Make Your Personal Brand Come Alive

A brand is much more than a logo and a set of colors. A brand is everything that someone thinks of when they think of you.

And we know a huge part of making your personal brand a reality is the back-end automation and the front-facing aesthetic. This is the part of your personal brand that people see, feel, and hear.

In the digital age we live in, launching your personal brand is the culmination of a well-executed strategy combined with the creation of a series of intentional assets that showcase your uniqueness.

As a personal brand strategy firm, we have made intentional decisions to help you with as much as we can while also honoring our core competencies and strengths as an organization.

We know our true uniqueness lies in personal brand strategy, so we have partnered up with some of our favorite vendors to help you save time, money and the headache of researching, vetting, and interviewing vendors on your own.

Let us help you get started by downloading our Preferred Software Guide.

This is your go-to directory of our top (and favorite) software platforms to help you build your personal brand and grow your business. 

Our Preferred Implementation Partner Network

If we refer you to them that means we use them too! Our preferred implementation partner network has been vetted, tested, and verified. These are partners we use in our own business so we know how they work and can ensure they will provide you with a great experience and a great result.

We will not refer you to someone we have not used ourselves which means each party has dual accountability to do a great job. Who doesn’t want that?!We want to help you get your personal brand and your message to market as fast and as affordable as possible. And our team of preferred partners can help you do just that. Below you will find a list of categories where we have preferred relationships that can help you get stuff done on time and on budget.  

Click on any (or all) of the boxes below and check out our team of preferred partners and let us help you bring your personal brand alive!

Are you ready to bring all you hard work and strategy to life with beautiful design and imagery?

 If so, then let us introduce you to some of our favorite implementation partners that we have worked with (currently or in the past). From done-for-you templated design to completely custom brand guidelines and personalized graphics for almost any need, we have you covered. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

Visual Identity

Website Design

Let us help you bring your website dreams to life.

Our preferred website implementation partners work with you on website strategy, design and build. This is about powerful execution paired with beautiful design that results in an increase in site conversion. It’s a win/win/win. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

Is copywriting a real bottleneck for you?

It is for us, which is why we want to introduce you to our powerhouse list of copywriting implementation partners. Services include full website copy, launch copy, email sequences, sales pages, funnels and more. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.


Book Writing, Editing
& Proposals

Are you ready to put your message to paper and start writing the book you’ve always wanted to write?

Need a little help? We feel you. Our preferred book writing and editing implementation partners can help you overcome writer’s block, copyedit, proofread, co-write or write your book and/or book proposals. You decide what level is right for you. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

So, you want to publish a book. Now what?

Our preferred publishing implementation partners vary from strategy to book writing to editorial assistance to book design to publishing, distribution and marketing. We cover the full suite of all your publishing needs within our list of experienced partners.

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

Publish your Book

Video Content & Editing

Do you need quality video? More production value? Better editing skills? Higher levels of creativity to help your videos stand out?

We got you covered. Our preferred videography implementation partners can assist with content video editing, speaker demo videos, video production and direction, as well as any other video needs you have. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

We want you to fall in love with yourself on camera.

Which means you have to love the way you come across on camera. Which means you need a photographer who knows how to capture you and your personal brand story. That is no easy task which is why we want to introduce you to our preferred photography implementation partners. Services range from headshots to lifestyle and professional photography to storytelling and service-based photography. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.


Marketing Automation

& Learning Management Systems (LMS)

There is so much technology to choose from. And so much technology to learn.

If you need help getting things done so technology starts working for you, let us connect you with our preferred automation implementation partners. If you work with (or would like to work with) Mailchimp, Kajabi, Keap (formerly Infusionsoft), Active Campaign or Thinkific (Learning Management System) we have a referral for you! 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

Are you ready to scale your personal brand content on social media?

Do you want someone else to handle all the graphics, editing, scheduling, posting and general management? We’ve got people who can help! Our preferred social media implementation partners can help with anything from content repurposing needs to full social media management and lots of options in between. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

Social Media

Paid Media & SEO

Need help with your paid media campaigns? Looking to improve your SEO? Look no further.

Our preferred paid media and SEO implementation partners can help with anything from consultative services to done-for-you services on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Quora, TikTok and more. Our partners also specialize in industry thought leadership, digital PR, and data analytics to help ensure you have all the information you need to make the decisions necessary for growth. 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

It’s time the world hears the message you have to share. Let us help you get your message out to the masses.

Our preferred media implementation partners specialize in podcast bookings (for you to be a guest on other podcasts or to help you book guests for your podcast) and podcast production (we all need this!) to digital PR, SEO, thought leadership, personal brand management, content creation and management and traditional public relations! There is something for everyone.  

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.


Brand Partnership &
Fractional Support

Do you need extra executive support in your business? For most of us, the answer is almost always YES.

Over the years we have used a plethora of different outsourced executive help but there are very few we would use again and recommend to you. Our preferred partnership and support implementation partners can help with bookkeeping, accounting, full CFO services, sales training, executive coaching, sales-as-a-service, business brokerage services (if and when you are ready to sell your business) and brand partnership deals (digital influencer representation and personal brand management). 

Click below to get introduced to our preferred vendors.

In addition to our team of preferred implementation partners we also have a select few strategic partnerships that combine Brand Builders Group strategy with a “done for you” service in mind.

This is the best of both worlds where you can ensure that the personal brand strategy you have been working on gets implemented every step of the way.

Check out these unique services below.

Marketing Automation

(with keap, formerly Infusionsoft)

If you are looking for a fully automated experience using Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) please click the below and schedule a call with one of our Keap strategists.

Brand Amplifiers

The Brand Amplifiers experience is a highly efficient, 2-day intensive experience where you will work through a systematic checklist of different on-camera activities to collect all the raw footage needed to produce top notch versions of some of your most critical and essential personal brand assets:  

If you are looking to share your message and grow your audience through video and podcasting, we’ve got something for you.

We put together a list of our favorite techie tools to help you get the best audio and video without breaking the bank.

Are you interested in becoming one of our preferred implementation partners with Brand Builders Group?

Please fill out our application and we will be in touch to schedule a call to learn more about the services you offer.

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