Can we send you some money?!

Sign up below to join our Referral Partner Program!

Our referral partner program is called BBG4Free because our first goal is for you to be able to make enough money from introducing people to us and our free online trainings that you can cover the financial investment you are making with Brand Builders Group.

If you introduce 10 customers to us who invest at your same level, then your membership will effectively be FREE.

And, we have made it so simple!

(Sample graphics from the Influential Personal Brand Summit funnel)

The entire program gives you a series of assets that you can copy, paste and send to your network.

your library of assets includes:
Social Assets
Email Assets
Audio & Video Scripts
Bonus Assets

Doing that introduces them to our various free trainings and funnels, which ultimately softly leads to some of them becoming our customers. When that happens, we pay you 10% lifetime referral fees as mailbox money!

This can be your first and fastest way to monetize your personal brand.

There are at least 3 great reasons to join BBG4Free and sign up as one of our referral partners:


Learn How to Launch

It’s one thing to be taught how to do a launch – which is what our normal BBG education provides – but it’s a whole other level to actually experience a launch. The best way to learn how to launch is by launching. 

When you join BBG4Free, we give you all of our pre-designed (beautiful) marketing assets that you’ll need, plus a checklist of 1 simple (5 minute) step to do every single day. All you have to do is follow the instructions and then “copy, paste, and send.” 

After that, you sit back and wait for money to show up. By helping us launch, you will actually learn – in such a deeper way – about what assets are needed, and what processes should be followed in a true professional launch. It will better prepare you for when you’re ready to do your next launch!


Make Real Money Fast

We pay you a 10% lifetime referral fee on any revenue that we ever receive from any contact that was first introduced to us (through one of your affiliate links we give you) by you. 

Several of our referral partners make (in some cases way) over $10k every year just in referring people to Brand Builders Group! But regardless of how many or how few people from your community end up signing up, we will pay you 10% of whatever revenue it ends up becoming. The first level goal is just to get 10 people to sign up at the same level you have invested, because then you will effectively get your own “BBG4Free.” The larger your audience grows over time, the more massive passive mailbox money we will be able to send you. 

The best part is, you don’t even have to do any of the selling. All you do is promote our free trainings to your audience and then let our machine and team do the rest, while you sit back and wait for deposits into your bank account!


Positively Impact Someone’s Life

The biggest reason we’d want you to share our free trainings with your audience is because you actually believe that they could help the people you know to fulfill some of their own dreams.

You could be the catalyst who helps someone in your community to write a book, create a course, build a speaking career, start a podcast, or just drive more awareness and leads for their existing business. 

Most of all, we hope you believe that by introducing us to your friends, we will all be teaming up together to help more people share positive messages and make this world a better place.

The entire program is setup for you to simply “Copy, Paste, Send” and then Collect money from BBG, meanwhile you collect positive feedback and gratitude from your friends and family for introducing them to us.

We will guide you every step of the way!

Watch the video to learn more, and fill out the form below to sign up!

Please use the same email we have on file with BBG -


Most frequent questions and answers
  • We pay a 10% lifetime referral fee from any of our services, ranging from $99-$50k.  
  • Referrals must be new opt-ins in our system, using your custom BBG4Free affiliate link.  
  • We do not pay for opt-ins from your custom BBG4Free affiliate link. However, you will be able to access their emails from the BBG4Free Referral Partner Resource Center ( 
  • BBG Tip:  
    • Share and use your custom affiliate link everywhere you can! Once they opt-in into our system, using your custom affiliate link, they are yours for lifetime. No one can override your opt-ins. Build this up!  
    • Note: Be sure to log in with the email address you registered with us 
  • On left hand side, under Reports, Click on “My Ledger”.  
    • Adjust the date range criteria 
    • This report will show your commissions, clawbacks and the payments made during that date range.  
  • We will send your affiliate payment as a direct deposit to your account via  
    • Affiliate payments must have a minimum of $250 before issuing payout.  
  • Once you have met the minimum affiliate payout of $250, you will receive an email from Brand Builders Group from [email protected]. is the service we use to direct deposit your affiliate payment.  
    • Follow instructions from on setting up your direct deposit account. 
      • It will ask for your routing number. Please note that Brand Builders Group will not have access to your account or your account information.  
      • Once you are set up with, will make a very small deposit into your account (typically less than a $1.00) to verify your account.  
      • Once your account is verified with, will send you an email within 48 hours with instructions to confirm the amount that was deposited into your account.  
      • When the deposit amount is confirmed, will pull back that initial deposit and Brand Builders Group will be given permission to deposit your affiliate payout. That’s it!  
  • Email us at [email protected] and our team will gladly assist you! Put in Subject Line: BBG4Free- affiliate payment help 


    • Note: Be sure to log in with the email address you registered with us 
  • On left hand side, under Reports, Click on “My Ledger”.  
    • Adjust the date range criteria 
    • This report will show your commissions, clawbacks and the payments made during that date range.  


    • Note: Be sure to log in with the email address you registered with us 
  • Log into the BBG4Free Referral Partner Resource Center here: 
  • Click on “Forgot your password?” 
  • Fill out the necessary information and an email will be sent to your inbox with a recovery code. You will have 30 minutes to use that recovery code to create a new password.  
  • Your Username will be the email address that you used to register with us.  
  • Look for your BBG4Free referral partner approval email from us. This will have your credentials.  
    • If you cannot locate this email, email [email protected] and we will email it to you. Put in the Subject Line: Need BBG4Free Username 
  • Email us at [email protected] and our team will gladly assist you! Put in Subject Line: BBG4Free- cannot log in 
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