced organizational leadership insights into practical strategies and techniques for building a high-performance culture that actualizes your vision.
8-Figure Entrepreneur is the roadmap for growing a thriving enterprise company. We’re sharing the proven tactics, leadership and culture shifts, and operational changes needed to scale to 8-figures.

How to know if this is for you...

If you want to create these kinds of results in your life, then you’re our kinda people and we’d love to partner with you!

you want to:

Make more money
Have more time
Increase your focus
Produce better results (with limited resources)
Lead stronger teams
Experience deeper relationships
Have more energy
Be more widely trusted and respected
Activate your creativity and innovation
Communicate more powerfully
Strengthen your reach and reputation
Increase your productivity
Have more peace
Live with a clearer sense of purpose
Impact more people
Make the world a better place

When people have success, it’s because of their own hard work and discipline and execution!

But it also is often because they had valuable guides and education along the way. Here are some of the real world results that we’ve helped create for people that we’ve worked with in all different areas!

Level 4 Influence - Personal Branding

ed mylett

We helped Ed Mylett pre-sell over 117,000 copies of his book which led him to becoming a #1 Wall St Journal bestselling author.

lewis howes

In just 3 years of working together, Lewis Howes grew his podcast 10x to more than 500 million total downloads. He then recently sold his show to SiriusXM for millions of dollars.

jennifer cohen

By closely following our strategy, Jennifer Cohen gave a TED talk that got more than 3 million views within 2 years. It led to hosting a podcast for Entrepreneur Magazine and a book deal with a major publisher.

Tom & Lisa Bilyeu

Tom and Lisa Bilyeu grew their total book sales 33% in just 14 days using our methods and ended up hitting the USA Today National Bestsellers List.

Level 3 Influence - Leadership

Ryan & Tyson Thacker

Ryan and Tyson Thacker were first exposed to Rory Vaden’s teachings in 2018. After incorporating some of our philosophies around personal development, marketing, sales, time management and automation, it helped contribute to them doubling their business from $148M to $332M in just 3 years!

Lisa Woodruff

Lisa Woodruff of Organize365 was doing approximately $500k in revenue when she first started working with us. In the 4 years of completing every single training that we offer and intently working to implement the things we teach, her business has grown to nearly $3 million in annual revenue.

Level 2 Influence - Sales

anton gunn

Anton Gunn generated just over $100,000 in revenue the year before he started in our program. Less than 3 years later, after following our program meticulously, he earned nearly $1 million in a single year.

candy valentino

After working closely with our team, Candy Valentino launched a business that generated over $1 million in revenue within 18 months.

Level 1 Influence - Personal Development

Ian Koniak

Ian Koniak once struggle with bad habits in his personal life. 3 years after thoroughly training on our curriculum he has restored his health, reinvigorated his marriage and launched his own business - which generated over $1,200,000 in revenue in his first full year.

Julie Williams

When Julie Williams first joined the Brand Builders Group community she struggled with confidence and was terrified that she wouldn’t even be able to make the monthly payments. She also was concerned that (as a vocal coach for singers) our methods might not apply to be successful in her industry. But she followed our “Fast Cash Formula” precisely and generated $30k in revenue within 90 days and doubled her average customer price.

Can we guarantee that everyone will have these kinds of results?

Of course not. Mostly, because it depends largely on each individual’s willingness and desire to do the work of learning and then following the process.

But we have a proven system. If you invest the time and money to learn it and then implement the strategies in your business you will see results.

Keep in mind too that Rory himself was raised by a single mother, where he grew up in a trailer park with very little money and limited access to resources.


 Yet he became a black belt at age 10, was an all-American athlete and valedictorian in high school, earned $250,000 as a record-breaking direct salesperson while in college, and then graduated Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree on the same day at age 22. 



The next year he became the Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking First Runner Up (out of 25,000 contestants), was a New York Times bestselling author by age 29, had a viral TEDx talk at 33, was an eight-figure entrepreneur by age 35 (along with his wife and business partner, AJ), and was inducted to the professional speaking Hall of Fame at 38. 


Rory and AJ have also built 4 different multi-million dollar businesses of their own and one 8-figure business.



The principles that Rory, AJ and their team have developed have been used by all types of achievers – including their private coaching clients who are self-made billionaires, well-known celebrities and global online influencers that collectively reach hundreds of millions of people.

Rory has also been hired regularly (for tens of thousands of dollars each time) to speak and consult with some of the most respected organizations in the world.

Anyone who aspires to achieve more in their own life can do it by following the Brand Builders Group Brand Builders Journey™ and by mastering Rory’s proprietary methodology: “The Four Levels of Influence”™.

Join the Brand Builders Group Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden!

By now you might be thinking:

Ok, so I’m intrigued by the incredible track record of results that this content and coaching has helped produce for people of all different skill and experience levels.

So how does it work? And what exactly is included?

We’re so glad you asked! There are 6 core components of the program. Here’s how it works.


Unlimited Access to the Brand Builders Group App

What’s inside? Oh, just 24/7 access to 14 personal branding and business courses + hundreds of recorded trainings.

You know those programs that require months of mind-numbing work before you see tangible results? Welcome to the opposite of that!  

Sure, the BBG App delivers a masters-level personal branding and business education, but your time is precious, so the material has all been crafted for ease of use and continuous momentum, whether you’ve got 30 minutes or 3 hours. We make it easy and enjoyable.  

All 14 of our courses have been tested and validated by hundreds of entrepreneurs. Each video training is supplemented by a workbook and live coaching recordings to help give you real life application in the moment.  

The best part: you’re 100% in control of your pace. We’ve designed this to work with your schedule. Whether you’re willing to invest one hour a week or four, we’ve structured this program to get you results!

The BBG App also contains bonus resources that will speed up your journey. Things like:

Implementation Partner Network

Ready for implementation? Tap into our network of vetted brand implementation partners. Top tier talent for everything from graphic design to video production, copywriting, SEO, social media marketing, and more. 

Member Directory

Thinking of a potential collab with another Brand Builders Group client? Easy. Grab their contact details from the Member Directory in the BBG App and reach out with your bright idea! 

BBG Help Desk

And if you ever need a resource not included in the BBG App, just ask! With the BBG Help Desk, you’ll get personalized email support within 24 hours. 

Introduce a Friend

Introduce a Friend. When your own results inspire you to introduce friends and colleagues, we’ll pay you 10% lifetime referral fees to show our gratitude, and to help you build a recurring revenue stream. Yes, please. 


2x Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Rory Vaden

Join 2x monthly calls with Brand Builders Group Co-Founder, 8-Figure Entrepreneur, NYT Bestselling Author, and Hall of Fame Speaker Rory Vaden as he answers the most common and critical questions from our community.  

These live coaching calls will cover everything from Brand Builders Group proprietary curriculum to best practices in building your brand and your business.  

You will walk away with immediate and applicable insights to help you grow your income and your impact.  

All sessions include a live chat stream so you can chat directly with our expert strategists in real-time. Al trainings and QNAs are recorded and available for you in the BBG App.


Weekly Members Only Group Training Calls

Join our “Members Only” Weekly Group Training Calls with our team of Personal Brand Strategists.   

Each week we will cover a specific phase and any/all of the corresponding topics with that phase!  

Phase 1: Finding Your Brand DNA, Captivating Content World Class Presentation Craft  (1st Tuesday of the month )

Phase 2: Building Your Revenue Engine, Podcast Power, High Traffic Strategies  (2nd Tuesday of the month )

Phase 3: Full Keynote Calendar, Pressure Free Persuasion, Bestseller Launch Plan  (3rd Tuesday of the month )

Phase 4: Scale Your Sales, Influential Leader, 8 Figure Entrepreneur  (4th Tuesday of the month )

These trainings calls are live and take place with in-depth content training as well as an open Q&A format along with some time to network and get plugged into the Brand Builders Group community.   

You can send questions in advance or post them in the chat while on the call.   

Our curriculum includes 14 mastery level courses on each of the following topics:   

  • Personal Branding = Finding Your Brand DNA    
  • Content Creation = Captivating Content   
  • Presentation Skills = World Class Presentation Craft   
  • Digital Marketing = Building Your Revenue Engine   
  • Paid Advertising = High Traffic Strategies   
  • Podcasting = Podcast Power   
  • Sales Training = Pressure Free Persuasion   
  • Book Promotion = Bestseller Launch Plan   
  • Professional Speaking = Full Keynote Calendar   
  • Leadership Development = Influential Leader   
  • Sales Management = Scale Your Sales    
  • Entrepreneurship = 8 Figure Entrepreneur    


Monthly Membership Wide “Leads and Needs” Networking Call

Do you need more leads for your business?  

Have an industry expert you need an introduction to?  

Want to speak on more stages?  

Interested in booking more podcast interviews?  

Need more awesome guests for your podcast?  

If the answer is yes, hold on to your britches because it’s about to get exciting.

Join us for our membership wide monthly “Needs and Leads” virtual networking session!  

We will use every minute of this hour in an intentional and actionable way to help you grow your business and build your community. You will leave with opportunities, introductions, and most importantly referrals – and you can do it in your jammy pants.   

It’s so simple.   

Step 1: Bring a lead you can give.   

Step 2: Identify a need that you have.   

As a “Give to Give” culture, there is no better place to be of service than this amazing community. Make sure you block your calendar for this monthly dose of momentum!  


Get daily live training, ask questions/get answers, collaborate, motivate and connect!

The Most Engaged Community Ever

If you’re used to online communities that are crickets or mostly fluff, prepare to have your mind blown. Conversations are flowing every single day. Ask for feedback on your work and within hours, you’ll get smart insights and the kind of support that anyone with eyes can see is 100% genuine. Our community really shows up for each other. You’ll love it here! 

Expertise At Your Fingertips

Our private app is also where our expert strategists show up daily with micro trainings and action prompts to keep you moving, plus weekly Q&As. Looking for our expert referrals? Got a question that you need answered in 24 hours? The BBG App has it. 

Access Our Verified Implementation Partners

Once your strategy is solid, it’s time to implement but you only want the best (and reasonably priced!) vendors, right? That’s why we curate a network of reliable vendors you can trust. Looking for a video editor? Graphic designer? Copywriter? Tech talent to build your funnel? Our automated white glove introduction system is at your fingertips. 

Coach with Rory Vaden for just $299 a month!



(you save $598)

Total Retail Value of Annual Plan is


Join The Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden for $3,000/year (2 months free)




Total Retail Value of Monthly Plan is


Join The Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden for $299/month (12-month commitment)

Your calling has waited long enough. It’s time to step up and step into your purpose.

A common question that new potential members ask us is “how much time is this program going to take me?”

But that’s the wrong question to ask. The better question to ask yourself is “how much time will it take me if I have to figure this all out on my own without this program?”

And a couple even more important and sobering questions to ask yourself are:

“How long would it take me if I tried to learn all this on my own?”


“What’s the honest likelihood that I ever will figure all this out if I have to do it myself without coaching?”

Do you have to invest some time into this program to make it be successful for you? 


Yes. You do. But it’s completely up to you on how much time you invest because it moves right along with you at your own pace. And of course, the more time you invest in learning from us, the faster the results you seek will actually show up in your life.


But one thing we can promise with a fair amount of certainty is that whatever time you invest with us will be far less than the time you would spend banging your head against the wall trying to figure it all out yourself!


We know because we’ve been there ourselves!

We went through this process personally...

and struggled for years learning from all different sources and then trying and testing all different types of strategies.

While we ultimately did…

Break records in our industry for leadership, growth and retention
Get hired by many of the most recognizable brands and companies in the marketplace
Figure out how to work with the media to get on national TV and the biggest podcasts in the world
Get inducted into our industry’s Hall of Fame
Start 4 separate companies from scratch that grew to multi-7 figures and even one 8-figure company
Launch a book that became a #1 Wall St Journal and #2 New York Times bestseller
Give a TED talk that has now had millions of views

It took us more than 20 years.

And we realized that we could’ve done it in way less time (probably 5 years realistically) if we had a simple structure to follow.

Which is why we decided to teach other people a systematic process that can help you drastically cut your learning curve and minimize the time it takes to raise your profile, build your reputation and grow your influence, impact, and income.

We’re not the people that promise you you’ll get rich overnight. But we do have a strong track record of teaching people to do in a few years what takes most people decades.

There are so many avoidable mistakes – in both time and money – if you have an experienced guide (who has actually done it) showing you the way.

That is how Brand Builders Group was formed, and our team has put together a series of methodologies, taught in an order and sequence that is proven to help you grow and monetize your business in the fastest way possible.

So you have two options:

option 1

Decide that you don’t really care that much about achieving the next level of results (perfectly fine) and just pass on coaching for now (no worries).

option 2

Decide that you really do care about achieving your dream, resolve that you’re going to do whatever it takes to get there, and sign up for the type of coaching and instruction it will take to make it happen.

But the one thing you should not do is think that somehow you will make the time or accidentally stumble upon how to achieve your dream by trying to figure it out all by yourself.

Because the sad truth is that if most people never receive this type of coaching, they will never actually achieve the things they are dreaming of. While they could theoretically figure it out on their own – daily life just gets in the way and they won’t ever make the time to actually figure it all out.

So let us help you! Let us partner with you. Let us join your team. Let us help save you the time of trying to figure it all out yourself. And let us save you massive amounts of time spent on re-work and recovering from avoidable and unnecessary mistakes that come from the “trial and error DIY approach.”

After all, saving time is even more valuable than saving money.

you might be thinking:

“Is this really worth the money?”

Let’s be honest. There are other places that you could learn all of the various things that we cover in this group coaching program.

The thing to consider is, “how much would it actually cost you?”

There are other courses and membership programs you could join that can teach you about branding, digital marketing, sales, leadership, personal development, and some of the other topics we cover. But our guess is that – if they’re good – you’re probably paying anywhere from $500 - $3000 per course. If you add that up 14 different times to just cover what is covered in our curriculum alone, you end up spending tens of thousands of dollars for that one single element.
Certainly you could join other masterminds or associations to learn much of this – in fact that’s where we learned a lot ourselves! And from first-hand experience we can tell you that you’re easily going to invest tens of thousands of dollars into attending events, getting private coaching or joining masterminds after you add up the admission fees and all the travel expenses. This one is very worth the investment we might add – but it’s still tens of thousands of dollars.
Of course you could (perhaps) learn some of this kind of tactical entrepreneur training from college. But Rory has an MBA and several people on our team have advanced degrees and those alone by themselves can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!
You could invest tens of thousands of dollars into any one of those options – or you can learn from our proven track record for $3000 for the entire year (or just $299 per month!)

“I’ve spent six figures on masterminds and personal coaching but never got the pieces I needed to really get my personal brand out there. I got that clarity in the first two days with Brand Builders Group.”

- Candy Valentino, CEO of Founders Organization and author of Wealth Habits

Most of us have no problem spending $3,000 on a vacation or a car or a TV.

Why then wouldn’t we be willing to quickly invest that money into our own coaching and education? Especially when that money will teach us how to actually MAKE more money?!

Or if you’re considering the monthly option, just think of how often we spend a couple hundred dollars on a hotel room, a nice dinner, or just gas for our car where it’s all just immediately GONE!


Again, for $299 a month, you can be learning the kind of branding, marketing and sales strategies that can massively grow your impact and create life-changing income for you!


This is one of the fundamental differences between ultra-performers and everyone else: they invest their money into things that can create more money rather than just spending their money on things that are used up once and gone forever.It’s so simple, but it’s a choice you’ve ultimately got to make for yourself and your own future.


The biggest cost of all though…is doing nothing!


You don’t have to learn it from us, but learn from someone who has a track record helping people become the type of person you want to become. But the one thing we definitely don’t want you to do (which is honestly what most people do) is to do nothing.


If you don’t change anything about what you’re doing, then you’ll just keep doing what you’re doing now. And if you do what you’ve always done, then you will get what you’ve always gotten.

If you want to achieve bigger impact in your life, then you have to become a different person! And the next level of results always requires the next level of thinking. So if you have dreams of becoming an ultra-performer and reaching your full potential, let us partner with you to help you get there!

Just to make this a complete no-brainer for you, we’ve put together some INCREDIBLE limited time BONUSES if you sign up now!

Our real goal is to have you decide to work with us for at least a year because we know that if you commit at that level, you’ll actually show up and do the training and then you’ll get better results!

So, if you sign up right now for the annual plan, we’re going to give you 3 powerful bonuses:


Bonus #1: Two Months Free ($598 Value) – If you commit to working with us for at least one year up front, we’re going to give you 2 months FREE in the program. This will save you $598 just by itself.


Bonus #2: One-on-One Strategy Call ($500 Value) – Once you decide you’re going all-in with us for at least one year, we want to get to know you! So one of our certified expert strategists will do a completely free, 1 on 1 personal brand strategy call with you! We’ll want to get to know you and your dream and then help create a customized roadmap and plan that you can follow to get the most out of the program quickly.
Plus, we have 2 additional Fast Action Bonuses for anyone who signs up for either the monthly plan or the annual plan in the next 24 hours!

Physical copy of Procrastinate on Purpose: 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time

If you’ve ever felt busy, buried, or behind this book will change your life! This book presents the full findings and methods from our research that became the basis of Rory’s TEDx talk that went viral! It shows you the 5 mental shifts that you can make to immediately start having massively bigger results and more time in your life.

Physical copy of Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success

This is the book that started it all and launched our career when it became a #1 Wall St Journal and #2 New York Times bestseller! It walks you through the 7 psychological differences of the world’s ultra-performers and top 1%-ers. You’ll learn how to overcome procrastination and distraction to accomplish just about anything you can imagine for your life! 

Plus, you will discover why self-discipline is not as hard as we all think and how this powerful skill is much easier to develop when you know the neuroscience of how to think about it the right way!



(you save $598)

Total Retail Value of Annual Plan is


Join The Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden for $3,000/year (2 months free)



12-month commitment

Total Retail Value of Monthly Plan is


Join The Premier Group Coaching Program with Rory Vaden for $299/month (12-month commitment)
At this point, there really is no reason not to join the program. But just in case you’re still teetering right on the edge of making the leap and joining us…

We have a 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee!

Yes! If you buy the monthly plan within the next 24 hours, and then you actually complete one of our entire courses all the way through within the first 30 days of joining, and you don’t think it was well worth your $299…we will give you your money back!


If you buy the annual plan within the next 24 hours, you also can be eligible for a refund. You must complete 3 full courses within the first 60 days of joining and have watched 3 of the live coaching calls. But if you’ve done those 2 things within the first 60 days, and at that point you don’t think that you’re going to get at least $3000 worth of value from being in the program for the entire year, we will refund your money. No other questions asked!

There’s literally no risk for you! You can join the program and experience it first-hand and make your final decision later!

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is for anyone looking to achieve greater personal results and who want to take other people with them. Most commonly our customers come from one of three different groups: Experts, Entrepreneurs and Executives. We have lots of people from the coaching and training, professional services, and direct sales industries. And it is very common to meet Brand Builders Group members who are entrepreneurs of all kinds or salespeople who are just using their personal brand to drive more awareness and leads into their existing business. And we have a growing number of corporate executives, politicians, actors, influencers, artists, academics and even musicians who are just trying to be more visible as leaders in their space.

Our curriculum is intentionally bite-sized so you can complete any full lesson in 60 minutes or less. Most of our courses are made up of 6 lessons each. Obviously, the more time you invest, the faster you’ll go. But even with just one hour per week, you’ll make valuable progress toward your goals. The time you spend with us, is one of the best ways to achieve all your goals much faster!

All of our live group coaching sessions are recorded and made available in your portal! And you can submit your questions to be answered directly by Rory at anytime during your program and they go into a queue for him to answer. So you don’t actually have to be on the live group coaching calls to get your questions answered; you can watch the recordings at anytime! But you should know, that we do give preference to the questions that come from people who show up live for the coaching calls. We let them skip to the front of the question queue during the last 20 minutes of each call.

Hundreds of business owners have used our process to become more well-known, make a bigger impact and grow their personal income. We haven’t met an expert or entrepreneur yet who couldn’t prosper using our techniques. However, if you don’t believe you’re getting exceptional value, you can cancel anytime.

We have many clients who rarely use social media and are still generating 7-figure revenues. We teach (and are actually most known for) several offline income-generating processes. This definitely isn’t a social media class – we’re teaching you how to build a future-proofed reputation that authentically reflects your personality and values. There are many ways to grow your business and get your message out into the world; social media is one of those but definitely is not a requirement.

Nope. Our top revenue-generating strategies can be fully realized even if you are a 1-person shop! Now a huge part of what we teach people in our more advanced courses is how to scale their teams profitably and build infrastructure that allows them to reach more people without adding more time to their calendar. But our journey naturally builds you towards that. If you do have a large team, we can certainly help you crank faster! And if you are wanting to find vendors who can help you get stuff done, we make that easier than ever before with our “Trusted Implementation Partner Network.” These are contract vendors used by members of our community where we flush out and vet the top ones to help

You can cancel at any time after the end of your 12-month agreement. We do have a money-back guarantee if certain criteria are met early-on. Other than that there are no refunds. Part of the reason why is because we have never had a single customer who utilized the program who was unhappy. And your utilization of the program is something we work hard to help you engage in but ultimately is your responsibility.


If you buy the monthly plan, and then you actually complete one of our entire courses, all the way through within the first 30 days of joining, and you don’t think it was well worth your $299…we will give you your money back!


If you buy the annual plan within the next 24 hours, you must complete 3 full courses within the first 60 days of joining and have watched 3 of the live coaching calls. But if you’ve done those 2 things, and at that point you don’t think that you’re going to get at least $3000 worth of value from being in the program for the entire year, we will refund your money. No other questions asked!

We can’t “promise” that you’ll easily or magically get results and we never make any income guarantees.

However, we have dozens of examples of clients who have done things like: built 7-figure businesses within a few years, grown their reach by tens of thousands of people, been booked to speak on the world’s biggest stages, doubled the lead flow into their busines, published bestselling books, grown their sales, created viral videos, and more.

The concepts we teach have worked for us, they’ve worked for hundreds of clients, and they will work for you – if you implement them. So we like to say that the only real question is, “how fast will it work for you?” and that’s more for you to decide based on how fast you learn and apply the techniques.

What would it be worth to have your dream actually come true?

A Special Note from Rory

I remember what it was like living in a trailer park. I remember not being able to afford boxed cereal. I remember wanting Air Jordans so bad but only being able to afford “Air Jordache.”

I also vividly remember going door to door and having the door slammed in my face.

I remember people telling me I was too young to ever make it as a real professional speaker.


I remember people saying it wasn’t possible for a first-time author to become a New York Times bestselling author. Countless times, I’ve heard people share statistics about how most businesses fail and the average entrepreneur makes far less than the average employee.


Over and over and over again in my life, I’ve seen and heard people talk about why life-changing success is not possible.


And yet, over and over and over again in my life, I’ve found mentors who have accomplished each of those things. I’ve learned from people who have conquered the impossible. I’ve studied and interviewed billionaires, celebrities, top-performers, professional athletes, huge non-profits, influencers, and philanthropists and I’ve learned…

There is always a way. Your wildest dreams can come true. You’re actually closer to them than you think. There is a path to accomplish everything you desire. You just need to find someone who can show you the path.

And while I will never be one to tell you the path is easy; I can confidently say that the path is simple and straightforward if you have someone to guide you.


Let us be your guide. We know what we’re doing. We’ve achieved massive transformation and results in our own life and we’ve also helped so many other people do the same in their lives.

You are next. Now is your time. Take action. Get engaged. Come with us.

Let’s team up to make your wildest dreams come true!

About Rory Vaden, Co-Founder of Brand Builders Group

Rory Vaden is a New York Times bestselling author, 8-Figure Entrepreneur and a Hall of Fame speaker. He has a viral TEDx talk with millions of views and his insights have been featured on Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, in The Wall St Journal and numerous other major media outlets. In many circles, Rory is considered one of the world’s leading experts on the psychology of Influence and moving people to action. He and his wife, AJ, are the Co-Founders of Brand Builders Group where they teach mission-driven messengers how to achieve their own personal goals, expand their reach and monetize their personal brand and expertise.

Their clients are people just starting out in their career all the way up to very well-known public figures like:

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