everything you need to promote:

The Influential Personal Brand Free Online Summit

25 of the world’s most recognizable influencers share their tips in video interviews on how to build and monetize a personal brand from scratch

About This

We interviewed 25 people who are literally some of the world’s most recognizable authorities. In their interviews, they share how they’ve built their own personal brand. The Summit faculty includes New York Times bestselling authors, Hall of Fame speakers, social media celebrities, TV personalities, and podcast icons.

This summit is one of the most popular and most valuable resources that we've ever created and we're so excited for you to share it with your community!

By promoting this resource to your peers, friends and family you will be giving them a once in a lifetime chance to learn marketing secrets from some of the world’s most influential personal brands.


Setup & Instructions

here is a summary of the steps you need to complete


step one

Get Your
Affiliate Link

In order to ensure that you get properly credited for all of the referrals you send to use, it is very important that you use your dedicated affiliate link. Click the button below to access the portal where you can grab your link. 

Want to know how you can shorten your affiliate link using Bit.ly? Check out the video tutorial section at the bottom of this page.


step two

Download Your Marketing Assets

We’ve created a suite of multimedia marketing assets including social images, done-for-you captions, audio and video scripts and much more. You can browse and access all your marketing materials below.


step three

Follow the Optimal 30 Day Launch Plan

In addition to helping you build your email list, sharing these promotional assets will also help you build good habits and learn to promote your offerings. And let’s not forget the lives and careers you could help change along the way!

an easy-to-follow PRINTABLE launch checklist

Get the Optimal 30 Day Launch List

Want to follow a done-for-you launch plan that tells you exactly what do everyday for 30 days? 

Download our easy to follow 30 Day Launch List where you will find instructions to help you plan and schedule your social posts, emails, DMs and more. 

We took the guess work out of it so that all you have to do is copy, paste and share!

Marketing Materials

Promotion Period one

Day 1 - 15

Text & Image Assets

Ready for part one of the launch plan? Watch This Video First!

Social Media


PREVIEW social media ASSETS

social posts for facebook,
instagram & linkedin

Do you ever wonder if the world’s biggest influencers somehow know a secret that most of us don’t? Well, I realized recently that of course they do! They know lots of things that most of us just haven’t figured out yet. But here’s what’s cool…

I just learned a TON from them in this free training called “The Influential Personal Brand Summit.” This thing is freaking awesome!

It has some of the biggest and most recognizable influencers on the planet (NYT bestselling authors, Hall of Fame Speakers, TV Personalities, and podcast icons) sharing their stories and tips and strategies for how they have built and monetized their own personal brands.

This is one of the best trainings I’ve ever seen and it’s totally free. 

Check out the link in my bio or just leave me a comment down below and I’ll DM you the link so you can check it out!

It’s not every day that you get to meet NYT bestselling authors, Hall of Fame Speakers, TV Personalities and podcast icons…

But in this summit I found, they share private interviews with 25 of them – for free! And it is epic.

These are some of the most recognizable influencers on the planet and they are each being interviewed about how they’ve built up their careers, grown their followings, launched their books, gotten paid speaking gigs etc.

I wouldn’t be telling you about it if it wasn’t absolutely awesome. If you (or someone you know) are trying to build your personal brand, grow your following, make more impact and income etc then I think you need to see this.

Click on the link in my bio or just leave me a note here below and I’ll shoot you a DM so you can see this. It’s fantastic.

If you are a coach, consultant, trainer, author, speaker (or aspiring any of these) you must see this free training I found called “The Influential Personal Brand Summit.”

It has interviews with 25 of the world’s most recognizable personal brands (NYT bestselling authors, Hall of Fame Speakers, podcast icons, TV celebs, online influencers, etc) all sharing exactly what they did to grow their audience and build their career.

The content of these interviews is so helpful and useful and inspiring. I can’t believe that someone was able to pull together this many high-profile people to share their secrets all in one place.

Click the link in my bio to see what I’m talking about or just drop me a comment below and then I will send you a separate DM with the link. It’s incredible.

This is nuts! Gretchen Rubin, Les Brown, Lewis Howes, Chalene Johnson, Michael Hyatt, Trent Shelton and a bunch of others all sharing their behind-the-scenes stories about how they built their personal brands from scratch.

These are some of the most inspiring and useful videos ever – all from people who have actually walked the path of creating huge online audiences and worldwide impact as speakers, authors, and influencers. BTW all these interviews are completely free!

If you are a speaker, author, coach, consultant, or online business owner or marketer of any kind you have to see this! The tips and training shared in this summit are as valuable as getting a business degree! It will seriously blow you away.

Put a comment down below and I’ll DM you the link to this free training or just click on the link in my bio. This is totally worth a look!

There are 13 New York Times bestselling authors all sharing their secret tips and strategies for how they’ve built their personal brands at this “Influential Personal Brand Summit.”

This training is seriously more valuable than things I’ve seen that cost thousands and thousands of dollars…and it’s totally free! I’d say that if you are anyone who is looking to grow your online following so that you can use it to make more impact in the world and drive more revenue for your business you MUST check out this summit.

It’s so epic.

And again, it’s totally free. I’m sharing it with you because I believe that it is literally that good that you should stop and go look at it. It gives you access to learn from people that you literally couldn’t pay to get this type of information from.

Plus it’s really uplifting to hear how all these major influencers and world renown personalities got their starts. I promise you that you’ll thank me after you go through and listen to all these.

It’s wild that this is free right now. Click on the link that is in my bio or just drop me a note down below in the comments and I’ll DM you a link directly. It’s awesome.

social posts for twitter

This #InfluentialPersonalBrandSummit is loaded w/ tips from major influencers about how to grow your following: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This free summit has a bunch of well-known authors, speakers and influencers. You should see this: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url] #brandbuildersgroup

This has some of the biggest personal brands in the world sharing their secrets for free. [insert your unique affiliate shortened url] #InfluentialPersonalBrandSummit

This has awesome tips to help you grow your personal brand: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url] #InfluentialPersonalBrandSummit

This “Influential Personal Brand Summit” is really amazing. I think you’ll like it: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url] #InfluentialPersonalBrandSummit

DOWNLOAD social media ASSETS

Email Assets



email swipe copy

Re: Secrets to Build Your Personal Brand

Hey [First Name]

What if you had a chance to learn marketing secrets from some of the world’s most influential personal brands…

For Free?!

People who are New York Times bestselling authors, Hall of Fame speakers, social media celebrities, TV personalities, and podcast icons.

You’re in luck because that is exactly what my friends at Brand Builders Group have put together for you as a part of their Influential Personal Brand Summit.


(Download the full document to read more)

Re: The Formula to Building an Online Following

Hey [First Name]

One of the things I’ve come to learn over the course of my career was that the people with the largest online followings are not necessarily the smartest, the most inspiring, or the ones with the best ideas.

Instead, they are the people with the greatest systems and formulas for reaching more people.

And right now, you have a chance to learn what those formulas are for free because my friends at Brand Builders Group have put it all together for you as a part of their Influential Personal Brand Summit.

(Download the full document to read more)

Re: Mistakes to avoid when building your Personal Brand

Hey [First Name]

Learning what mistakes to avoid can often be even more helpful than learning what tips and tactics you can implement.

And in this free training you have a chance to learn about some of the most painful mistakes that have ever been made by some of the biggest personal brands in the world.

Because my friends at Brand Builders Group put together this INCREDIBLE free resource that they call the Influential Personal Brand Summit. In it, they interview 25 people who are literally some of the world’s most recognizable authorities who are all sharing how they’ve built their own personal brand.

(Download the full document to read more)


Bonus Assets



TEXT & DM copy

Hey, I really think you’ll like this “Influential Personal Brand Summit.” Check it out: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This “Influential Personal Brand Summit” is loaded w/ tips from major influencers about how to grow your following: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This is incredible. I think you’d be into it. Take a look at this: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This free summit has a bunch of well-known authors, speakers and influencers. You should see this: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This thing is awesome! Some really great people on here. I think it’s worth a quick look for you: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

I know you’re always looking for ideas on how to grow your business. This thing is free. Check it out: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This has some of the biggest personal brands in the world sharing their secrets for free. [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This has awesome tips to help you grow your personal brand: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]

This “Influential Personal Brand Summit” is really amazing. I think you’ll like it: [insert your unique affiliate shortened url]


an easy-to-follow PRINTABLE launch checklist

Get the Optimal 30 Day Launch List

Want to follow a done-for-you launch plan that tells you exactly what do everyday for 30 days? Download our easy to follow 30 Day Launch List!

Promotion Period two

Day 16 - 30

Audio & Video Assets

Ready for part two of the launch plan? Watch This Video First!

Audio/Video Script

We created a script that you can use as any/all of the following: 

podcast ad
social media live
social story
youtube video

I want to let you know about an incredible opportunity for you to get free tips and strategies to build and monetize your personal brand.

If you go to: [insert your unique shortcut url]

You will see what I am talking about but here is the quick overview.

My good friend Rory Vaden is a New York Times best-selling author and Hall of Fame speaker and he and his wife founded a company called Brand Builders Group.

And they have put together a huge online summit where they are interviewing some of the most influential personal brands in the world on their never before shared secrets of how they became who they are today.

This is a chance to learn for free from people like (choose as many or as few of the following as feels right):

• Les Brown (World Renowned Motivational Speaker)
• Gretchen Rubin (NYT bestselling author of The Happiness Project)
• Jon Gordon (NYT bestselling Author, The Energy Bus)
• Lewis Howes (NYT bestselling Author and Host of The School of Greatness Top 100 Podcast)
• Sally Hogshead (NYT bestselling author, Fascinate)
• Michael Hyatt (NYT bestselling author, Platform and Former CEO Thomas Nelson)
• Chalene Johnson (NYT bestselling author and World Renowned Fitness Expert)
• Dennis Rodman (5x NBA Champion, Hall of Famer, NYT bestselling author)
• Jon Acuff – (NYT bestselling Author, Do Over)
• Kevin Harrington (Original Shark on Shark Tank and Founder of As Seen on TV)
• Jay Baer (NYT bestselling Author, Youtility)
• Trent Shelton (Former NFL player, Viral Video Producer and IG Influencer)
• Jay Papasan (NYT bestselling Author, The One Thing)
• Sam Qurashi (Renowned Psychiatrist and Instagram Influencer)
• Christy Wright (bestselling author and Creator of Business Boutique)
• Nick Santonastasso (Global Keynote Speaker, IG Influencer and Fitness Model)
• Jordan Harbinger (Host of The Jordan Harbinger Show Top 100 Podcast)
• Andy Andrews (NYT bestselling author, The Travelers Gift)
• Brett Kissel (Male Artist of the Year Canadian Country Music Awards)
• Luvvie Ajayi (NYT bestselling author of “I’m Judging You” and Viral Ted Talk)
• Donald Miller (NYT bestselling author and Founder of Storybrand)
• Ona Brown (Motivational Speaker and daughter of Les Brown)
• Julie Solomon (Host of The Influencer Podcast)
• Ed Tate (World Champion Of Public Speaking)
• Alberto Sardinas (Celebrity Spanish Radio Personality)

The link again is: [insert your unique shortcut url]

This is a rare opportunity for you to hear their stories about how they became New York Times best-selling authors, how they built high paid keynote speaking careers, how they have grown massive online followings, and exactly what they have done to create large multi seven-figure businesses.

If you are someone who is looking to create any type of influence you have to check this out. Again it is totally free and you are learning from the masters who have actually done this.

So I really want to encourage you to head over to: [insert your unique shortcut url]

And at least take a look! I feel super confident that you will find it valuable!

Video Tutorials

How to shorten URLs
How to forward domains
How to send group messages on LinkedIn
How to do searches on LinkedIn
How to DM all of your LinkedIn Connections
How to Export Your Linkedin Email Addresses
How to Send a Video Email
How and Why to Update your Ezine
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